updog's Avatar
Level 18
Journeyman Button Pusher

Forum Posts

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    05/19/2014 10:28 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    My entry: http://goo.gl/iTpzRO

    02/15/2014 11:48 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    IGN: Tryterra
    Age: 13
    Time Zone: PCT
    Skype Username: tryterra
    Describe your style of building: I do a lot of Modern builds and Detailing large builds.
    Why do you want to be a part of this Build Team: Because I think it would be a lot of fun. You never know, we could get pretty big.
    General Staff Experience: I've been Admin about three times and Co-Owner on two others.
    World-Edit / Voxel-Sniper Experience: I know a lot about W/E but not as much Voxel Sniper.
    Portfolio of you builds: I don't really have many available ones right now. I could make it and show it to you on Skype if you want.
    12/02/2013 2:43 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    I watched your latest video and it was actually pretty entertaining. I look forward to your new videos. Keep up the good work!
    08/21/2013 7:45 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    I'll participate
    07/28/2012 5:33 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    Voice and Body Actor:
    1) Age: 11
    2) Accent: Canadian
    3) IGN (in game name): Tryterra
    4) How many times are you on in a week?: Everyday, unless I'm on a trip or sick
    5) On a scale of 1/10 how deep is your voice 1 is mouselike, 10 is modified cello: 4-5
    6) Do you get along with others well?: Yes
    7) Do you follow instructions well?: Yes
    8) Are you mature?: Yes
    10) Do you speak English well?: Yes
    11) Is your internet fast?: Yes
    12) Gender: Male
    06/17/2012 3:29 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    Skin wanted: Panda in a Suit

    Urgency: A S A P

    Effort wanted to be put in: 10
    05/26/2012 2:44 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Button Pusher
    updog's Avatar
    Minecraft IGN: Tryterra
    Nickname: Try, Or Terra
    Are you over 14?: No
    Do you have skype?: Yes
    How much time can you dedicate to this server: Whenever I can come on I will come on
    What position are you applying for: Admin
    What race do you want to be when the server starts: Human
    What are you good at: Building and Battling Strategies
    Maturity Scale: 10
    Anything else you want to tell us: I've been OP before, I've been Co-Owner, I am Admin on another server, and Temp Mod

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