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Level 13 Journeyman Sweetheart

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    04/16/2013 7:39 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    For instance;(no, I am not trying to Promo my skin, its just this was the first example I could find)
    This one got a diamond from Horn, who started the "Get your skin Recognized" thread. So thats 2 diamonds. Meanwhile...
    managed to get 183 diamonds, and yet was not on the finalists list. Note how the creator of this one was a Forum Moderator level 53. I was level... 13 I think at the time I made mine. Both skins are relatively good, but due to the popularity of the creator on the engineer skin, he had a much higher chance to win.

    I am honestly in shock that you would even compare your work to his. Your argument about "fair contests" has no credibility here.

    Can I tell him it sucks now?
    04/15/2013 11:43 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    Most middle schools do actually have classes about that. I know the school I went to way back when does have such a class.

    Well, I guess you must not live in the highly stratified education system of Florida. I'm jealous.
    04/15/2013 11:37 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    That's where I differ with Cipher; if a kid cries on the internet, and the parent is angry, why should it be the site's fault unless it advertised a 100% child friendly environment?

    This however, is more of an education based issue. I wish middle schools had a class based on online etiquette and programming/computing/logic.
    04/15/2013 11:19 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    The reason people ask is that the 16-20 year olds don't wanna play with the 10-12 year olds. That's what it basically boils down to. I also have kids the age of the average user online here, and I agree, I absolutely 100% hate the "asking your age" thing.

    I personally don't mind playing with younger children. Most of the mature players on my server are young. Impatience and immaturity is a chance among all people. Granted, it tends to be 12-15 year old boys and 8-13 year old girls that appear to have the most trouble getting along on the server (understandable, as that is their typical developmental period).
    04/15/2013 11:14 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    The_Bias_P11I don't know how PMC could improve the quality of the popular textures page without having an autocratic inner circle of art critics, but a flag reason as "utter crap" or "misleading pictures" would be a good start.

    At the end of the day, and despite the comments above - whose place is it really to tell kids (yes, a huge portion of our site's userbase are kids) that their work is crap? We absolutely remove spam (MSPaint spray overs, solid colors, etc) but if someone put in at least a marginal amount of effort, I certainly don't want to be the guy known for calling their legitimate work invalid, regardless of how shoddy it is or how much I dislike it.

    I've actually gotten an angry PM from a child's mother before, for removing a series of flat-colored skins - like, solid colors - and to be completely blunt, it kinda got to me that I had made a little kid cry. I don't want to be that guy, and neither do you.

    I don't exclusively mean poor quality textures. I mean textures that make it to the popular page by misleading people with false images and tangential cover pictures. Some use a beautiful and unoriginal image to showcase their 5-minute creation. Skins are much less likely to suffer from this, but people can still abuse the popular page system.

    "BadassCraft" on the popular textures page is the perfect example.
    04/15/2013 10:46 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    I have noticed a huge texture pack quality drop since my hiatus 3 months ago. Maybe it is because all the mature boys and girls are studying for their exams .

    However, there is some issues with moderation. I have seen a member who routinely stole textures (one of mine) and was often caught doing so, and yet became a moderator anyway. I am not sure if he is still a moderator.

    I don't know how PMC could improve the quality of the popular textures page without having an autocratic inner circle of art critics, but a flag reason as "utter crap" or "misleading pictures" would be a good start.
    06/25/2012 9:53 am
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    02/29/2012 4:40 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    Hey uhm I was banned for some reason. They said I had blockreach even though that is patched since like 1.8.
    02/27/2012 5:27 pm
    Level 13 : Journeyman Sweetheart
    The_Bias_P11's Avatar
    IGN: The_Bias_p11
    Experience with PvP: Yes
    Mouse: I have one.
    Mining: I get an awful lot of iron, significantly more than diamond, and I mine faster than anyone I know,
    How long have I been playing MC: since 1.3, so about 1 year, maybe less
    PvP style: I see the player on the hill. He is waiting for my sword, and I readily accept his invitation. I taunt him with vivid imagery of my throbbing, stiff, and valiant penis entering his tight rectum. He of course stays stoic and still, fearing both my sharp and pixelated sword and my veiny, circumcised penis. But as time drags on And we stare, I have my ace in the hole deployed. I begin firing arrows that he dodges skillfully just like the brave folk that I often confront. As I run towards him sword raised and manhood erect, he tenses to receive or block my sword of meat and diamond. I am a mere 10 blocks from him and ready to assault him from the rear, and I stop to dig a hole. The Tnt that I had placed before hand blows up him and his entire hill; I crouch over his dead body and I apply lubricant to my Sausage limb.
    Arrows: Yup

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