Minecraft Maps / 3D Art

Fully automatic subway + Download/ Vollautomatische U-Bahn

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IMPMarineForce's Avatar IMPMarineForce
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
No more support, SORRY about that

I am building a huge map. It's gonna be huge. The subway system is going to be even more automated. Now a huge redstone LUN will do the work for you. Capacity is almost endless. 4 platforms for each trainstation.
The new project is about 50% finished because I built the assets I'm gonna use in every station. So basically this means that I'll use the same LUN behind each trainstation. Only the asthetics are going to change.
So be ready for the next project. I am going to post it as a new one, just wanted to inform those who downloaded this map that there is going to be a second one.
Some numbers: Subway system for over 3000*1000 meters! 9 Main stations. 40 bytes of memory. Hundrets of hours of work!

Sorry guys, I am unable to work with this project.. there is simply not enough request. But if you really want to have an newer version of this map, I'm going to complete it and upload.. Post it in the comments down below.

This is a Map with a fully automatic subway. The instruction on the Map are german, sry.
Here is the English version:
1. Walk down the stairs
2. At the buttom is a sing: U-Bahn there is a iron door, too, open it an go inside the next room
3. There are 3 Buttons, press one of the three
4. Walk to the rails, there is a lever, invert it
5. When the minecart is by you, put the lever back, sit in the minecart
6. Pess the Button on your left
7. When you see two sing on the celling, go out the minecart

Only if you play at View distance far, the subway work.

Anleitung zur U-Bahn
1. Gehen sie die Treppe runter
2. Gehen sie in den U-Bahn Raum rein
3. Wählen sie eine der 4 Stationen aus
4. Gehen Sie zur U-Bahn und legen sie den Hebel um
5. Wenn das Minecart da ist, steigen sie ein und legen den Hebel erneut um.
6. Klicken Sie auf den Knop neben ihnen
7. Wenn Sie am Ende der Bahn sind, müssen sie Aussteigen wenn 2 Schilder an der Decke sind

Nur wenn sie mit der Sichweite von FAR spielen funktioniert die U-Bahn

Additional Notes

-NO Mods are reqired
-I built this Map
-Yes, I cheatet!
-Mods used:
-Singelplayer Commands
-X Ray
-OptiFine HD
-Real build time: 36 Hours

In the Next Verison of this Map, will be a Bigger subway. A very, very big village!
Here some specifications for the next version of the Map:
-I will build a very, very big Train, with the world first calculating Minecart distribution!
-The big village will have a size of 500*600 Blocks
-The new railway line will be able to process up to 16 Minecarts and 3 Minecart requestes, further requestes will be frozen and later processed by the computer
- I will make a Server to play with the Train/Subway, because on singleplayer will only 300*300 Blocks loaded. For the new Railway are 500*600 required.

It's possible that you don't understand my English, because my language is german, if you have questions write it in the comments ;-D
Progress55% complete

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04/25/2012 4:17 pm
Level 21 : Expert Cake
Chillview23's Avatar
Sehr schön und wenn ich fragen darf? Wie haben Sie einen Screenshot der ganzen Welt
04/26/2012 10:55 am
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
IMPMarineForce's Avatar
Es gibt ein Programm namens "MCMap Live", sie koennen es sich gratis runterladen auf:
MCMap Live
Es ist aber nur fuer den Mac, wenn Sie eins fuer den Windows oder Linux wollen, koennen Sie sich alternativ dieses Programm runterladen:
04/21/2012 6:29 am
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Kuiperkids's Avatar
This is awsome!!!!!
04/25/2012 8:43 am
Level 34 : Artisan Miner
IMPMarineForce's Avatar
Thank you
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