Minecraft Mods

Rule Control

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Cubyc's Avatar Cubyc
Level 64 : High Grandmaster Programmer
Rule Control Minecraft Mod

*Versions for Minecraft like 1.17.1, 1.16.5 and 1.15.2 are stable, but no longer receive new updates.

About Rule Control:
Rule Control is a lightweight mod that allows you to easily control all of your vanilla gamerules without the need for their commands.
All gamerules are divided into their respective categories.
These categories slightly differ from what Mojang declared in Minecraft 1.16.
This is to make them more 'logical' and accessible to newer Minecraft players (as for veterans as well):

Rule Control Minecraft Mod

This mod also comes with some custom gamerules, taking inspiration from gamerules that are exclusive for Minecraft Bedrock.These reside under their respective categories and are as followed:
  • Show Worldtime --> Displays the current world time as an overlay. --> (Default = false)
  • Show Coordinates --> Displays the player's coordinates as an overlay. --> (Default = false)
  • Sensitive TNT --> Whether TNT explodes immediately after igniting. --> (Default = false)
  • Extinguish primed TNT --> Extinguishes ignited TNT, effectively disabling TNT in the world. --> (Default = false)
  • Enable Command Blocks --> Enables Command Bocks in general. --> (Default = true)
  • Disable Hunger --> Disables the need for food. (Resets original food level if turned off!) --> (Default = false)
  • Enable Creeper Firework --> Whether a Creeper's explosion is replaced by firework. --> (Default = false)
  • Enable Slow Baby Zombies --> Slows down Baby Zombies to that of an adult Zombie. --> (Default = false)
  • Enable Pvp --> Whether player versus player combat is enabled. --> (Default = true)
  • Allow Criticle Hits --> Whether players can critically strike mobs and other entities. --> (Default = true)
  • Trample Farmland --> Whether farmland changes to dirt after being trampled. --> (Default = true)
  • Natural Crop Growth --> Allows crops of all kinds to grow naturally through game ticks. --> (Default = true)
  • Taming --> Whether tameable animals are allowed to be tamed. --> (Default = true)
  • Enable Chat --> Whether players are allowed to communicate through the chatbox. --> (Default = true)
  • Disable Zombie Sieges --> Disables the need for zombies to raid poor villages. --> (Default = false)
  • Dimension Travel --> Whether players and other entities are allowed to hop into portals. --> (Default = true)
  • Manual Item Drop --> Whether items can be dropped from the player's inventory/hotbar. --> (Default = true)
  • Natural Item Despawn --> Allows items to despawn naturally after 6000 game ticks. --> (Default = true)
New gamerule ideas are always welcome!
Let me know in the comments.

Use the following commands to access the general GUI:
- /rulecontrol menu
- /rc menu

Made a mistake or want to get back to default Minecraft?
Restore your configured gamerules to their default values at any point within the GUI per page.

Restore all of the gamerule by using one of the following commands:
- /rc restore
- /rulecontrol restore

To change any predefined settings, use one of the following command:
- /rc settings
- /rulecontrol settings

Press Right Control to open the GUI through a keybind.
To change the key bind, go to your settings -> 'Controls...' -> 'Key Binds...' -> section 'Game Interface'.

For any other extra information, you can consult the Minecraft Wiki or this mod page through their respective buttons inside the GUI.
It will generate a response with a clickable URL in the chat box.

There are two types of gamerules:
- Logic Gamerules
- Number Gamerules

The logic gamerule can either be toggled on or off / yes or no / active or inactive.
Showing its respective red cross or green checkmark to indicate its status.

Rule Control Minecraft Mod

The number gamerule can be configured to be between a minimum -and maximum value that Minecraft can handle.
The minimum is - while the maximum respectively is

To get the value it has been set to, click the button to retrieve a message in the chat box:

Config usage
Use the config (named 'rule_control_config.toml') located in the game directory next to all of the other Forge configs.

Contents of the config as of now:
- Encryption with a password

If you've set a password by setting 'usePassword' to 'True', the following menu is opened when opening the general GUI:

If the permission on your server aren't sufficient enought or you're playing vanilla with other friends, a password encrypted GUI is your best option.

Server info:
Messages get logged in the server log when:
- A player changes the value of a number gamerule.
- A player restores all gamerules at once through the respective command.

Gamerule wiki:

Mod made with MCreator 2023.1
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.19.2

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