Minecraft Mods

[1.8.3] Tall Worlds Mod

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cuchaz's Avatar cuchaz
Level 77 : Legendary Modder
Next up in Cuchaz's exciting and highly technical mods for Minecraft is Tall Worlds Mod.

The goal is simple: Raise the height cap on the world from 256 blocks to about 16 million blocks, but do it without adding too much lag. Turns out that's pretty challenging to do, but I love a good challenge.

The first step to raising the height cap on worlds is to break up the world into pieces vertically and only load the vertical pieces when players are actually near them. Of course, Minecraft's chunk system does exactly this to break up the world horizontally, but the vertical size of the world is fixed at 256 blocks. Tall Worlds Mod breaks up Minecraft's world in the vertical dimension as well using an idea called cubic chunks.

Here's an early video of the cubic chunk loading system in action, the main component of Tall Worlds Mod.

Of course, players can't travel very quickly in the horizontal directions, so chunk loading doesn't have to be very fast there. But what about players in free fall? How fast can a cubic chunk system load chunks when players are moving very quickly? Here's the answer to that:

Ok, enough with the introductions. There are a few things you need to know about Tall Worlds Mod before you play it.

This Is Not A Forge Mod!

If you try to make Forge load this mod, it will be confused and probably get very mad at you.

Instead, you need a completely new mod loader called Magic Mojo Mod Loader, or M3L for short. Why do we need yet another mod loader? Good question. Read the answer here.

Tall Worlds Mod uses a lot of brand new Minecraft modding technology. You can read more about that in the official release blog post if you're interested.

Tall Worlds Mod is a highly experimental mod.

It could do bad things to your Minecraft worlds.

It probably won't though. I try to be very careful, but there's always a chance some random crash could eat your world. Always make backups of any world data you actually care about. Especially when trying random crazy mods off the internet.

Now that all the warnings are out of the way, go build something really tall in your new bigger worlds! =D

If you want to stay up to date about releases and updates, follow me on Twitter: @cuchaz

Also, The newest version of Tall Worlds Mod is 1.8.3-0.3.1 beta

CreditRazaekel, Barteks2x
Progress25% complete
Game VersionMinecraft 1.8

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07/26/2016 8:43 pm
Level 55 : Grandmaster Architect
artathecanadian's Avatar
Can you please try to make this mod compatible with MCedit? I'm working on making a 1:1 Death Star map and obviously without it I'm going to be pretty old when I'm done XD
07/27/2016 4:33 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Modder
cuchaz's Avatar
I'm not really working on Tall Worlds anymore.
05/27/2016 2:46 pm
Level 22 : Expert Architect
KAJIKI's Avatar
Do you have a plan to make this mod to 1.9? And are you still developing the mod?
07/23/2016 3:36 pm
Level 19 : Journeyman Modder
colocmaram's Avatar
Why not? I really hoped that this mod could change the minecrafting industry. I guess we can still play with it. I hope you can make more mods , and otherwise, good luck in the real world after coding for so long.
07/24/2016 11:26 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Modder
cuchaz's Avatar
I just don't have time to work on Minecraft modding right now. I have to do something that will pay the bills. Keep an eye out for my indie game I'm working on though. I'll do a public beta test eventually. =)
05/28/2016 9:30 am
Level 77 : Legendary Modder
cuchaz's Avatar
Nope and nope.
07/24/2016 11:45 am
Level 22 : Expert Architect
KAJIKI's Avatar
Is it possible for you to give us the source code? So some of us can actually make this mod happen?
07/24/2016 11:25 pm
Level 77 : Legendary Modder
cuchaz's Avatar
The code has always been open source. Check it out. =)

03/22/2016 2:18 pm
Level 23 : Expert Architect
triplux's Avatar
it doesn't work to build up 256
11/07/2015 11:04 pm
Level 6 : Apprentice Pig
goodpoopie's Avatar
you should make a mode with 1x1 chunks
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