Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

PortlandMC - Portland, Oregon in Minecraft

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Maxxeine's Avatar Maxxeine
Level 37 : Artisan Musician

PortlandMC is an ongoing city replica project with the ambition to make Portland, Oregon, USA in Minecraft at 1:1 scale.

Development began in November 2016, and was created by myself (Maxxeine, previously known as The7thOne) and Beezbo, with a handful of others that have contributing in small ways over the years.

We have a Discord server if you'd like to join and stay up to date.

PortlandMC has been featured in Portland-area news oulets such as Willamette Week.

Field research was conducted in the actual city to get as accurate of a representation as possible. Most of this work was done by SimCS, with myself contributing a little during a trip in 2017. Langly, a Portlander, also helped photograph areas.

The terrain was generated using heightmaps of the region. All buildings were hand-made, using Google Street View extensively as a reference, as well as Google Earth, Maps, etc. There is about an 80-20% split between builds done by myself and Beezbo. Beezbo built a few key landmark locations, including the iconic Wells Fargo Center. The rest of the work was largely done by me, landmarks and minor builds alike, as well as detailing work such as the lampposts, traffic signals, street signs, storefronts, interiors, etc. Assistance was required for the terrain aspect, so Æsh contributed the most to this area.

  • Is it compatible with (Bedrock, W10 Edition, Android/iOS... etc)? Answer: No, it isn't and probably never will be. PortlandMC is only compatible with the Java Edition of Minecraft (not to be confused with the Windows 10 Edition).
  • How large is the file? Answer: The file size may change through updates, but the current map is around 2.5GB in size.
  • Who's working on the project? Who created it? Answer: Maxxeine (me, previously known as The7thOne) and Beezbo created PortlandMC in November 2016. There have been contributions by people before, but the vast majority of PDXMC was built by myself and Beezbo (roughly 80/20 split between our builds, respectively).
  • Why did you decide to make this? Answer: Because I wanted to.
  • When will you add/build (Tigard, Hilsdale, Gresham...?) Answer: Probably never.
  • Can I help? Answer: No. We used to technically allow help, but due to various reasons, we decided to close it off from the public as it would maintain the level of consistency and quality we want to achieve.
  • When will the next update come out? Answer: Can't say. The current version pretty much includes almost everything we can feasibly add, though it is missing some buildings and polish in some areas which may or may not be added in a future update.
  • Is the project dead? Answer: It depends on how you define "dead". It isn't dead in that it'll never be worked on ever again, but it "is" in that it's currently not being actively worked on other than in our spare time. After a while, I realized that I had been too ambitious, so a lot of time has been spent scaling things back and setting realistic expectations for the future of PortlandMC.

PortlandMC - Portland, Oregon in Minecraft Minecraft Map
CreditÆsh, Beezbo76, Langly, Miner332, PantalonesG, SimCS
Progress50% complete

8 Update Logs

Update 8 - We're not dead, new map download, "1.0 update", and more! : by Maxxeine 04/30/2020 4:04:45 amApr 30th, 2020

Hi all. It's been a couple of years, I know. We didn't die, and we didn't stop working on PDXMC either. We simply kept improving it and adding more detail, overhauling loads of buildings, and just making sure the quality was up to par and consistent. Plus with life getting in the way...

We added more buildings, rebuilt existing ones, and added a ton of content overall. And now for the first time in a while, it's available to download! You can download it here!

Mirror in case the download isn't working: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1B0Oth9h3kUBwLR4v52i2NFjLUEFRglFJ/view

The reason this is called the "1.0 stable release" is because we feel PDXMC is now fleshed out enough to not be considered in beta/alpha phases anymore. However, this doesn't mean the project is dead or ending. Without spoiling too much, we're working on an ambitious and vast expansion to the current map. In fact, it's a completely new map, with all-new terrain. This new map is still in early development and is not included in this release.

I won't be adding a changelog to this as there's simply way too much content to list off. But rest assured, the wait will have been worth it, and we worked hard to bring this update out.

Here are some screenshots detailing the biggest changes:


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P4RK H0-530K
07/20/2022 3:39 pm
Level 29 : Expert Modder
P4RK H0-530K's Avatar
will you make autzen and hayward field?
12/28/2021 6:13 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
BalloonBugle88's Avatar
Did you make the rail heritage center and does it work for 1.12.2?
12/28/2021 6:15 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
BalloonBugle88's Avatar
Also did you make union station?
12/28/2021 8:01 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
Maxxeine's Avatar
No to both of those questions. Also, it won't work on 1.12.2 - the latest downloadable release was released for 1.15.2, but it should work with later versions.
03/17/2021 2:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DoctorTorisPorkis's Avatar
I've lived in Portland all my life, Sellwood to be exact until I moved to a nice house several blocks away from my old elementary just east of Sellwood. It's amazing to know that people are working on making my home city in Minecraft. Can't wait to try it out. I wonder if my house will be there. Oh and will this map be available for Bedrock edition? I could help with my neighborhood, but I'm really busy and I'm assuming you're all on Java which I don't have. Keep up the good work!
03/17/2021 5:16 pm
Level 37 : Artisan Musician
Maxxeine's Avatar
Thanks for the feedback. Unfortunately, PDXMC isn't compatible with Bedrock. It's only compatible with Java.
04/30/2020 7:48 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
roeejo4d's Avatar
Great map.Does it include U.S. Bancorp Tower?
04/30/2020 5:35 am
Level 38 : Artisan Engineer
Oregton's Avatar
are y'all gunna add the Moda Center (aka Rose Garden) to the city?
02/19/2020 1:50 am
Level 1 : New Miner
maljamdol's Avatar
as someone who was born in portland i approve of this.
03/22/2019 11:55 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Microwave_programmer's Avatar
where is the download link I know this is not finished
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