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    The Celestia Empire
    10/17/2014 4:57 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Ok, my last comment wasn't very helpful if we take into consideration the fact that you have lots of difficulties to talk to girls.

    I'm gonna be honest. Most men have or have had this same problem. I'm one of them. The only way to get over the problem of not being able to talk with people is, well... talking to people. You've gotta start somewhere. I'd suggest maybe meeting people online and then calling them on Skype. Once you feel comfortable talking to a stranger (never reveal confidential data (hurr durr)) you can maybe move to videocalls.
    It may seem stupid, but it's a progression. I'm progressing and I swear my new years promise to myself is to sieze any opportunity I see to meet someone new. Like for example, when at the bus stop and there's somebody sitting next to you.

    I swear most of this started because I once had a crush on a girl, and after weeks, she was the one to approach me. Even then, I was horribly shy, so I would never make any moves or try to be the kind of guy that you'd want as a boyfriend. Still, we became friends.
    After a few months she started dating some dude and I was obviously apalled. She noticed it and asked what was up with me. I only then confessed that I secretely liked. She was in shock and admitted that when she first met me she thought I was handsome and was interested in maybe getting to know as a means to being my boyfriend, but thought that I wasn't interested in her because I always kept my distance, and eventually stopped thinking of me that way.
    I felt destroyed. I mean, how could I not? She didn't put me in the friend-zone. I PUT MYSELF IN THERE.

    After that I resolved to never fail in such a way again. So I searched on da interwebs how to be more confidential around women, how to flirt, etc.
    And this is when I stumbled upon Simple Pickup's YouTube channel. If you don't know these guys, then it's time you start watching their vids. They will convince that by doing what you do, WICH IS NOTHING, you won't get anywhere. You will learn that it's way better to get rejected by a girl than not even get the chance to get rejected.

    Honestly, take a look. They changed my life. Their main focus is on picking up girls, but they tell you that eventually, you may pick up a girl that may be your potential soul mate.
    They are both funny and very helpful. I've gotta say, I'm really happy with my girlfriend right now and I somehow owe to them.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/17/2014 3:29 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Just go full #YOLO.

    It helps. Think of it as if you don't have anything to lose, because in fact, you don't.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/15/2014 2:55 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Nobody's fighting. We're just talking like respectful civilized humans.

    For now.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/15/2014 2:51 pm
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    Religious debate can be very tense.

    As will any other philosophical debate, mostly because as the mortal humans we are, we will never find and answer for those kind of questions.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/15/2014 2:41 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    I'm not an atheist. I'm just an agnostic. I have no proof that God exists nor do I have of Him not existing.
    What I cannot believe in is in the christian god or any other god that they force us to believe in or any god that supposedely cares for us and everything that exists.
    I think that if there really is a god, he doesn't really give a flying F for humanity. I mean, why would he? I'm not saying that god is bad, because I also don't believe in metaphysical moral or ethics, just that he's definitely not the way many religions depict him.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/14/2014 12:06 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Maybe useless blocks for you, but cool new possibilities for architects.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/14/2014 11:59 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Still makes no sense to me, but whatever...
    The Celestia Empire
    10/13/2014 2:56 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Just remembered that time when my neck nearly snapped while playing a basketball match.
    I got a block and my team mate didn't warn me so I got trapped between my attacker and the blocker and got my head twisted in a weird way.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/13/2014 2:36 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    I'm hoping Microsoft will do something awesome with something that is already awesome.

    How do you guys think Microsoft could screw up?
    One of my friends said he feared they might officially stop updating the game but instead start offering DLCs wich you'd have to pay for.
    The Celestia Empire
    10/12/2014 7:54 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    What are you talking about? On a server? What? Where? When? How?
    The Celestia Empire
    10/12/2014 7:44 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Well that escalated quickly...
    The Celestia Empire
    10/12/2014 7:28 am
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Well, I'm one of those guys that thinks that we're constantly avoiding death. I mean, chances of you dying right now are actually pretty high.

    I myself have been in some pretty strange situations:
    -Nearly set fire to my bedroom by trying to make some sort of flamethrower with my subwoofer. Got a scar from the burn on my right hand in the process.
    -Riding at high speeds with my bike and falling down and rolling like 30 meters until I finally stopped and realised that my whole body was in pain.
    -Riding my bike through the woods at sundown. I sort of fell, my bike got a bit smashed, my phone was running out of battery and I only had time to tell my mom that I wasn't getting home that night, just so that she didn't worry. It got dark really quick and I couldn't see where I was or where I was going, so rather than risking falling of a ledge or something, I just slept in the woods 'til sunrise.
    -Snowboarding. I fell backwards while facing the slope on a very steep part of the mountain. I smashed my head against the cold hard ice. Thank Notch I was wearing a helmet.
    -Consumption of unsafe amounts of certain drugs XDDD (never doing that again)
    -I'm black and I once encountered a group of neo-nazis loitering and shit. They bothered me for a while but luckily they didn't do much more. Since then I've been learning self-defence.
    -Nearly drowning...

    I don't know... I'm just that kind of #YOLO person. I've done many stupid things but I don't regret anything. Some day I'm gonna end my life for good.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/17/2014 2:45 pm
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    But hell, the Super Mario Universe HAS to be amazing. Imagine being able to explore all the places that we travel through in all of the Mario, Luigi, Wario, Yoshi and other main characters. Surfing through galaxies, magical worlds, loads of interesting characters. karting, tennis, football... who knows.

    Other than that, EVE Online, Warhammer and Warhammer 40k universes, World of Warcraft, Suikoden Tierkreis and Final Fantasy multiverses and finally, Digimon and Pokemon.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 5:03 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Bro, you must be Jesus Christ, only way more cooler.

    The only thing I don't seem to fully grasp is the fact that you tell us how the Universe acts, and how it has acted based solely on scientific theories wich seem quite plausible and logical, but then you read this:
    The outside "multiverse" may use our physical laws regarding time, and in that case the cause may be easily understandable, even if we never discover it. But, it is CERTAIN that it does not HAVE to use our physics. Most likely, it involves higher-dimensional physics, something even some of the world's best physicists have trouble wrapping their mind around.

    Couldn't someone use that against your arguments and say that exact same possibilites of outer laws unknown to humans behaving in totally strange ways could be the same ones acting in our Universe, and therefore, said laws, being incomprehensible, leave us with the sensation that we know how the cosmos but we actually don't? (yeezus, I feel like I totally messed up the question...)

    To those who still think that this thread is gonna derange into a flame war, you have little to no faith in humanity. And I can understand why.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 12:41 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    We agnostics live a happier life.
    Having assumed that we are absolutely ignorant about everything there is, we can't accept the meaning of life that others try to prove as the true one. Therefore, it's up to us to determine what the meaning of our life is, be it eating pizza all day or devoting our life to worshipping a divine entity.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 12:37 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    Schroedingers Cat can be applied to the universe and how it came into existence.Both beliefs cannot be proved, but neither can be DISPROVED. Neither of you are wrong. Neither of you are right.

    The entire universe cannot be in super-position. the observer effect / wave collapse infers a hierarchy of states.

    The cat can be both alive and dead because it has two sibling states in the hierarchy - from the actual cats perspective it is it's own parent node and so can only be in one state - it's like that with the universe... one or the other. ( if we made a smaller universe and did-not look inside THEN it would be in super-position but only from our perspective -i.e outside ) okay now I'm really going to bed!

    You're on to something there, but, if we were to compare Schroedinger's Cat paradox with our position in the known universe, we are not, by far, the cat. Even though we are in our universe/box, humans do not have, at least not yet, the ability to know wether we are dead or alive, or in this case, if the universe was originated from the Big Bang or created by a god.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 12:30 pm
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    Dr. Manhattan, is that you?
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 12:22 pm
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    The Celestia Empire
    RevolutionalRedStoneI think the honest truth that the universe is an endless cold, dead soup of particles not placed here for us - it's just too hard for some people.

    I find majesty in the fact that chance alone holds us feet away from a never ending nothingness - we along keep our selves alive and we do it because we absolutely must.


    But hey, I guess we can't blame them for wanting to believe that they were created because of infinite love. This is a free world.

    Nice ending thought, works for both sides (even though mine is right x3)


    Yeah, works both ways.
    I wish we were able to just post how we think how the cosmos was created without having to bash others beliefs, but unfortunately, the burden of proof always falls on the one trying to prove himself right over others, so... yeah.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 12:13 pm
    Level 33 : Artisan Artist
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    RevolutionalRedStoneI think the honest truth that the universe is an endless cold, dead soup of particles not placed here for us - it's just too hard for some people.

    I find majesty in the fact that chance alone holds us feet away from a never ending nothingness - we along keep our selves alive and we do it because we absolutely must.


    But hey, I guess we can't blame them for wanting to believe that they were created because of infinite love. This is a free world.
    The Celestia Empire
    09/04/2014 12:00 pm
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    I find it hard to believe that there is a God the way christians depict him: loving and caring.
    As evidenced by the Bible, he can be loving, but he can also be pretty destructive. Bearing that in mind, if the christian God does exist, then his sole motivation for creating everything there is is pure boredom.

    "yo, i'm tired of this nothingness. imma create stuff cuz u kno: #yolo"

    Now, I am not saying that a god may not exist. I am a simple human and I do not have the knowledge or experience to be able to blatantly deny the existence of something that could be infinitely superior than me.
    All I'm saying is that the beggining of the universe as we know may have been created by a god (not the christian one, because if we were his toys, he got pretty bored with us long ago), or it may have not.

    As someone said earlier on this same post, we humans can't even imagine how things can happen if there is no cause behind it. Unfortunately for us, we have no way of witnessing how/why/when the known universe started to be the way we know it, so nihilists like me just decide to go full YOLO through life, having previously assumed that the human race is nowhere near of being able of fully understanding what role we play in the cosmos.

    So yeah, imma go grab some cookies and regard life.

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