Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Modular Urban Utility structure

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katalyka's Avatar katalyka
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
Modular Urban Utility Structure!

I am planning on building a rather large and detailed fictional city for an eventual adventure server... however I wanted the city to have realistic proportions and for the underground structures like the sewer, fresh water, subway, and electrical grid systems to not only look good, but to be functional. I did some research into standard city planning, and so the street widths and lengths are based on real world measurements.

So I figured the best way to accomplish this task would be to create a group of compatible modules that can be used with MCedit to create the city's block by block grid quickly.

I have 14 main modules finished included in the schematic zip file:

21 wide (2 lane wide street with sidewalks):

+ intersection
+ 21 to 35 wide intersection
T intersection
T 21 to 35 wide intersection
L intersection

150 meter long straight (typical urban "short" block)
300 meter long straight (typical urban "long" block)

150 meter long incline
300 meter long incline

35 wide (4 lane wide street with sidewalks):

+ intersection
T intersection
T 35 wide to 21 wide intersection

150 meter long straight (typical urban "short" block)
300 meter long straight (typical urban "long" block)

Utility Modules:

The Power Plant

Utility Structures:

Telephone pole birch
Telephone pole oak
Telephone pole tall birch
Telephone pole tall oak
Electrical Main Tower
Cell Tower
Electrical Grid Tap Box (a quick way to create out puts on the surface from the underground electrical grid)


I have uploaded schematic files so other builders can use them, and even use them as a guide for sharing parts of cities if they want to, if you use them somewhere, please give credit.

These modules were specifically built using my custom texture pack Urban Sprawl 64x, for the post apocalyptic zombie herding game I have planned, called "The Rotting Herd", but if you use them for your project, enjoy...

Building tips:

1. Try to alternate between blocks and intersections. You can have intersections next to each other, but two straight blocks connected end to end creates a "dead zone" in the wiring of the lower utility levels.

2. Each section is surrounded in a layer of bedrock so that if you want to close off a section (like for an area that you don't need a subway tunnel, but you still need the roads and deep water tunnel), all you have to do is block off both ends of the un-needed section with bedrock and it will be unreachable by players.

3. don't forget to add repeaters to a line if you use the electrical grid. I left it free of repeaters because I didn't want to limit the direction of the lines. Just use the wall lights as a handy guide, since there is a light every 10 blocks.

Future plans:

more street lane widths / smooth transitions between them

freeway section modules

subway station modules

water station

Questions or comments, let me know.
Progress100% complete

10 Update Logs

Update #10 : by katalyka 11/23/2012 7:42:36 pmNov 23rd, 2012

added a video promo for the Power Plant!

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11/06/2017 2:49 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Kai1213's Avatar
the download for this world does not work?
05/19/2016 2:11 pm
Level 12 : Journeyman Artist
debitfett's Avatar
May I ask as to why alot of the files are missing, this is a grate pack and I would love to see it in its fullest
02/17/2014 11:50 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
HeroJunky's Avatar
Are you still building this? Also there seems to be files missing in the Schematics and World save. I would like to use this as a reference for the Modular city i'm building myself (Futuristic) I to want to make it functional etc..
11/23/2012 7:12 pm
Level 41 : Master Blockhead
Nameless5660's Avatar
I may actually have to use these measurements myself for a build :D
11/23/2012 7:41 pm
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
katalyka's Avatar
as you can see in the video promo for the Power Plant, I am starting to work on building the map for my adventure game, and I have to say that when I am walking around in it, it "feels" like being in a proper proportioned city... compared to some of the other urban environments I have been in on servers and seen in videos.

Please feel free to use any of the modules, I made them for people to enjoy, and speed up the "boring repetitive" part of urban landscaping.
11/24/2012 2:23 am
Level 41 : Master Blockhead
Nameless5660's Avatar
Awesome and thanks :D
If you need help with any building, I can try if you need it
11/24/2012 5:06 am
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
katalyka's Avatar
I'm not using a server for it right now, but if you want to make some buildings, if you save them as a schematic file I could incorporate them into the map... I would credit you for your help when I upload the map... if you keep in mind that blocks are generally in increments of 50, that would make it easier to fit them into place. Thanks for offering, it would be nice to have some help designing buildings... since I'm going to need quite a few to make it feel like a real urban landscape!

If you can help out, do you have a preference for a specific type of architecture you want to do? There is a large range of different city areas, each with their own style to them, so just let me know!
11/24/2012 8:27 am
Level 41 : Master Blockhead
Nameless5660's Avatar
I could try doing some kind of suburb area for the edges? and maybe a residential block of apartments?
Not sure what style particularly, Add me on skype and we can talk more?
11/13/2012 6:44 pm
Level 30 : Artisan Engineer
ihasapod's Avatar
Extremely realistic. I have always been looking for this but could never find it. I could never put the things in my head down on paper or minecraft, but you have.
Diamond, sub, & fav :D
11/22/2012 11:05 pm
Level 48 : Master Creeper Hugger
katalyka's Avatar
thanks, I just wanted to help build something that I can share with othe rmap makers that can serve as a framework for making gameplay in large modern cities much faster and more convienient to do... I love that Minecraft has so many games set in deserts and forests and jungles, but I think it can't hurt to support those of us that want to build urban environments, especially since the look of Minecraft actually seems to fit best with building boxy structures. ^_^
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