Minecraft Maps / Air Structure

Star Wars/Star Trek Shuttle Pack Plus Small Ship World

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GnomeFreak's Avatar GnomeFreak
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
Shuttle pack for Star Wars and Star Trek themed worlds. I noticed a lack of smaller ships, so I thought I'd start filling the void. Star Trek shuttles are a bit blocky in MineCraft, even at full scale, but I think they'll work. Each has a complete interior and can be used as shelters if you were setting up a hard core, high tech adventure scenario; complete with filled chests, beds and other furnishings that are all readily deletable with MCEdit. My first SketchUp project, with binvox/viewvox and INVEdit.


Star Trek Travel Pod as seen in Star Trek 1,2, & 4

SketchUp model by Carbon Dudeoxide

Star Trek Shuttle from original series

SketchUp model by Carbon Dudeoxide

Star Trek Shuttle from later part of the Next Generation series

SketchUp model by Veertje 1987

Star Wars Skyhopper (Lukes model from first movie; Episode 4)

SketchUp model by MetroidPrime

Star Wars Attack Shuttle from Clone Wars

SketchUp model by bobert

Star Wars Lamda T-4a from Episode 6

SketchUp model by DoN cOrLeOnE

Additional Notes

Uploaded a world save with all of the ships and stuff from my small ship packs. Enjoy.
CreditSketchUp, binvox, viewvox, and INVEdit
Progress100% complete

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by GnomeFreak 02/18/2012 12:26:05 pmFeb 18th, 2012

Added a world download with all fo the small vehicle packs installed.

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07/27/2012 4:09 pm
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
Daevon's Avatar
07/27/2012 5:41 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
What the hell are you talking about? These are ships I built over a year ago (look at the post date above). I've known Atrocities through here (PMC) almost that long as well and we subscribe to each other's projects. I think if I had stolen these ships from him he would have noticed after a whole entire year. To the best of my knowledge the only Star Wars ship he's posted on PMC is a Frigate and this pack (of my own original work) contains mostly small Star Wars ships and ships from Babylon 5, Star Gate, Last Star Fighter, BattleStar Gallactica, Enemy Mine, Buck Rodgers and only contains 3 Star Trek shuttles that look nothing like Atrocities ships that I know of.

So if you would, in the future do a little research before flaming someone.
07/28/2012 11:59 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
Daevon's Avatar
You ALSO stole from the UniverseMap, I recognize several shuttles and small craft from THEIR maps, which were posted and are being updated earlier and more frequently than your work here.
07/28/2012 8:58 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
Alright, first off I had a talk with Atrocities and he had no idea what you are talking about. In fact he apologized to me because of you. I had to let him know that I wasn't upset (especially with him), I justed wanted to see if you'd apologize and let it drop. Apparently you aren't done accusing. I didn't know what you were talking about at first, had to look it up. I actually did download that world to compare Flov's work to mine. In fact if you go there http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/universmap/ you will find that I am the 2nd person of the 3 people that left him a comment, 9 months ago. If you've taken the time to download his world than go ahead and drop my ships in next to his. You will quickly see that most of his work is a bit larger scale than mine. Once again look at the post date. Mine right above here says posted about a year ago. Universe Map project page distinctly says 11 months ago. So I posted my original work before V1 and I updated this project with my other small ship projects 5 months ago which is a month after Flov's V2. Ergo your argument is null and void. I posted before and updated more recently, The exact opposite of your statement above.

About a year ago is what it says when is is over 12 months old. So unless I used a time machine to go ahead one month to make a copy and then return back to my original time and then completely redo all the work at a smaller scale I don't see how it can be said I copied it. But I will thank you for reminding me about his work because I forgot to favorite hm back then.

So I await your apology. If you'd like you can PM both Atrocities and Flov and ask them if I stole any of their work. Otherwise cease and desist.
07/28/2012 9:26 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
Oh and as for the first part of your 2nd comment. "You ALSO stole" implies you still believe that I stole from Atrocities. When I told him about it this is was he said:

Sent: Yesterday
From: Atrocities
To: GnomeFreak

I don't know. Tell him that you have my permission to do
anything with the ships you want. I don't know the guy but I guess he means
well. I do apologize for any one accusing you of anything and would hope that
they wouldn't do that.

Please refer him to me and I will let him know
that you are among one of the first people that I subscribed too.

I do apologize for this.

My response was:

Sent: Yesterday
by GnomeFreak

Oh, no prob, you aren't to blame at all. I was just wondering
if you knew him. I think he thinks I stole some of your shuttles or something
and claimed them as my own (an old pack I posted like a year ago) http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/
... ttle-pack/
. I wrote what I hope was a civil reply and am
waiting to see what he does next. If he apologizes no prob. Mistakes happen. I
think he saw your blog about the guy who was claiming he built all your stuff
and saw we had similar shuttles. Then he jumped to conclusions maybe. Sounds
like he might be an ardent fan of yours
07/29/2012 10:58 am
Level 29 : Expert Pirate
Daevon's Avatar
Drat. My response didn't go through. Alright, I'll type it again.
"Ardent fan" about sums it up. A few months ago, Atrocities left us a few blog posts about keeping an eye out for thieves of his work. Apparently people have been stealing projects from the poor guy, and he needed us to look out for his builds.
Your Star Trek shuttles look pretty much exactly like his, so it's more or less understandable that I made the connection between "thieves of his work" and "shuttles that look just like his"

Regarding the UniverseMap's shuttlecraft, I mostly felt that it was your Cloud Car, AT-AT, AT-ST, X-Wing, TIE fighter, and T-16 Skyhopper that most represented near-carbon-copies of their work.

The very fact that you have so forcefully (and, I must say, angrily) professed your innocence speaks well to the credit of your own projects, as most PMC thieves simply say "oh, sorry!" when they're caught and remove their projects.

In regards to your expected apology, I will leave you with the words of Chevy Chase:
"It takes a big man to admit when he's wrong. I am not a big man."
commander jab
06/10/2012 1:48 pm
Level 16 : Journeyman Toast
commander jab's Avatar
what texture pack is that?
06/11/2012 4:27 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
Actually I do all of my builds in default. That way if you don't like a texture pack or don't like using them you can still use my stuff. If anyone wanted i could do the builds in a different texture pack or you could swap blocks to suit your preferred pack in MCEdit or use a swapping tool.
02/19/2012 9:04 am
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
Alot of these are as close to scale as possible, that is why they look so blocky. I'm going through and cleaning them up as new materials are being introduced to Minecraft. Trying to get away from wool as it tends to be on the flammable side. Have reworked X-wing, snow speeder and AT-ST's so far but I'm waiting to get access to the harddrive from my computer that I fried awhile back before I can load them up (unless I just redo them again of course).
02/18/2012 1:17 pm
Level 48 : Master Dragon
PhoenixStar117's Avatar
I can't find the Star Trek ships! Just the Star Wars... Were are they?
02/18/2012 2:33 pm
Level 53 : Grandmaster Geek
GnomeFreak's Avatar
The 3 Star Trek shuttles are the blocky (to scale) looking vehicles on the snow island/planet. They are over by the bridge to the sandstone world. They are alot smaller than the Star Wars ones. Shuttles play more of a background role in Star Trek and aren't as fancy as their Star Wars cousins.
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