Minecraft Maps / Complex

Planet Merdria: Palace of Symmetry

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martijnfa's Avatar martijnfa
Level 34 : Artisan Architect

About me:
Hey, martijnfa here. This time I have come to show off my lastest (and maybe my greatest) work. It's huge, it's complex, it is massive!

About this project:
The Palace of Symmetry is the central palace on the planet. This ancient structure lies in a vast forest near a newly build settlement also located on "Planet Merdria". (For a full introduction and a global overview of the "Planet Merdria Project", visit this link: www.planetminecraft.com/project/planet-merdria-capital-city/)
This structure is also the imperial palace of the emperor of Merdria.

The Palace of Symmetry has many different forms of architecture. Is contains some of the Gothic- and Classical-style and of course much of my own fantasy.
The endless levels of floors, stairways and rooms made this building into a roofed labyrinth. It truely is a symmetrical palace, because every room is the same in form. There are four main entrances and eight side entrances all on ground level.
About 95% of the building is made out of stone. I even tried to add some plants, grass and carpet patterns as an attempt to remove some of its cold atmosphere.

The glass dome on top of the palace is the crown which is made out of stained glass with different patterns. I definitely recommend you to go inside the palace and visit the sections you find interesting yourself

As for now the project is still far from completed but please stay tuned about my future updates and possible releases.
This release will also include an world save download, since it's still ALOT easier to enter the palace without pasting it first using MCEdit.. The file will be a flat-map because I still cannot release my Merdria Map yet.

Important Notes!
- I highly recommend to use a map or a map-mod to navigate yourself through the building. Even I went lost sometimes...
- Beautifications like a garden and squares around the palace are on my to-do list
- The red road to the palace on the main side of the entrance is NOT included in this download

Please comment, give opinions and feedback, dicuss. Thanks! :)

Copyright Notice: You are not allowed to redistribute this project without giving me proper credit. Modifying my project is permitted as long as you keep it for personal use only. You are not allowed to use this project on servers other than a server you personally own and is intented as a small server for friends to play on. If you have any questions regarding the copyright of this project, please contact me through PM. 

Additional Notes

Programs I used to e.g. accomplish the creation of this structure:
- MCEdit
- Rei's Minimap Mod and later Voxelmap Mod
- Chunky (for the image render)
Progress90% complete

1 Update Logs

Update Stage 2 : by martijnfa 03/10/2015 3:53:28 pmMar 10th, 2015

Hello fans, friends and people interested in my projects,
Today I changed a lot of stuff on the project page to its currect state, which is related to a huge update I worked on for quite some time now. We're finally at stage 2 of development and therefore I'm pleased to announce the exterior of the palace is completed!
Take a look at the full list of changes below:

The Palace of Symmetry:
- Updated misplacements of blocks and small bugs in the structure
- Completed the interior of some empty rooms, halls and places with less to no decoration
- Added serval changes and detail to certain places and rooms
- Changed the glass of the four main gallery halls to stained glass, as well as the form of certain shapes
- Added the last and biggest hall on top of the main structure of the palace
- Added a huge glass dome on top of the last built main structure (definitely worth to take a look inside)
- And ALOT more stuff and fixes which are open to you to find out

Project Page:
- Added new images such as a render and shader images. Removed some old ones
- Updated the description
- Changed some text format to the correct grammer. Im Dutch so my English is not perfect at all
- Added copyright notice. This will apply to all of my projects available with a download link or world save
- And some other things...

As for now the project is still far from completed but please stay tuned about my future updates and possible releases.
This release will also include an world save download, since it's still ALOT easier to enter the palace without pasting it first using MCEdit.. The file will be a Flat-Map because I still cannot release my Merdria Map yet.

Thanks for reading and diamond, fav, sub and/or comment on the project page!!!

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10/15/2017 9:41 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Vikingofdisco's Avatar
Can you update it so it doesnt predate 1.7?
10/19/2017 12:03 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
martijnfa's Avatar
Hello Vikingofdisco, thanks for your interest in the project. I will update the map to 1.12 soon - stay tuned!
05/02/2015 7:50 pm
Level 24 : Expert Princess
Orkis's Avatar
04/10/2015 12:05 am
Level 33 : Artisan Artist
Sharelore's Avatar
30 diamonds.....this deserves way more
04/10/2015 4:59 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
martijnfa's Avatar
Well.. Lets hope so! :)
Thanks for your support.
03/18/2015 5:15 am
Level 31 : Artisan Architect
xl2bushok's Avatar
still cool!
03/19/2015 9:10 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
martijnfa's Avatar
Hey, thanks dude :D
03/11/2015 12:20 am
Level 47 : Master Architect
daboltr23's Avatar
Marti, this looks AMAZING! Awesome job
03/11/2015 5:03 am
Level 34 : Artisan Architect
martijnfa's Avatar
Thanks man!
03/10/2015 6:15 pm
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Senpai
GrayRemnant's Avatar
Oh.  My.  God!  This is outstanding!  Amazing job so far!  ;)
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