TheNewTK421's Avatar
Back || Funnily enough, no one messaged me the word "Tomato"
Level 28
Expert Miner

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I don't really intend to do any sort of "friends list". It doesn't mean that I think there's anything wrong with a friends list. It's just a personal choice. I sometimes might occasionally state that I'd like to be someone's friend, but not necessarily very often. I follow a general rule of thumb not to refer to anyone as my "friend" unless I happen to know they consider me a "friend" back. You can consider me a friend if you want without my permission, though. I generally don't mind. Of course, you don't have to. This can go either way.

Anyways, that's what I have to say about that.

I'd be open to the idea of collaborating with someone or taking a request from them, but this does not mean I am guaranteed to actually do those things nor does it mean that I will do them very regularly. The thing is that I have a number of things to focus on, and while I'd like to occasionally do things based on requests or collaborate with someone else on something, I don't want all my time taken up by fulfilling everyone else's desires instantly. I aim to be a generous person so I am willing to help people out at times, but I can't necessarily take care of everything immediately nor can I even do everything everyone wants me to do. I want to be generous, but I don't want to be overwhelmed. I hope you understand.

If you want to include me in something without getting me directly involved, that's fine. You don't need my permission to include me in anything. I don't care. It would not be good if you tried to misinform the public about something regarding me, though. I wouldn't necessarily take legal action or anything, but I would at least be sort of ticked off.

When can I PM you?
PM me whenever you want; they're always open. I might not always respond however, or at least not immediately.

Statuses of the Past
I don't know how I didn't realize this was how you do the status thing
Message me the word "Tomato"
(Please don't) Message me the word "Tomato"
Things are weird || Message me the word "Tomato"
Shout-out to LegendarySi, Glamrock_Freddys_Super-Star, and FlintN_Steel || Message me the word "Tomato"
Sad as may be, the time is drawing near || Message me the word "Tomato"
Sad as it may be, the time is drawing near || Message me the word "Tomato"
I'll be back || Even while I'm gone, you can still message me the word "Tomato"
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