xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
Level 1 New Miner

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    10/17/2013 3:14 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    How big do you want the world?
    10/14/2013 9:43 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    I have applied
    06/21/2013 9:24 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    Check your sources dude, BIll Gates worked at Apple before, then he stole the Mac OS and made Windows. So without Mac Windows as we know it today probably wouldnt have existed.
    06/07/2013 1:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    Do we have to apply for it, or can we come on and show our building skills?
    05/29/2013 1:47 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    05/27/2013 4:45 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    05/27/2013 12:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    05/26/2013 2:25 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    xO-Kingdom_RealmsAge: 15
    MC username: MatiasFM
    Job: Builder ...

    We are still collecting members for the server, but I think you would make a great addition to our team. I will add you to the whitelist on beta.spitfyre.net, but for the time being, you can join our main server at mc.spitfyre.net. I look forward to working with you!

    Thank you! I look forward to working with you too

    Is the server 1.5.2, and when will I be able to join the build server?
    05/26/2013 12:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    Age: 15
    MC username: MatiasFM
    Job: Builder
    Experience: I am a pretty good builder and I am pretty good at building medieval. I will post a link to a house a made. Please not this house was just and experiment and a test build. It was the first build of it's style, and it is about the worst quality of my builds. I can make builds much better than this one. http://xokingdomrealms.imgur.com/all/
    A short blurb about yourself: I am a hard working, pretty smart and, trustworthy and loyal person. I love building in mine craft, and in groups. I would love to evolve my building skills and get criticism on my builds, so I can get better. I work well in groups, and am pretty good with detailed builds. However, I haven' really built any large buildings yet, as I like to build small-medium sized and very detailed buildings.
    I would love to join your building team and help build your server. This server seem like the server for me!

    Hope you find my application interesting
    05/26/2013 4:50 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    IGN: MatiasFM
    Age: 15
    Gender: Male
    How long can you be on for: Right now my computer has some serious problems with have, but I have ordered a new one, and hopefully it will work on that one. I can come on the server however, it's not that bad, and when i come on I can be on for about 2 hours every weekday and more in the weekends, but I have my own server to run as well. I am making the world for it atm, so it won't give me less time on your server until it's done.
    Do you grief: No, I have never griefed, and will never do so.
    Do you cuss: I cuss IRL, but on servers I don't do it a lot, sometimes. But very rare, and I won't do it at all if you dan't want cussing.
    Pictures of builds: http://xokingdomrealms.imgur.com/all/
    Skype:I'll PM you if accepted

    If you want more pics, just say so and I will upload more

    Hope you find my application interesting
    05/25/2013 4:20 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    IGN: MatasFM
    Age: 15
    Maturity: A 9 or a 10, depends on my mood. If I am really tired it is probably about 6 or 7
    Screenshots of work: http://xokingdomrealms.imgur.com/all/ I can improve if you want me too, and if you want more pictures just tell and I will upload more.
    How long can you be on weekly: I don't know really, but I can be on for about 2 hours every weekday, and for longer on weekends.
    What position are you applying for: Builder or possibly head-builder as I am good at leading a group.
    Detailed description about myself: I am a hardworking youth, and kinda smart. At least people say so and I get top grades all the time :p (Too much bragging, sorry.) I like to play theater, role play and play the piano. I also like being outside a do stuff, like go hiking. I also like playing minecraft a lot and I am rathe good at building stuff.
    Detailed description of builds: I build medieval style, and I can build many race [/b]specific styles if you need that. If you really want a modern spawn I can also build that, but the fist houses won't be so good as I have never really built modern, but I improve fast. I like to build fine details on my builds and do an interior that fits the building's purpose.
    Screenshots of things you have created: Already posted.

    I hope you find my application interesting.
    05/25/2013 4:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    Builder app:
    IGN: MatiasFM
    Age: 15
    Building skills: I would say 7 or 8 cause I can improve a lot if I just build.
    Experience with builds: I am currently working on a server of my own as well where I am building a huge RPG server world. My team and I are building many cities, towns, camps and other details. Here are some pics of a build I made once http://xokingdomrealms.imgur.com/all/
    Have you ever been banned: Yes in fact I have been banned once. I had recruited for builder on this server. Then a few days later I was granted builder, but not creative mode, idk why. They didn't seem very interested in building. Anyways, I asked an admin for creative mode so I could build, he gave me it and I started to build. Then the next day I logged on and there was a mod on, I started flying over to my project and got banned. He must have thought I hacked cause he didn't know I was given creative by someone.
    Can you be trusted: Yes you can trust me, I have never briefed, well once on my own server cause it was already griefed by someone and me and a co-owner just had some fun before resetting. I will never grief someone else's server and I will stay loyal to this server until I simply don't have time anymore either because of school or because of my own server (which most likely is not gonna happen).

    Hope you find my application interesting
    05/25/2013 4:01 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    Age: 15
    IGN: MatiasFM
    Building skills: I would say a 7 or 8, I can improve a lot if I just practice a lot, and I can improve fast.
    Link to pictures: http://xokingdomrealms.imgur.com/all/ if you want more pictures ust tell me and I'll upload some more.
    Timezone: GMT +1
    Best building style: I would say I am best at medieval builds, not so good at moderns builds as I have never done them before, but I am sure I can get good at modern builds if I just practice a little.
    How long have you played Minecraft: For about 2 years, since beta 1.6.1
    Why should we choose you: Because I will be a loyal builder, I have some building experience, and a good eye for detail. At least people I build with say so. I am good at working in a group and can build faster when co-operating on a build. I am also looking for somethin to do while I am making the world for my own server. YEs, I have my own server which will require a lot of my time when the world is done, but that doesn't mean I won't spend time on your server, and until the world is done(which will take some time as it is 10000 block by 10000 block) I will be very dedicated to your server and help build the spawn city. I never leave a project unfinished so I will help build it until it is entirely done.

    I hopw you find my application interesting
    05/25/2013 5:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    IGN: MatiasFM
    How long can you be on for:Right now my computer has some serious problems with have, but I have ordered a new one, and hopefully it will work on that one. I can come on the server however, it's not that bad, and when i come on I can be on for about 2 hours every weekday and more in the weekends, but I have my own server to run as well. I am making the world for it atm, so it won't give me less time on your server until it's done.
    Pictures of builds: http://xokingdomrealms.imgur.com/all/
    Do you grief: No, I have never griefed, and will never do so.
    Do you cuss: I cuss IRL, but on servers I don't do it a lot, sometimes. But very rare, and I won't do it at all if you dan't want cussing.
    Building skills: I have uploaded some pictures, so you can rate me from them. I would say a 7 or 8. I can improve a lot.

    If you want more pics, just say so and I will upload more

    Hope you find my application interesting
    05/21/2013 12:33 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    how fast do you need the server?
    05/10/2013 5:57 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    xO-Kingdom_Realms's Avatar
    request Title: Archangel skin
    IGN/Any name/PMC name: MatiasFM
    Type: Skin
    Request description: Just as in the picture, but please add an angelfish/elfish helmet or crown and keep the wings on the back and plzz add a red cape to it as well.
    Shaded: Yes please
    Image: http://www.wallsave.com/wallpaper/600x7 ... 09906.html
    Due date: As quick as possible please
    Thank you!

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