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Level 32
Artisan Mage

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    06/06/2013 4:50 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Out of character Information

    Minecraft Account Name: tutto200
    Age: 13
    Timezone: Western
    Experience in role-playing (If any): A lot! I have experience on many role-playing Minecraft servers, as well as many 'forum play by post'.

    In character Information

    Name (Full): Tutto (last name unknown)
    Character Age: 247
    Race (Currently only have a human race): Human
    History (Make it up!): Not much was known about Tutto's past. He arrived to the monastery as a newborn baby in a basket of gold. The newborn was wearing a necklace of sorts and far to big to. After examination the monks found that the necklace held magical properties but couldn't explain what its exact use was for. Naturally the monks took him in under their wing and gave him food, water, shelter and the sacred name 'Tutto'.
    At the age of ten Tutto would earn his presence by doing errands for the monks. He would venture to a small village and bring back food and unusual items. He would also give messages, give books, clean, gather herbs. On his time off however, he would head to the library and read all day.
    Tutto became the age of fourteen and began training in the arts of magic. This time the errand he was given were of more difficulty. Journeying onto mountains and performing In-Hatre, performing magic and rituals.
    By the age of 17 Tutto was trained in magic and the arcana. The monks then told him to leave and set about on his destiny that they knew he would achieve (given as the monks think he'll become a powerful force for good). So Tutto left the monastery and began his journey of fate...
    At the age of 18 he found shelter in a winter hold. They thought him to be an scholar, a scribe and they had no knowledge of his 'powers' and for good reason to. The hold had a grudge against magic and so any that use it would receive punishment. One night as men and women filled the halls for a feast Tutto was seated on a chair next to a lady. Together as the night went on, they became drunk. As a result of it Tutto showed off and accidentally used magic. Instantly the guards were on him and he was set to punishment. Tutto was taken to the ice lake outside. He restrained but the number of guards on him was to overwhelming. They pushed him into the ice lake and Tutto felt the heartless cold. He felt like it was freezing him. From the outside in but what made him wonder was which would kill him first? The cold or drowning? Or perhaps both. Fate had a different plan...Tutto ever so slowly began sinking to the bottom but he was still alive. He was in a state between life and death and saw visions.
    Later Tutto was found in many other cities and towns. He took up a lives quest, the quest for immortality. Ever since the day he died and lived something changed in him. A deep darkness inside him had shifted, reaching for the surface...
    Personality: Dark, philosophical, introvert, quiet, selective, neutral, bold, heartless and overall sophisticated.
    Skills: Necromancy, intelligence, insight, arcana, intimidation, influence.
    Appearance (Description, but a skin would be great too!): Wears dark black robes outlined with purple. Always wear the hood over his face to protect his identity (naturally as a necromancer). Has a pouch in which he keeps items useful towards his exploration in the dark arts. Being a magic user Tuttowears certain garments which hold magical properties. One of the other most noticeable attributes of his appearance is his eyes; they are a glowing purple colour that seem mesmerising. Overall Tutto goes light, light so he can easily move and practice magic anywhere at anytime.
    Other details (Optional): His occupation is his exploration in the dark arts (necromancer).

    Situational Role-play
    1. While in Newmond, you see a mysterious looking figure sprint past you, he appears to be carrying stolen goods. What do you do?
    I lay back in the shadow of an old inn and watch as a mysterious figure ran. From what I could observe he was nearly six feet tall, male, human and exceptionally fit. It appeared that he was to, carrying stollen goods. Perhaps once owned by a merchant or a blacksmith, either way it mattered no more. Of course I had the thought of stopping him but I had no time for such puny matters...Soon the human was far ahead sprinting and only the sound of a angry merchant could be heard.

    2. You are fishing off a small pier which clearly states it is a public fishing area. A middle-aged dwarf approaches you and tells you it is his fishing area. (You find it funny that a dwarf enjoys fishing) What do you do?
    A hint of a smile passes my lips as I simply stare at the short dwarf. To me it was amusing to see such a short man making an attempt to be somewhat intimidating. Obviously the attempt failed miserably and so I decided to make a threat of my own..."Watch your tongue Dwarf. I do not recommend threatening me..." I bring out my hand and move my fingers to the flow of magic 'till a small black flame lit. With that I gave him my own intimidating look and the Dwarf's face twisted into fear. The Dwarf began slowly retreating down the pier and soon he was gone.
    06/06/2013 3:32 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    I know the feeling bro...
    06/06/2013 3:30 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
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    -The Gathering of Magic Users Has Begun-

    mtg reference?

    Well it's actually an idea I got from a series 'The Demonata' and in there is an organisation of people with powers of magic. I do know however, Magic the Gathering but it wasn't a reference to that
    06/04/2013 1:02 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    The server will be shut down for another day or perhaps more.
    06/02/2013 9:19 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    275: Make some bacon!
    06/02/2013 4:40 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
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    05/30/2013 1:35 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Really, many of todays music comes from the old, classical music. Classical sets the mood brilliantly! Like the theme to Jaws, Pshco, Wibsy Wobsy World, Thus Spake Zarathustra (or mostly known as the space song), ect. There are so many classical songs that many work so well in connecting to the paticipant. So classical for sure!
    For those interested in classical music I would recommend listening to (one of my favourites!) 'In the Mood'.
    05/30/2013 12:46 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
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    05/29/2013 3:25 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
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    Bump again. We are in need of advance builders or builders who can listen!
    05/28/2013 3:44 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    username?: tutto200
    What are you planning to do?:
    Rise of Mythology
    An RPG of mythology, including Greek, Egyptian, Roman. So players will be acting out as demigods. It would be set around the series by Rick Roridian. Gods and Titans will be staff members and moderators will be leaders of camps. Also there would be an arcade with the following games...
    Egypt Run- You have to go through rooms filled with traps and tricks. The aim is to get all gold nuggets.
    Reach Mount Olympus- You have to climb a mountain (I would make sure it's at a difficult level).
    Roman Battle Field- A war zone where you are given weapons, magic from your class/god.
    And then the quests of...
    The Maze of the Minotaur- Try defeat the Minotaur along with finding a way out of the maze!
    The Lair of Medusa- You have to fight your way through the lair of Medusa.
    Lost Relics- Find the lost relics that have been scattered around the map.
    Kill the Titans- Destroy the titans for once and for all.
    And more! There would be classes, treasure, realms, NPCs.
    I can only begin to tell you about my plans!
    experience?: I have experience with Hamachi, ect.
    age?: 13
    05/28/2013 2:26 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
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    05/27/2013 5:19 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Accepted as Trainee Soldier! I'd like to see your PvP skills in the game and then you can get the rank/class Soldier. Welcome to the faction.
    05/27/2013 4:47 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Accepted as Trainee Architect! Welcome to the Disciples.
    05/27/2013 9:02 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
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    We will be holding an event where everyone will be given free items (for example diamond armour, pics, ect). If you wish to be apart of the event please inform me either here or on the server. Thanks.
    05/26/2013 6:06 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Our buildings and main headquarters has been built however will be working more on the inside. Thanks to DB (DeathByAxe) for the massive walls! And thanks to Lachlan (lachlan_czumak) for an effective entrance.
    The Disciples is well on their way to conquest and are living through prosperous times.

    If you want to join do an application and if I accept it I'll PM you the IP, then you can officially join the Disciples.
    05/25/2013 3:20 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Need more people!
    05/25/2013 2:33 pm
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Sure, I've put you on as a Rescource Trainee for now. Thanks.
    05/25/2013 8:45 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    I have if you go to page 1.
    05/25/2013 7:57 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Accepted but for now please choose another rank/class and then I'll put you on a half a week span. Then I shall make a decision. Thanks.
    05/25/2013 7:55 am
    Level 32 : Artisan Mage
    Tutto200's Avatar
    Accepted as Diplomat! Another RPer, fantastic.

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