Minecraft Maps / Other

Abandoned House Trap Coding Tutorial

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Bedrock Edition
skythrusters's Avatar skythrusters
Level 11 : Journeyman Architect

SkyThrusters and RGAP Creative 2024 Release

The Abandoned House Trap Project

This project contains SIX world maps - one of each stage of the project that correspond to the matching Tutorial Videos. That way, you can learn to build and code only the part of the Abandoned House Trap Project that you want to, so you can implement them into your own worlds, or follow all of the tutorial videos and explore each stage of the Abandoned House Trap Project individually so you can more easily see, understand and experiment with how each part connects and interacts with each other.

There are Three Tutorial Videos that match the the Abandoned House Trap Project World Maps.

Because the .ZIP Archive file is 106MB and Planet Minecraft can only host up to 15mb files, you will need to download the world map archive from one of the available methods from my website. Download options are: Drop Box, Google Drive and MeWe Social (MeWe Social Is The Fastest Download Method) These are on the RGAP Creative Website at: https://www.rgapcreative.com/p/minecraft-abandoned-house-trap-project.html

These worlds maps only contain the Abandoned House Trap building in various stages and no other custom worlds. The world maps can be used and developed under a creative commons license, non-commercial use as described in the .PDF file notes within the .ZIP archive.


1. Create a self cloning chest
2. Create an invisible mob
3. Give a new weapon to a mob
4. Use a command code and block to rotate things
5. Attach a trigger to a Trap Chest
6. Kill a mob with a command code and block
7. Creating timing and sequences in a command block chain of events
8. Place blocks at a different location

If you complete the entire tutorial after watching the videos and using these world maps to practice, you will end up with an abandoned house (or whatever building you build), that looks empty and abandoned other than a chest. When your visitor or enemy tries to loot your chest, they will receive their prize but also pay a price. The chest triggers a chain of events. First all doors and windows appear to lock the victim inside. Next an invisible mob appears and begins attacking them. All they will see is the floating weapon. The victim will either die or kill the invisible mob. If they die, or escape, a timer kills the mob after a set time to prevent the mob from leaving the house, and to prevent the creation of multiple mobs from being created by the chest. A fun trap to use in your Minecraft Adventure or Realms/Server Survival Games.



CreditRGAP Creative, Randy Dreammaker
Progress100% complete

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