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Level 5
Apprentice Farmer

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    08/31/2014 3:28 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Possition: Admin or Moderator
    IGN: NoahxandxLizi
    Age: 13
    Commitment level: On a scale of 1-10, 10 I used to play this one server but all the mods stopped playing and it became full of rule breakers. I never want that to happen.
    Skype or
    Why I should chose you: I love helping people. I have lots of experience, I went from Moderator to Co-Owner on a server that sadly shut down about two years ago. And am currently a Moderator on Survival Remix
    What can you do to help out: I have lots of experience with world edit, essentials and other popular plugins. (From a private server I used to have.)
    comment: I love to help, I don't mind stopping what I am doing to help. I have good grammar, and I can type at a pretty fast speed. I hope you accept me.
    08/31/2014 2:11 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Head admin:

    Age: 13
    IGN: NoahxandxLizi
    Experience: I have been Co-Owner on a server that shut down, ran a small Bukkit server off my old Pc, and am currently a Moderator on Survival Remix
    What Will you help with: Grief and showing the staff how to use plugins.
    Why should i pick you: I have experience in management positions and have experience with lots of plugins. I also love helping people.

    08/30/2014 6:10 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    IGN: NoahxandxLizi
    Age: 13
    Why you want to join: It sounds like it would be an awesome server without people destroying your stuff.
    Something interesting about you: I know a lot about farming. I guess I am not that interesting.
    Country: USA
    08/30/2014 6:07 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Seems fishy.
    08/30/2014 5:51 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Super cool!
    08/30/2014 5:48 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Some songs are OK but the popular ones of course are ones that the computer is doing all the work. I usually get a headache from any music anyways, so in a way I don't really like any of it.
    08/30/2014 5:16 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar

    IGN: NoahxandxLizi
    Age: 13
    Experience: I have ran a few vanilla servers have been Co-owner on a server that shut down. Currently Moderator on Survival Remix
    Why should we choose you: I love helping people.
    How can you be trusted: I am very trust worthy. There is really no reason to do anything un-trustworthy anyway, what will it benefit me?
    How are you the best for this job: I love helping people. I don't mind dropping what I am doing to help someone.
    Maturity: I am very mature.
    How are you better than others: I don't mind being your peon. Your wish is my command.
    Why Admin: Because it is a role where I can help people, including moderators.

    I hope you read this.
    08/29/2014 4:39 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Have you ever been staff on another server? If so, what duties did you perform?
    I was a co-owner before on one that shut down. I kept the staff in check. Made sure the server was a good experience for players.

    Do you like to build? Yeah.

    Have you been banned from another server before? No.

    What makes you a good fit for this server? I like PVP build servers like yours.

    Do you have experience with Spigot and the folloing plugins for it: WorldEdit, Multiverse-Core, Multiverse-INV, Essentials, WorldGuard, GroupManager, MotdManager, Votifier, CleanroomGenerator, and IslandWorld?

    I have lots of experience with world edit and world guard. I also have some with multicore.

    What times will you be available to meet this week? PM a time that is good for you.

    My IGN is NoahxandxLizi
    08/29/2014 4:25 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    That is AWESOME!
    08/29/2014 4:21 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    08/29/2014 3:19 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    From another dude. I would most likely think that she likes you. Does she smile and stare at you? Then look away when she notices you looking at her?
    08/29/2014 2:42 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    1) Minecraft Username NoahxandxLizi
    2)Email/Skype where I can contact you
    3)When you hope it will be done by Hopefully within a week, but take your time. I can wait.
    08/28/2014 2:14 pm
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Well it could be about fighting the Ender Dragon. They made a Lego movie and Legos don't have a story line.
    08/28/2014 6:48 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    I think it will happen. I wonder if it will be animated like Seedlings, or human actors. Either way I think it will be AMAZING .
    08/28/2014 6:31 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Furniture, or even just chairs would be AMAZING. Then people could actually sit in those giant stadium maps.
    08/28/2014 5:19 am
    Level 5 : Apprentice Farmer
    TheOnlyNoah's Avatar
    Name: Noah

    Minecraft Name: NoahxandxLizi


    Skype: Noah (My profile pick is an Epic face with a cowboy hat and sunglasses.

    How much time can you spend on the server a day: 2-3 Hours

    Have You been in any staff position before (If so what server, was it popular): I have been a mod ranked up to admin and then Co-Owner, on a server that shutdown about two years ago.

    Why should I make you an Admin: I love helping people. I follow orders and enforce rules.

    What do you bring to the server: Grammar and Rules.

    Put any additional things here:
    I am Homeschooled so I can be on at the time when everyone is at school.

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