Minecraft Maps / Environment & Landscaping

Destiny: Cosmodrome Recreation (Revamp)

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EndSlayer800's Avatar EndSlayer800
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
Ladies and Gentlemen... we're back!

Soon to be Featured again on the Server: TheCrucibleMC
Owner and PMC user: Infered5
Server Info and IP here
It's been a long time since I posted, but kicking it off with an announcment. For those not on the server's discord channel, you probably don't know, but TheCrucibleMC is returning and currently under re-development! Fortunately most of our map files were saved and have been easily re-added. Unfortunately... not all was saved. So I am once again in the role of head builder to ensure that it all is built to completion, and this time with better quality.

Starting things off with a Cosmodrome revamp, We previously had a majority of this planet zone completed when the server was active, however not 100%. So here is an update post showcasing some of the completed sections. By the time the server becomes open to the public again, this map build will be in an acceptable state.

We will probably have similar posts like this for our other planet zones (Mars, Venus, and hopefully a much better Moon) in the near future. Either posted by me, or the server owner Infered5.
You can view his profile page here:

Thanks all! Here's hoping the server becomes a big hit once again!


All rights to Destiny belong to Bungie and Activision. I do not take credit for inventing this map, it's just a recreation
Progress95% complete

5 Update Logs

Revamp Update! : by EndSlayer800 03/24/2020 2:57:54 amMar 24th, 2020

A lot more has been built and added to the old map! All updates are now featured on TheCrucibleMC server and will become available to play once the server is reopened to the public.

This map is not quite 100% complete however, but most of it is just out-of-bounds detailing.

Working mobs and planetary chests are currently on the server along with these build updates, and yes, The Devils Lair strike was also made on the server. Play testing is underway. We will also be including a couple of public event locations, and some of the original story missions in the future.

Stay Tuned :D

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Ender Slayer3
07/19/2019 11:39 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Ender Slayer3's Avatar
Heeeeeeeeeeyyyy since it has been so long, do you think that you could possibly put a download link? Since the server no longer exists I was wondering if there is anything that you could do?
Ender Slayer3
02/12/2019 2:25 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Explorer
Ender Slayer3's Avatar
Do I know you?
10/15/2016 9:19 pm
Level 1 : New Crafter
Davianio101's Avatar
How did you build the wall. I'm also making a recreation of the cosmodrome and I would like something it compare it with.
02/11/2017 4:59 pm
Level 24 : Expert Crafter
EndSlayer800's Avatar
Hey, sorry for the late reply, I haven't been on here in months :P

Basically, I started by looking at screenshots. but that only gets so far. So for the majority of the time I loaded up destiny and sat in patrol while building in MC.
That's pretty much the best advise i can give if you're making a Cosmodrome of your own.

If you want to see the completed version of this, we have it now on the server mc.thecruciblemc.net

Along with a few other destiny locations :)
04/09/2017 9:36 am
Level 1 : New Crafter
Davianio101's Avatar
Thank you for the advice. I'll most definitely use the server to see the completed version.
04/22/2016 5:57 am
Level 23 : Expert Hunter
JonaMonette's Avatar
03/20/2016 2:02 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Technomancer
infered5's Avatar
EndSlayer800 and I have been working together on this project on my server, so don't worry. There is tons of progress being made. We have built the entirety of the Breach, The Divide, Rocketyard, The Refinery, The Blast, The Devil's Lair and Dock 13. Once The Steppes is complete and some work is done on a code level, you'll all be able to play it. Stay tuned!
03/20/2016 2:07 pm
Level 49 : Master Engineer
DragonMania17's Avatar
A question, have you done colony ships?
03/20/2016 2:27 pm
Level 56 : Grandmaster Technomancer
infered5's Avatar
The colony ships are not yet built. Soon though ;)
03/20/2016 3:00 pm
Level 49 : Master Engineer
DragonMania17's Avatar
I am building one so i want to compare with something.
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