Minecraft Mods

Anti matter

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shizzle22's Avatar shizzle22
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
Anti matter has come! The worlds breaking loose! Invisible creatures, Blocks from the nether being infected into Visible anti matter!

This mod, Is based on anti matter, ( Yes I know, this mod wouldn't make sense, Since matter, and anti matter don't go along to well, * BOOM * ) But, Lets say... " Minecraftia " Is made out of a different matter, that doesn't explode with anti matter, Nuff' said,

Haha! Just kidding, Well. This mod is still work in progress, The only add - ons right now are, " Anti matter " in the nether. Anti matter, can be cooked in the furnace, for 10,000 items, ( Will be changed soon ) And you can craft a sword, Thats about it in this mod so far. Oh yeah! Forgot to mention, Theres a rare chance a " Anti matter" Can spawn, ( It's a invisible mob that kills you. )

Hope you enjoy,

Mod loader needed"

Scared ya'

  1. Download the mod
  2. Go into your minecraft.jar
  3. Delete Meta - Inf
  4. Download Modloader
  5. Drag everything from modloader, To minecraft.jar
  6. Open up, Antimattermod.zip
  7. Drag all the contents, into the minecraft.jar

Progress10% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.3.1

1 Update Logs

Update #1 : by shizzle22 09/23/2012 6:18:50 pmSep 23rd, 2012

Random stuff. ( Buildings ) Devil balls, Sheeps. many new things.

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10/22/2012 5:46 am
Level 1 : New Miner
Dangerbro's Avatar
Can you please post more pics
10/22/2012 8:04 am
Level 35 : Artisan Engineer
shizzle22's Avatar
Once the mod is more complete.
09/25/2012 1:20 pm
Level 8 : Apprentice Ranger
TheWorldCreator's Avatar
Whats the matter?
09/23/2012 6:41 pm
Level 29 : Expert Modder
Slickj2's Avatar
Can I ask a question? So I read the Anti Matter mob part, and that reminded me about making NPCS. The only problem is, I can't. The Java.null.ExpectionError is what I get every time I add two lines of code. I'm guessing since you posted this mod with these mobs, there wasn't a problem with your npc? Do you know how I could fix this error with different lines of code, or do you know how to fix it without changing the lines? Btw, sounds like a great mod, I probably won't download until it is a little more completed. :)
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