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sorcier123's Avatar sorcier123
Level 34 : Artisan Modder

Updates are slowed down (I'm enjoying my vacations a bit (didn't have any for 8 month)).

About the Skyrave Mod:

- This mod is updated 1 to 5 times PER DAY (2 times on average)
- This mod implements thousands of new stuff (read bellow for more info)
- This minecraft page is updated at least two times a day 
- This mod is developing REALLY fast (I code evrytime I can , even on my phone for you guys)
- This mod is being created for the whole of the minecraft community
- This mod is feedback dependant (no feedback = I'll stop caring about what my players think and just upload the updates I want personaly or will simply stop giving any info on the mod (appart from the updated links to download the mod)

Compatible with all 1.8 and above versions:

This mod aims to improve the vanilla minecraft by adding major content to minecraft FOR THE MINECRAFT COMMUNITY. From new food to new dimensions and villages, new weapons/armors to new mobs, Skyrave will cover evrything possible within minecraft to evolve minecraft into what it should have been long ago : more RPG-like. Better systems, new dimensions, biomes, blocks ,  enemies etc... and all client and server side !!!!

This mod will be translated in English , French and German.
This mod takes requests (just put a comment bellow ^^ ).

PS:  I will not put up the recepies for the new items unless I get a lot of feedback (positiv or negativ), I will let you discover  ^^ . As a hint though : I like japanese and american food :p, and I also love fishing ;) + if you follow my planetminecraft modpage you might just find out some of them ;) .

What has been added so far:

-A LOT of recepies (about 300 recepies for you to discover ^^  including: lolipop, icecream, tools, weapons, and more food :p) !
- 18 new ores (and ingots ) WITH world generation !
- 125 new Food !
- 18 new set of armors !
- 16 new cakes ( FIRST MOD TO EVER DO IT IN 1.8 IN THE WHOLE WORLD )!!!!
- 21 new drinks , some with potion effects ( FIRST MOD TO EVER DO IT IN 1.8 IN THE WHOLE WORLD TOO )!!!!
- new crossbow
- 10 new mobs

Planned features for the Skyrave Mod:

World generating:
- 16 new dimensions
- 16 new dimensions
- 4 to 20 dungeons PER WORLD 
- 1 to 3 new villages PER WORLD 
- Dozens of new trees PER WORLD
- Hundreds of new plants PER WORLD
- Dozens of new crops PER WORLD
- Dozens of new 


- New coin based economy system (including : market place generation, delivery/mail system, new trading system)

- New heat system (proventing players from reaching certain places if they do not have the right "add-ons" to there equipments or character^^. The add-ons will be either attributes or potion based depending on the problem faced (exemple: If you go in the planned Aqua world, you will have to use an infinit sea water breathing potion to be able to enter the dimension and stay alive).

- New rune based magic system (runes will be craftable in temples or buyable through village marketplace/shops)

- 4 to 20 dungeon bosses PER WORLD
- 4 to 10 new world boss PER WORLD
- 20 to 300 new hostile mobs PER WORLD
- 10 to 150 new passiv mobs PER WORLD

- Thousands of new food (I will seriously add ANYTHING I can google up or that I am told to add, of course the effects of the food will be adapted to minecraft (exemple: beer and energy drink)
- 5 to 28 armor set PER WORLD
- 5 to 28 new tools PER WORLD
- Thousands of new fish (anything I can google up again)


- Hundreds of new ores  (Some will be for armor sets, other for special recepies( PS: like the Super Energy Drink which requires a new alloy called Mercury to be craftable)
- Hundreds of new decorativ blocks (From new dyable redstone lamps , dyable bricks, new vines , to new decorativ biome/dimension based blocks)

PLEASE DO THIS IT IS VERY IMPORTANT FOR THIS MOD (if you want it to update of course):

Please don't forget to give feedback or comment bellow . I really enjoy fixing issues and upgrading my mod for the minecraft community :). A lot of you have been waiting for a good mod that really brings the best out of minecraft, and I believe I can bring that  mod to you , but while we are at it :) lets try and make it the best possible  by adding as much things that you guys would like (so long as it is compatible with the mod ) ^^. I'm happy to work with you all :D.


The license is a v2 GNU public license I highly suggest reading it beforehand if you want to create a mod out of my mod.

link : http://www.mediafire.com/download/glt9v3pt1ue1tc1/LICENSE

Other info:

I am looking for any help possible (I can do the mod on my own but I just want to finish it faster ^^).Therefor I take any applications into account via private messages on PlanetMinecraft.
This project is about fun and work (both united), so I look forward to have fun working with you ^^.

Note: I hate arrogant , self-orientated people, lazy , close-minded people.So only those who can put themselves back in question, be original, or simply be productiv yet responsible and autodisciplinary have a good chance of being accepted . 

About me:

I'm a 20 years old law student (SO DON'T BREAK THE LAW OR I'LL SUE YOU ! jk :p) , and have been a minecraft modder and server owner for 4 years now. Unfortunatly I sold my server (probably will get a new one in a near future), and although I have been doing art for quite a few mods (about 16 up until now) I don't think I am that great of an artist. I am also the head of the Skyrave company which focuses on providing server side management , budgetary/management counseling and team discipline formations as well as other various services. I am French btw ^^.

Special credits:

GeekXBoy: for helping me out with the dyeable blocks (bug fix)             -> http://geekxboy.net

Noppes: for seriously babysitting me with the dyeable blocks (they were tough)  
->  http://www.kodevelopment.nl/minecraft/front

Progress5% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8

31 Update Logs

Update #31 : by sorcier123 05/13/2015 9:29:25 pmMay 13th, 2015

Added Mobs:

Mob Fix:
The Archer mob should now spawns in dense villages with the Knight. They will both protect villagers and attack anyone exept players that try and attack a nearby villager. There HP has been increased to 50 each . 

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zac the awesome
02/10/2016 1:18 am
Level 3 : Apprentice Explorer
zac the awesome's Avatar
this already has so many fetchers I won't get it yet (only 5%) but I look forward to seeing what this becomes!
08/22/2015 6:02 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Narwhal
drayleeper's Avatar
way too many rats...
08/22/2015 5:49 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Narwhal
drayleeper's Avatar
Using bonemeal on a plant crashed my game... :(
07/03/2015 8:04 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
murven's Avatar
I was really excited about this mod, I created a world for it, but then I spawned in a forest and I was completely surrounded by tens of rats, which I could not kill in time, they just kept killing me and there were so many of them I could not even get near a tree in order to start making tools, so I had to remove it and go back to the way it was. That is a bummer since I really like the idea of this mod. Also, I noticed that it overrides some of the ores and ingots from other mods, which is a little bit inconvenient since most of the recipes stop working. I guess it is a mod you would use on its own, but I rather like merging a couple of mods for a while and I just couldn't do that. Keep it up, though, it looks really good, I will definitely give it a try again after a while.
06/06/2015 7:46 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Mr_Morpheus's Avatar
Do you think you could make this mod for 1.7 as well as 1.8? 1.8 is really buugy and very few other mods use it. Also, I see this mod being as popular, if not more popular than Orespawn, and I am very exited for it. Finally, when is the next update coming out? Thanks, 
      - Morpheus
05/15/2015 2:21 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DaiseyJ's Avatar
so ive really enjoyed this so far but i seem to have run into a problem with Rats they are EVERYWHERE so many that i lagg like crazy and everytime i use the command to kill them all it only takes a few seconds for them to all come back just like before.ive made sure i had the latest update of the mod and ive restarted minecraft multiple times but they are still there making it difficult to play. the only thing i havent tried is making a new world mostly because the one im playing is one ive been working on with my little sister and id rather not have to start from scratch again.
05/15/2015 11:05 am
Level 34 : Artisan Modder
sorcier123's Avatar
Ok in the upcoming update I'll try and put something to help you out with this . If it doesn't work you will probably have to make a new world  or find a way to save your buildings and terrain.
05/15/2015 11:08 am
Level 34 : Artisan Modder
sorcier123's Avatar
Also if you or your sister want anything to be added in the mod soon tell me ;).
05/15/2015 11:54 am
Level 1 : New Miner
DaiseyJ's Avatar
After i sent that message i created a few new worlds to see if the rats were a one time problem and in any file i, or my sister, make if i find the Rats they start going crazy multiplying. Had to make a new world anyway as well lol i don't know what happened but it suddenly crashed and wont let me back on to that world for more than a second before crashing again and i had just found the squirrels too D:. Also as far as things we want go my sister reaally loves tameable animals and i want to see some new monsters but mostly we want to see more amazing work from you this is all really amazing!
05/15/2015 12:50 pm
Level 34 : Artisan Modder
sorcier123's Avatar
tameable mobs huh? you can already breed all the animals that have been added (thats why there was no need to make them tameable) but I might make a new tameable mob (mayeb hamsters) . The Camels and Dromedaries will be tameable thats for sure .
05/15/2015 10:01 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
DaiseyJ's Avatar
I think its the idea behind it like "this is my pet now it will stay and love me even without fences" xD she really loves it im unsure if its because shes 9 or because she just really loves animals.
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