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    02/14/2016 6:35 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Age: 16

    Skype: live:shootaverage

    Rank: Developer

    How much time per day: 6 hours per day, 10 hours on weekends

    Managing Player: 9/10, I act fairly to other players, So im not that much of a Rude or really kind Developer.

    Recent Experience: I own a server, and I am currently Developer on this other server (Forgot name) and I am Co-Owner in ForestPVP, I am very experienced with basic plugins
    02/14/2016 5:27 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar

    I am in need of a Build Team, and I find your thread useful. I was wondering if you are able to work on my server. I you are interested add me on Skype : live:shootaverage

    Thanks for your consideration, We hope to here from you soon.
    -TecquickMC Staff Team
    02/13/2016 9:55 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    02/13/2016 7:12 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Thanks for applying, You will be added on skype if accepted!
    02/13/2016 1:06 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    02/10/2016 4:39 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    02/10/2016 12:33 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    02/09/2016 6:49 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Greetings Tasty_FishSticks,

    I was wondering, If you would want to bungee with my server. I currently own a Black Ops and a OP Prison server (In development), I am currently bungeed with a minigame server. If you are interested, Add me on sky[e : xManaginq

    TecquickMC Owner
    02/07/2016 5:29 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    1.Skin File/In Game Name : Pyrodamix

    2.Extruded yes/no : Yes.

    3.Pose : Waving hand.

    4.Extras (Back round,Item,blocks,and what not) : A pattern of Light blue, Red, Green, and orange.

    5.Skin Type: Alex/Steve : Steve

    6.Facial Expresion Yes/No : Smiling

    In short, MAke it look like Reefripz example
    02/07/2016 5:11 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    I was gonna make an application, but I didnt have a mircrophone
    02/05/2016 9:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Reserved Spot
    02/03/2016 4:10 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    If you owned 1000 servers in the past, Why not hire staff that are professional's (Paid staff). 1000 servers, You must be a 10 year old bragging about that.
    02/03/2016 3:58 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Name (not required): Mark
    Age: 16
    Skype: xManaginq
    How long have you been watching/reading Attack on Titan?: Hmm..I started watching in 2013.
    Have you played the online game by Fenglee?: I know that game, but i have never played it.
    Name your favorite character and why: I dont really have a favorite character, I like all of them. Except for Bertolt Hoover
    How much time will you be willing to give to this server?: I am willing to give 5-8 hours on this server for weekdays and 10 hours or more in weekends
    Why should you be an admin, as opposed to a normal player?: I should be Admin because, I have experience, I am not on of those "Liars" who call them self professional, I may not be a professional but I am close to being one, I currently own a server which is OP Prison and RP. I know how to respect other's. I do not rage like other Staff.
    How long have you been playing mine craft?: Since 2012
    Do you have any builds? If so, please give a link here:

    01/30/2016 2:23 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    IGN: xManaginq

    Real Name: Mark

    Have you been in other roleplays: No.

    If so why did you leave: -

    Time Zone: GMT+8

    How much time are you willing to donate to this: As much as needed.

    Do you think you have what it takes: Yes, I may be new but I am a huge fan of roleplay. I will give my best.

    Skype Username: xManaginq
    01/26/2016 5:28 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Quantum add me on skype : xManaginq
    01/20/2016 5:53 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Age?: 16
    Location?: Philippines
    TimeZone?: GMT+8
    Position applying for?: Head-Admin
    Why should we choose you? : These are some reasons of why you should Accept me. I think you should Accept me because I like helping people. I honestly enjoy helping people out on the server and forums. I also know most of the commands to be a helper and I know how to use them. Another reason is because I am mature and responsible enough to handle situations with players having trouble on the server. I also wouldn't just stay in the lobby and wait for something to happen, I would go in each Server and look for people breaking the rules. I would help out the community and server to be a better place. I would also check reports on the forums about everyday and handle them. I would not be too strict, I would be funny and fun at the same time as doing my job. I would also be serious at times of course. I would do my job everyday on the server and forums. I don't just want Head-Admin to get the rank, I want to be a Head-Admin to help out the community and make it a better place, I would work and do the job. I enjoy doing the job and I know it, I am active and I could work on the server pretty much all the time. (With some exceptions) I honestly think I could handle the job and have fun while doing it. I am usually positive which could be good for a helper's attitude. I love teamwork and I could easily do the job and work with teamwork. I do my best when it comes to teamwork and working so, I would try my best to improve my personality and do my job the best I can as a team. I guarantee that you wouldn't regret promoting me to Head-Admin. I am very trustworthy, which means I would never abuse my powers, or give out any private information.
    I am always willing to help others and give advice, not only with server related things, but also personal ones.
    I know I am very mature for my age, meaning I will always take full responsibility for my actions and think carefully before I say or do something.
    I am a very open-minded, accepting person, and also a very quick learner--Here we come to the main reason, because helping people is something that I love to do! I have made a lot of friends on the server and I always enjoy helping them out. It's not just my friends that I help, but I also help new comers which are still new to the server. It's also because I have tried this job out before and I believe that I can carry out the duties given. Other than that, you can always trust me in terms of CHALLENGES. Piece of information, I usually warn people by kicking them before the actual ban, unless they have done something which cannot be tolerated. It all depends on how bad the situation the player made is. I have also been moderating several other servers, so I'm familiar with how these moderating things happen. I have also reported several players a few times on this server. Apart from that, as mentioned, I would really enjoy helping this server. I often try to stop arguments on this server. Players tend to argue/fight with other players for countless reasons. I have been in these sorts of arguments myself. If I were to see an argument take place, I wouldn't simply take sides, I would analyse the issue and then figure out who's the wrong-doer.
    Any former experience in staffing on a server?: Yes, I own a server (still in development) and I am currently Co-Owner on CrimsonPrison
    Ign?: xXJarJarBinksXx
    Name?(optional): Mark
    Skype name?(mandatory): Nameless
    01/20/2016 4:20 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Gonna join
    01/19/2016 4:03 am
    Level 1 : New Network
    xManaginq's Avatar
    Its already Tuesday

    GL to everyone

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