Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Jartha Outpost

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RobbiRobb's Avatar RobbiRobb
Level 28 : Expert Architect
After many years of creating maps for survival games, today I present a regular map. The Setting is a science outpost far out in the sea on a small island. The Map took about more than half a year to be build, everything was been build up from an absolute flat world by a single person.

* You are allowed to use the Map on Your Server, but give credit
* You are not allowed to reupload the Map

Created by: RobbiRobb

Renders created using Chunky. Scenes created using CameraStudio.
Progress100% complete

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04/12/2022 12:58 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
MrCharmander's Avatar
Can you tutorial perfect hexagon stuff (sphere, circle etc)? looks so beautiful.
04/13/2022 8:40 am
Level 28 : Expert Architect
RobbiRobb's Avatar
Spheres and circles in my maps are generally created using WorldEdit, simply because it's the easiest way to create them. Pretty much the same goes for hexagons and other geometrical shapes used in this and other worlds I created. I often use a sphere or a circle as a base, pick the points I want to have as the corners of the shape and connect them making use of the line command in WorldEdit. In the end I just delete everything of the shape I don't need and that's basically all there is to it. I hope this helps ^^
04/13/2022 11:10 am
Level 43 : Master Pokemon
MrCharmander's Avatar
oohh i get it, thanks, but I give up about make hexagons looks alitte wreck lol.
04/27/2020 1:27 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Eagleco123's Avatar
Everytime I try to download this the world is corrupted and bits and pieces of the world are split into random chunks. Any idea how to fix this. This world is so amazing and I want to try to explore it.
04/27/2020 5:21 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
RobbiRobb's Avatar
As I told someone else just a short time ago this map was created in an older version. I just downloaded the world from the mirror (to get the same results) and fired it up in 1.8.8. Although some of the leaves seem to be vanishing due to random ticks the map generally loads in after a short time. If you are using a more recent version you might get unexpected designs but this can happen if you update over too many versions at once. I haven't tested it but you could try making smaller steps to get the world up to a newer version, load it in 1.8.8, then in 1.10, in 1.12 and then in 1.15 or something like this, but I'd just recommend using 1.8.8, the world was created in that version so no blocks will get corrupted and just to explore it that will probably be enough.
04/19/2020 1:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Skyrarus's Avatar
awsome. in witch version did you build this. since the dll says unknown and it deletes everythign to flat plains
04/20/2020 9:02 pm
Level 28 : Expert Architect
RobbiRobb's Avatar
Hmm... If I remember that correctly it would have been 1.8.8. It wasn't the newest version as I created it, but the only one that had both World Edit and Voxel Sniper available.
02/20/2019 8:00 pm
Level 17 : Journeyman Llama
Master_Bw3's Avatar
10/10 just because I am addicted to hexagons XD
02/20/2019 12:46 pm
Level 70 : Legendary Dinosaur
DinowCookie's Avatar
anonpmc2558251 look! :D
02/18/2019 10:13 am
Level 1 : New Explorer
Dovacube's Avatar
It remembers me Civilization Beyond Earth. +1 Diamond.
Planet Minecraft


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