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    08/26/2022 6:12 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Imposter
    vagri1's Avatar
    I believe that answers in such vague theories are never simple. In my opinion its a combination of many factors that all play a role in us not having a clue if anything exists. Here are my thoughts:

    • First of all, of course advanced life is extremely rare. As others have pointed out, there are many factors that have helped us become what we have become. There needs to be an available source of energy, the right temperatures, possibly a magnetic field, tides and more. Of course its not impossible for a race to survive without thumbs, or without Carbon and Oxygen, but the only advanced life we know so far requires such features.
    • Let's consider this for a second. Even if Earth is incredibly and utterly rare, with a propability of 0.003% of a planet like that to exist, the universe is V A S T. In the infinitness of space, 0.003% is nothing. The same argument can also explain the fact that we haven't been contacted yet for the plain reason that they could be hundreds of light years away.
    • Next thing to talk about is time. The fourth dimension, like the first three, is unfathomably large. Our minds cannot comprehend the vastness of spacetime. To put time into prespective, lets look at some numbers. Universe created 13.8 billlion years ago. Until 11 billion years ago, life was unstable. Like OP has said, the Milky Way could have been 700 times colonised by now? Some of these civilizations could have existed for millions of years. Wanna know how old our civilisation is? 6000 years old! 6000 years is a fraction of a fraction of their time. Their perception of time might be completely different. Even if they have discoved us during that time, they might have simply not reacted yet.
    • Even if they do exist, how could they discover us? Alliens wouldn't just pull up to our planet and check if we have build anything? They would check from far away, on changes in the light of our Sun, in case we have built some structure that could be obstructing their view of it, or they could catch one of our million radio signals we have been throwing at space for the last 100 years. This means that only civilizations 100 light years away from us would have recieved said signals by now.(EDIT: there are other ways to assume that an advanced civilization exists, but they all work similar to these 2)
    • Thing is, this goes both ways. We might haven't been discoved yet... but we haven't had any luck catching any signals. Why could this be happening? A possible explanation could be that currently alliens are not emitting any radio signals.

    About the 3 most known theories on the Fermi Paradox, here is my take on them:
    • The Great Filter is the depressing answer, because it indicates the end of humanity, but on the other hand seems unlikely since we obviously do not have any experience on mass extinctions in advanced life as a species.
    • The Zoo hypothesis is the optimistic answer, since it not only indicates that we are not alone in the universe but also that these alliens respect boundaries and treat us as something that should not be disturbed, yet.
    • The Rare Earth theory sounds the most ignotant to me. I have never been one to distinguish my self as unique compared to the rest of humanity, so as expected I would feel for our civilization as a whole.

    This post seemed kinda random on this site, but it is called Planet Minecraft afterall...
    08/26/2022 4:29 am
    Level 31 : Artisan Imposter
    vagri1's Avatar
    Could be a combination of the fact that Earth is so rare and also the fact that the universe is extremely vast. Like, maybe there is another planet that happened to be able to support advanced life, but it is so far away, that even if they were 1000 years ahead of us, it would be unlikely that they wouldn't even bother making contact or even be able to make contact.

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