Minecraft Maps / Land Structure

Llynworth Castle: Reforged

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Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
MC: 1.12.2
Mod: Conquest Reforged
Resource Pack: Included in mod.
Shaders: Conquest of the Sun (included in mod)

This is my original Medieval Castle and Town built using the John Smith texture pack but now in the Conquest Reforged mod.
This mod is amazing and has allowed me to add an extraordinary amount of details. Please explore every nook and cranny, there's always something to see.

Must use Conquest Reforged mod 1.12.2 to view.

Welcome to Llynworth Castle, a mighty fortress that guards a bustling lakeside port and a thriving farming community.

This build depicts a realistic medieval castle situated on the coast of a large lake. It consists of a large keep as the main living space and final defense for the local lord. The bailey contains a great hall, and a chapel, as well as kitchens, stables, barracks, kennels for the hounds, and mews for the lords hunting hawks and falcons.

The keep has 5 levels reached by a spiral staircase which twists (as all in the castle do) to the left as you climb giving advantage to right-handed defenders. The top floor, or garret, is used to house servants, the next level are the private chambers of the lord and his family, next is the former great hall, now living quarters for the lord's household guards, the ground floor is for cooking and storage, and finally the lowest level has more grisly functions...

The castle has many working gardrobes (toilets), including a urinal attached to the great hall (all that mead and ale has to go somewhere). There is also a system that collects rain-water from the kitchen roof to a cistern in the castle wall that feeds a sink in the kitchen. The sink then drains to the exterior.

The castle-town is surrounded by large stone walls and is separated into an upper and lower town. The upper town contains the large church and many upper-class homes and shops, including a chandler, brewery, scribe, barber ,and a weapon-smith. The lower town contains many houses and shops, as well as, as stable, inn, tavern, blacksmith, stonemason, cooper, leather worker, furrier, bucket/crate-maker, brick-maker, potter, basket weaver, cobbler, furrier, carpenter, cart-wright, rope-maker, glass-maker and exotic goods merchant. The lower town also contains a quay with trading ships, and warehouses.

Outside the walls there is a small farming community complete with a marketmsquare, windmill (grain), watermill (fulling), barns, granary, threshing pit, dovecote, cattle byre, stables, butcher, leather-tanning pits, baker, cheese-maker, farm houses, orchard, gardens, apiary, fishing docks, hay meadows, animal pastures, and crop fields using the "3-field"system (spring planting, fall planting/plowed, & fallow). On a marshy island just to the north of the town there is a small Monastery dedicated to worship, learning and tending the sick and injured.

I've tried to make this as realistic as possible, this means that I have often made buildings more simplistically, as they would be in real life. Please feel free to comment with any suggestions you may have for improvements. This build is set in the early summer, between haymaking and the wheat harvest, and I'm trying to depict the countryside at that time.

Future plans:
-Furnishing all interiors
-Decide which shops go where
-Leather tannery on outskirts (smelly)
-More fields
-More orchards
-Forests (coppices)
Progress75% complete

6 Update Logs

Update #6 : by COLFETTERS 02/07/2019 8:10:36 pmFeb 7th, 2019

Lots of updates!
-Added a new video tour courtesy of Billoxiiboy.
-Updated Screenshots

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11/29/2020 9:53 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Crafter
JoshuaBroccoli's Avatar
I love this map! It's so detailed, so believable, and clearly a lot of thought has gone into it — I mean, it actually has garderobes!

I've had so much fun poking around the nooks and crannies of the village and the countryside, too. Thanks for sharing this with the world, it's absolutely brilliant.
12/06/2020 9:05 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Thanks, it was enjoyable to make.
10/26/2019 6:00 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Deathandpotatoes's Avatar
It's freezes when you get near the castle but nowhere else, any suggestions?
11/01/2019 10:23 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
there's a command block there that kills iron golems, maybe that's the issue?
04/09/2019 11:44 am
Level 62 : High Grandmaster Electrician
okrzysztof's Avatar
great map
04/10/2019 5:38 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
02/07/2019 5:28 pm
Level 69 : High Grandmaster Dragonborn
Fonta's Avatar
looks really good, maybe on the second pic, the cobble path looks a bit weird, could be more random, i dunno

04/10/2019 5:38 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Yeah the paths did get an upgrade recently, haven't updated the pictures
01/25/2019 5:20 pm
Level 1 : New Explorer
ThatGuyAJ's Avatar
Do you mind if i try to rebuild this in survival on a server?
01/26/2019 6:20 pm
Level 61 : High Grandmaster Architect
Knock yourself out! I'd love to see it if you do.
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