Sunshine Cruise Line's Avatar
Level 48
Master Sailor

About me + FAQ

Hey, I am Sunshine Cruise Line!
I'm just a guy who loves to build ships, planes and mines!
Other interests include listening to music (mostly Rhodesian music!), history (mostly history of british colonies, mostly Rhodesia), building aircraft and ship models, riding my bicycle, hiking... and politics ofcourse. I love talking and arguing about politics!

Some questions you might ask:
Why do you use quarz instead of white wool/white concrete?
Well, I don't like those blocks. They are too dark and look almost gray, especially together with the light gray wool used for most of my ships hulls. Also, I use them in my engine rooms for pipes with asbestos around them.
What does "SCL" mean?
Sunshine Cruise Line
Do you want to help me/join my team?
Well... i have my own team, but if you need some help, i can help you of course. You just have to give me credits
Whats you favorite minecraft ship that you built?
TSS Leonardo
Whats your favorite Ship?
SS Rotterdam
Will you build the titanic?
Idk probably not I prefer fictional ships
But I might build a similar ship some day
Why Is your minecraft name "Submarinebuilder"?
Well, i used to build Submarines a long time ago (6 years) but i stopped to build them cuz they are boring. Ships are much better. Because i HATE name changes, i did NOT do it and i will NEVER do it ;)
Can I use your ships for my server/map?
Yeah sure just dont say you built it
Can I join your team?
Sure! Just ask me about it in a PM or add me on skype or discord!

Member Statistics

24,707Profile views
101,911Experience points
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7Forum threads
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10Wall posts
Sep 22, 2015Joined PMC
SubmarinebuilderMinecraft Name

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