Minecraft Mods

[PLUGIN] WorldOfMinecraft

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T-Gamer's Avatar T-Gamer
Level 16 : Journeyman Network
The plugin file I uploaded is a early version when I first started... There is nothing really todo on it but I had to upload something....

Tired of all the big servers having the "big" plugins? SO AM I!
My huge goal is to make small servers have the chance to draw players to!
My first big project is World Of Minecraft. A plugin that everyone as attempted but NEVER got far on. I plan on being the first to actually finish this plugin. Check out the stats of whats finished, getting started, and almost done.
CharacterCreation: Almost done (87%) I need to finish the Classes
Party/Guild: Not Started (0%)
Spells: Started (1%) SO MUCH TO DO!
Pets: Started (90%) I just have to make the process to buy them
Bazzar: Started (0.0000000001%) Why are there so many items! xD
NPCs: Not started (0%) Ability for admins to create npcs that can have stores, fight people, custom skins, and more!
Mounts: Not started (0%) I'll start this when I finish pets
Quests: Not started (0%) Admins can create quests and can group them with NPCs to make a quest line

We (I) will be making skins that will be released and posted to PMC for you guys to download and use on the NPCs if I get the code to work for custom .png files.

terturl: Head-Dev, Owner
..... No one else?

If you wish to apply please use this format: (Send to my skype: terturlman)

Name: (In-Game Name)
Why you want to join:
Years of plugin coding: (Dont lie, it will be evident when I assign you something)
Skype: (If you dont have one, put another way I can contact you)
How much do you know of WoW?:

I will have a plugin out soon for BETA-TESTERS to try.
If you wish to apply for a beta-tester use this format:

Name: (In-Game Name)
Favorite WoW class and Race: (Bloodelf Monk)
Why you want to join:
Will you be active testing and making sure everything works at a moments notice?:

Thanks again guys! I hope this plugin gets some huge Hype before release!
Progress100% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.7.10

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07/20/2015 9:13 pm
Level 25 : Expert Network
Thaddian's Avatar
Nice concept. +diamond
04/16/2015 4:21 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Snowmankiller's Avatar
Okay, can you tell me when WorldofMinecraft is done? I really like World of Warcraft.
04/10/2015 6:31 pm
Level 4 : Apprentice Engineer
Rangerduck18's Avatar
Name: (In-Game Name) KimJongHitler (Changing soon)
Age: 15 almost 16
Why you want to join: I thought It was a cool and great idea.
Years of plugin coding: I was willing to help skin, have no idea how to code.
Skype: The Autistic Kid
How much do you know of WoW? I played since BC on multiple accounts so I sure as hell hope I know a good amount


I can also help host a server if you ever wanted to do an official server for this mod, I can help build and all that, I know it'd be a large project and Im willing to start now so its ready if you ever want :P
03/23/2015 4:43 pm
Level 1 : New Miner
Squiggoffski's Avatar
Looks great! Can't wait!
Planet Minecraft


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