Minecraft Maps / Challenge & Adventure

[PvE][1.7.2] Temple Defense V2.3

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FloxHunt's Avatar FloxHunt
Level 23 : Expert Toast

Hi guys !
I present to all of you a tower defense map named TEMPLE DEFENSE !! This is the second version of the game. This is the link of the first version : http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/pve172-temple-defense/

Numbers :
- 4 diferent game modes
- 3 diferent ways
- 5 dificulties
- 10 waves per ways
- 3 classes
- Hundreds of zombies

Each dificulty have her own number of lifepoints and her own number of zombies.
Those dificulties are EASY, NORMAL, DIFICULT and HARDCORE. What ? I said 5 dificulties ? It's besause the 5th is the ULTRA dificulty. Ultra compacts all the waves of the diferents ways, it corespond to 30 waves in the 3 ways. It's recommended to play it in multiplayer.

The 4 game modes are :
- Stuff mode (like in the first version, you use the stuff available)
- Tower mode (You use towers to kill the zombies. This mode is very hard and needs training)
- Mix mode (The stuff and the tower mode are together for a rain of zombie killing, recommended for beginners)
- MEGA mode (regroup the 3 ULTRA dificulty of each game mode, 90 waves. IT'S THE FINAL CHALLENGE)

A scoreboard system have been added too.

I apologize because Sethbling already did a tower defense map. I just have to say that his map wasn't linke a tower defense that we can see in flash games =) Mine is like that.


The first version was 500 times downloaded only in france. Will you try the adventure too ?

IMPORTANT : Automatic reset system available

LET'S PLAY PEOPLE !! AND LEAVE A DIAMOND (top left hand corner) !! =D


Salut les gens !!
C'est une map Tower défense donc le but est d'empècher les zombies d'arriver au temple se trouvant au bout du chemin qu'ils parcourent. Ceci est la 2eme version de la map, pour la 1ère version cliquez ici : http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/pve172-temple-defense/

En chiffre Temple Défense c'est :
- 4 modes de jeu
- 3 chemin différents sont disponibles, chacun ayant ses spécificités.
- 5 Difficultés
- 10 vagues progressives par chemin
- 3 classes principales
- 3 classes évolutives
- Des centaines de zombies !!

Chaque vague a son propre nombre de zombies et chaque difficultés le fait varier ainsi que le nombre de vies que le temple possède.

Les difficultés sont bien sur FACILE, NORMAL, DIFFICILE et HARDCORE. Quoi ? J'ai dis 5 difficultés ? C'est parce que la dernière est la difficulté ULTRA. Le but de la ULTRA est de se taper en difficulté Hardcore 30 vagues passant sur les 3 chemins différents. Mais attention. 30 vagues c'est beaucoup et en Hardcore beaucoup plus. La question qu'il faut se poser par rapport à ce mode est "Suis-je à la hauteur ?"

Les 4 modes de jeu différents sont :
- Stuff mode (comme dans la première version, le joueur utilise le stuff disponible)
- Tower mode (Le joueur utilise les tourelles mises en place. Ce mode est très difficile et nécessite beaucoup d'entrainement)
- Mix mode (Les modes Stuff et Tourelles sont rassemblés pour une pluie de sang de zombie !!)
- MEGA mode (regroupe les 3 difficultés ULTRA de chaque mode de jeu soit 90 vagues, C'EST LE CHALLENGE FINAL)

Je m'excuse auprès des puristes qui me diront que Sethbling a déja fais une map tower defense mais Sethbling a fais un tower defense d'un certain type, ne reprennant pas ce que sont les Tower Defense de type jeu flash, ce que moi j'ai voulu reprendre. Ma map de Tower Defense est donc totalement différente de la sienne =)

Les règles sont maintenant traduites en anglais pour les interressés.
IMPORTANT : Le système de reset automatique est maintenant disponible !

Alors les gens défoulez vous !! JOUEZ !! ET LAISSEZ UN DIAMAND (en haut à gauche) !! =D

Additional Notes

I finished the look of the rooms, I began the new systems and the new reset system.
But some features in the 1.8 will interest me
So I'll publish the V3.1 with the 1.8

6500 downloads all around the world
Progress70% complete

25 Update Logs

Update #25 : by FloxHunt 04/06/2014 11:34:42 amApr 6th, 2014

Hi guys !

Time for the news !! 

The map is heading to a more compact version. The way choice and the gamemode choice are now more automatic thanks to the repeter locks and the new commands for the 1.8 /clone and /fil.

You'll see when the 1.8 will be out ^^

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01/14/2014 8:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
anonpmc1348287's Avatar
01/14/2014 5:26 pm
Level 23 : Expert Toast
FloxHunt's Avatar
I have the third version of this map with all the bugs solved and I've an adventure/survival map in progress ^^
Neon Rsa
01/13/2014 4:52 am
Level 20 : Expert Dragonborn
Neon Rsa's Avatar
This is pretty cool! Great job!

P.S. Don't try to bump it too many times. The moderators might just delete your project!
01/13/2014 7:49 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
FloxHunt's Avatar
It's because I'm working on the version 3.1, So i share the changes in the the update log.
01/08/2014 7:36 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
omgman47's Avatar
I cant download it because its a .rar file not a .zip file
01/06/2014 10:20 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Ammisen's Avatar
something tells me that you are french. and 1 more thing; why does you only have 2 diamonds? thats impossible for this awesome project!!!!
01/06/2014 10:45 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
FloxHunt's Avatar
I AM FRENCH, amigo ^^

Yeah that's a bit rude to see that my work is not more popular but I means maybe that I have to do better project, who knows ? ^^

(but fuck !! I worked on it for 4 months !! xD)
01/06/2014 11:07 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Ammisen's Avatar
awesome with ppl with humor :P
i think just that every1 (almost) forget, dont care or think some1 dies if they give som1 a diamond :/ and i have discovered that project with low amount of diamonds in someway make ppl to not give diam. but things with alot (34565654324567 or more) make ppl give :/ thats weird.
01/06/2014 11:41 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
FloxHunt's Avatar
Yep. That's weird but that's the PMC law, my friend ^^
01/06/2014 11:45 am
Level 7 : Apprentice Network
Ammisen's Avatar
:P your work is still awesome! and sometime has the law to be changed ;)
01/06/2014 11:52 am
Level 23 : Expert Toast
FloxHunt's Avatar
Thanks ^^
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