Minecraft Maps / Redstone Device

Seeker Minecraft - A New Way to Play the Game (Use MC Version 1.8.2-pre4!)

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Onnowhere's Avatar Onnowhere
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
A whole world to explore...but what if, you could no longer see it? Introducing a new way to play the game - Seeker Minecraft, where you can only see the land that you have explored! What wonders will you discover?

Seeker Minecraft v1.1 is now downloadable! Please use 1.8.2-pre4 and play on a lower render distance to not disrupt the experience!

MINECRAFT VERSION: This is made for Minecraft version 1.8.2-pre4 and IS multiplayer compatible) IT IS RECOMMENDED TO USE A LOW RENDER DISTANCE TO AVOID 'SPOILERS!'

CREDIT: If you would like to use Seeker Minecraft in your video, or implement it in your map, please leave credit to my Youtube Channel (youtube.com/user/onnowhere2) and a link to this download!

GAMEPLAY GOALS TO TRY! (Idea from Rsmalec's Video):
- Load your first bit of land!
- Load your first mob!
- Survive through a day and a night!
- Construct a house!
- Explore a Cave
- Trade with a Villager
- Light up a Dungeon spawner
- Remove the webs around a cave spider spawner in a Mineshaft
- Disarm and find the prize of a Jungle Temple
- Steal the treasure of a Desert Temple
- (optional, recommended for players using water correcting mode) Kill an Elder Guardian of a Water Temple
- Get some nether warts from a Nether Fortress
- Kill a Witch
- (optional, recommended for players using water correcting mode) Ride a boat into an ocean
- Ride a minecart from a high place off into unloaded chunks
- Collect a unique block from each biome type
- Collect all flower types
- Knock a mob off the loaded area
- Jump from a high place into an unloaded area
- Create a Far View Helmet (using it is optional)
- Throw a snowball into unloaded areas!
- Throw 100 snowballs into unloaded areas!
- Load an area by dropping or pushing (with pistons) a falling block into unloaded areas
- Cause a block to be removed by loaded areas by pushing it by piston into unloaded areas, then loading the area
- Create a snowman farm?
- Activate an End Portal
- Load the entire surface of the End
- Claim the Dragon Egg
- Load an entire 16 by 16 chunk in the overworld from y=129 up to y=256
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 2 (You can do this!)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 4 (I think you can do this!)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 8 (Will you do it?)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 16 (Can you do it?)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 32 (CAN YOU DO IT!???)
- Put the schematic in a world of your choosing!



Seeker Minecraft is contained in a small bedrock box that can be placed within ANY minecraft world. Seeker Minecraft is a new way to play Minecraft in which you cannot see the land that you have not yet explored. The world will come to life as you explore it by either throwing snowballs or manually exploring the land!

How does it work?

Seeker Minecraft uses the top half of the minecraft world to display the bottom half. Although this restricts worlds to being 128 height limit, the effect is still great. A giant bedrock sheet is constantly filled at y 130 and a smaller sheet is filled at 129. The sheet at 129 corresponds exactly to the amount of land being loaded and is how mobs detect if there is land present or not, and thus teleporting 128 blocks up to the real world. If a mob above is hit off of the world, it finds no bedrock block there and is thus teleported back 128 blocks down. There is also a villager constantly summoned 128 blocks under the player that allows mobs to target the player.

- Thank you to RedOverlord for providing the spark that created the idea on how to reduce the lag!
- Thank you to Stefnotch for the idea on how to fix the water glitch!

Here are a few notes you should know before using the world file and/or schematic:


- The machine runs much faster now! The problem with too many lighting updates is now fixed.

- Type /gamerule SeekerMinecraft 1 to enable the more laggy, but better working, water correcting function
to fix water deleting blocks.

- Type /gamerule SeekerMinecraft 2 to disable this. Default is 2 and will reset to 2 every time the machine
is turned off.

- Rename a diamond helmet to "Far View Helmet" to enable double the view range (13 wide by 13 long by 7 high).

Gameplay notes:

- Falling sand, snowballs, and players will all cause the land to load around that entity.

- Mobs when hit over the edge of loaded areas will disappear, but they are still there! They may walk back
into the loaded area or may appear again if you walk towards them and load that area. Note that mobs can
still track you when they are not in loaded areas!

_ When loading trees, if the leaves are not fully loaded, leaves may have decayed once the tree is loaded later,
which would explain why leaves may be missing.

- Grass, mushrooms, flowers, levers, redstone, etc. may break if the ground itself is not loaded or half of
it is not loaded.

- Seeker Minecraft continues to work within the Nether and the End! To disable this, you can remove the two
portals inside the machine.

- CAUTION: Nether portals will desync.

- (As of v1.1, the water glitching can be fixed using the new option by typing /gamerule SeekerMinecraft 1)
Note that water can be glitchy and/or laggy to load, so if it is a small lake, try to load the entire lake
before continuing. This is due to water being cloned that moves into the empty area far below where the
actual world is and this can delete blocks in the world above. This should not be a problem after the water
in the area is already loaded. Water can remove land around it once loaded due to water flow occuring where
the actual world is located and the water flow is, as a result, cloned up again, removing parts of the land
so be careful building under where water is not completely loaded.

- Sometimes, due to lag, the world may not load fast enough while travelling. In these cases, make sure not to
continue walking or you may walk off the edge and end up loading blocks underground once the command blocks
catch up, causing you to suffocate.

- Tips when in the End - You would probably want to load as much of the island first before fighting the dragon,
as the dragon will only appear over loaded areas. Due to the way Seeker Minecraft and dragons work, the
dragon, when you see it, will most likely be headed downwards into the ground from the high y altitude the
world is located at, so watch out for the dragon popping in and out of the ground :o!

Schematic notes:

- When putting the schematic into your world, make sure to put it at the HEIGHT LIMIT and within SPAWN CHUNKS!

- CAUTION: If the world you are putting the schematic into has any blocks above y=128, they will not appear
when Seeker Minecraft is active and WILL be erased if they are loaded!

Lag reduction notes (As of v1.1, lag should be reduced considerably):

- If you would like to reduce the lag that is caused by the command blocks, it is suggested to begin building
in an area far from the command blocks where the command blocks are no longer loaded.

- Another small lag reducer (that may or may not have a noticeable change in performance) is to disable the new
water correcting feature using /gamerule SeekerMinecraft 2. This is disabled by default.

- The normal view distance without the helmet is the least laggy.

- To lower lag even more, you can turn off the machine when you are not exploring.

Download comes with:

- Pre-setup survival world download with command blocks
- Schematic of command blocks

Gameplay from Youtubers!:
Spoiler - click to reveal

By Rsmalec:

By Logdotzip:

By Antvenom (whereupon I realize the need for lower render distance and version 1.8.2-pre4 specifically):
Progress100% complete

3 Update Logs

Seeker Minecraft v1.1 Gameplay Goals : by Onnowhere 02/02/2015 6:45:18 pmFeb 2nd, 2015

Added new gameplay goals to description!

- Load your first bit of land!
- Load your first mob!
- Survive through a day and a night!
- Construct a house!
- Explore a Cave
- Trade with a Villager
- Light up a Dungeon spawner
- Remove the webs around a cave spider spawner in a Mineshaft
- Disarm and find the prize of a Jungle Temple
- Steal the treasure of a Desert Temple
- (optional, recommended for players using water correcting mode) Kill an Elder Guardian of a Water Temple
- Get some nether warts from a Nether Fortress
- Kill a Witch
- (optional, recommended for players using water correcting mode) Ride a boat into an ocean
- Ride a minecart from a high place off into unloaded chunks
- Collect a unique block from each biome type
- Collect all flower types
- Knock a mob off the loaded area
- Jump from a high place into an unloaded area
- Create a Far View Helmet (using it is optional)
- Throw a snowball into unloaded areas!
- Throw 100 snowballs into unloaded areas!
- Load an area by dropping or pushing (with pistons) a falling block into unloaded areas
- Cause a block to be removed by loaded areas by pushing it by piston into unloaded areas, then loading the area
- Create a snowman farm?
- Activate an End Portal
- Load the entire surface of the End
- Claim the Dragon Egg
- Load an entire 16 by 16 chunk in the overworld from y=129 up to y=256
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 2 (You can do this!)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 4 (I think you can do this!)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 8 (Will you do it?)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 16 (Can you do it?)
- Load all the surface areas in the overworld that can be seen from view distance 32 (CAN YOU DO IT!???)
- Put the schematic in a world of your choosing!

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11/22/2015 4:11 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Skinner
roblitzmanguy's Avatar
Would using a small-biomes world be a good or bad idea for this?
07/02/2015 11:55 pm
Level 20 : Expert Mage
Mejtan's Avatar
DUN DUN DUNNNN HE IS A BETA TESTER (full proof go to 1:18 and look at the spruce logs they are the glitched kind plus you can see the side a bit which proves my point beta tester)
03/15/2015 12:53 am
Level 20 : Expert Mage
Mejtan's Avatar
This is really cool add's an affect of realism
02/02/2015 8:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1741292's Avatar
01/28/2015 6:39 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Onnowhere's Avatar
01/28/2015 3:16 pm
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
The Celestia Empire
The Celestia Empire's Avatar
Simply awesome.
01/28/2015 10:49 am
Level 23 : Expert Nerd
Davekillerish's Avatar
Amazing Concept, I was gonig to trade it for an emerald to trade for a diamond sword to murder the villager whos trading diamonds for emeralds but you can have it.
01/27/2015 9:48 pm
Level 29 : Expert Artist
Jedi's Avatar
Its a fog of war for a 3D game... YES
01/27/2015 9:47 pm
Level 15 : Journeyman Taco
Johnanater's Avatar
01/27/2015 5:42 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Cyborg
Onnowhere's Avatar
Lag free version coming soon!
Planet Minecraft


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