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    • Uknownymous's Avatar
      May 14, 2024, 1:10 pm to Public
      Alrighty, I'm no longer a moderator. I approached a few problems poorly years prior per long overcome inexperience, and it's come back to snatch me down - I won't dive into details, but I understand what's happened, and for anyone who wonders "Why did they step down?", it was an understandable result, with me lacking any way to properly reference or discuss something that happened five years prior, so it's completely reasonable. :) Not that I'm happy, sure, but it's reasonable, and I want that to be absolutely clear. It's been great contributing to the moderation team, and I hope those still present engage happily enough too.

      Cyprezz is an excellent owner, and I want it to be known he really does support everyone getting along, mediating tensions, being friendly and such- Trying to (and rather successfully) fostering a community that's diverse and often clashing while still hopefully kind and supportive enough. A respectable, admirable challenge; he just wants everyone to get along, and that's great! I have no regrets from my time as a moderator, bar the fact it's over now - and that is what it is. Most who see this probably didn't see me often nowadays, but if you do know me, hey! It was great working in this position, helping to make the community a little happier along the way, and making my own fair share of accidental errors too (as moderation always has), while trying to overall have a good impact on the site. :) Thanks for the time.

      I'm not going anywhere, though - I'll still be here, as a member. Just not moderating!

      So, I'll use this opportunity as a bit of inspiration/advice for other people:
      • Your actions matter. You may not think it, but a mistake, error, sin, making an enemy of someone- Anything like that has lasting repercussions, which go further than just a single month, week, or even day or hour of your life. Take care, and try to make choices you'll be happy with in the future. When you aren't sure what to do in a situation and all options look to be bad, think about the long term effects it may have on everyone involved. Yourself especially. Look after yourself, and remember that actions you make last.
      • Seek peace with people you speak with. Even if you don't like someone much, aim to get along with them if possible. Find ways to ease tensions, to see eye to eye. To make friends, or at least to not be at odd's ends with someone. You may have wildly different views on how life works, or there may even be a major problem at hand, but it's never worth raising tensions with someone to make them an enemy. A huge part of looking after yourself and others is respecting the differences between people. This can be difficult, as a lot of walks of life clash inherently, but if you can find this kind of peace, you're already going to be better off for it.
      • Be nice. Self-explanatory, with the other two above: Coldness of any sort can genuinely catch up to you. Try to be a kind person, even while you're still growing and learning. It's difficult, and mistakes will happen along the way, but so long as someone's trying, the mistakes shouldn't be too bad.
      • Believe in yourself. Even if things look tough and you're starting to doubt how to move forwards with life, remember that you can still succeed. So long as life is continuing, there's still some hope to make it through and overcome the hurdles you face. Do not let anything take away from that confidence and determination to grow, persevere, and make life your own to be happy with.
      • Mistakes happen. That doesn't mean to accept and ignore the weight of the mistakes, but it does mean to remember not to beat yourself up if you do something wrong. Try to mediate tensions with involved people, apologise, see what you can do to recover from the mistake, and overall just keep working to grow as a person. We aren't defined by our mistakes; we are more than just the small parts of what makes us people. Look out for yourselves, and try to accept your errors, while not dragging yourself down with them. They are not the shackles dragging you down; they are just parts of this walk of life. Some will even be pretty bad mistakes, but if life's still ongoing, you can still change, and you can still grow, and there's still hope for you.
      • There's always hope. Like the above two points, even when something's still reaching for you after a long time, there's always hope to change and develop. There's always hope to find new friends, new communities, new job opportunities- Nothing is destined to fall apart entirely, purely based on the past. The present and future will be influenced by the past, but your own actions can change and influence them too. You're never hopeless. Never. There's always a future.
      • Seek help and advice. This is perhaps the hardest thing to do when so few people know how to make it through their own lives, but the reality is we're all learning and trying to make our own journeys. It isn't easy, and it never will be. There's no-one who fully grasps everything they have in life, yeah? But, you can at least seek to hear what others think about life, comparing it with your own journeys, seeking for support and encouragement to try to make your own life better, and perhaps theirs too in the process. We all have thoughts worth sharing (and thoughts that aren't worth sharing, haha. We're all complex, after all).
      • Never stop learning. As said, we'll never be perfect. Always keep trying to grow. I can't promise it'll matter in some situations, as sometimes regardless of how much you've done you'll still get into problems based on a lesser-capable version of you's choices, however you should still always try to grow, because while some situations are dead-ended, it will open the door to potential options which aren't. There's hope for you. For everyone. It may feel hard to find right now, but in this society, there's no point where someone has no possible way to hope, to care for themself, to hold up a job, friends, a community- There's always hope. Keep growing, keep taking care, and keep trying to work forwards with life.
      There's a bit more I think I'd be interested in rambling about, but this is already quite long and the post is partly motivation for myself, and ideally, motivation for others too. :) Life's tough, but there's always a path forwards. Don't let the complexities of this world make you feel helpless; you can always grow.
      Even if it feels really tough.

      Take care. :)

      Always seek to take care.

      You may not know what for, but future you may well thank you for doing it. :)
      Uknownymous replied to KaiOceansword's comment below 2024-05-16 12:33:39
      Uknownymous's Avatar
      Thanks, Kai! :)
      KaiOceansword said 2024-05-16 05:56:03
      KaiOceansword's Avatar
      Wise words
      Uknownymous replied to Frwf's comment below 2024-05-15 12:29:35
      Uknownymous's Avatar
      You're welcome! :)
      Frwf replied to Uknownymous's comment below 2024-05-15 04:48:06
      Frwf's Avatar
      Thank you!
      Uknownymous replied to DylanClicks's comment below 2024-05-14 17:53:35
      Uknownymous's Avatar
      Thank you! :D
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    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      Creative_Kylee shared PMC Artist Community's post
      March 20, 2024, 5:40 pm with Public
      I'm alive again to show you guys my 7+ hour drawing :)
      PMC Artist Community's Avatar
      PMC Artist Community post by Creative_Kylee's Avatar Creative_Kylee
      March 20, 2024, 5:40 pm to Public
      OC drawings and stuff.. These are my deity brothers, Ramiel (Nightmares) & Reve (Dreams):


      On paper:

      Here are their old gacha designs too:
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    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      February 14, 2024, 7:42 am to Public


      Evilxlemon said 2024-02-14 09:03:13
      Evilxlemon's Avatar
      happy valentines day
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      February 7, 2024, 5:08 pm to Public
      New persona redesign...?
      New NEW Persona_20240207161755
      (Also posted to PMC Artist Community)
      YourFriendSalvacraft replied to Creative_Kylee's comment below 2024-02-08 07:57:17
      YourFriendSalvacraft's Avatar
      True lol
      Creative_Kylee replied to YourFriendSalvacraft's comment below 2024-02-08 07:34:09
      Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      You're not the only one! I also get more detailed lol
      YourFriendSalvacraft said 2024-02-07 20:15:38
      YourFriendSalvacraft's Avatar
      Epic, is it me or you get more saturated when u evolve?
      Crois said 2024-02-07 18:17:58
      Crois's Avatar
      it looks so cool omg!!! your art styles really changed and grown over the years :0
      MoonAstraea said 2024-02-07 17:43:21
      MoonAstraea's Avatar
      That's such an awesome looking redesign! I love the way you drew the hair and the outfit/outfit colors :)
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      January 9, 2024, 8:46 am to Public
      I haven't made a skin in 8 MONTHS? What have I been doing?! I need to regain my creativity.
      autumn said 2024-01-09 08:52:49
      autumn's Avatar
      time for a username change, just kylee this time /j
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      January 1, 2024, 12:10 am to Public
      The TV made me listen to Sweet Home Alabama as the first song of 2024, bruh.
      -Wolfix- said 2024-01-01 09:18:51
      -Wolfix-'s Avatar
      Touché, TV
      ClayMan1077 said 2024-01-01 00:12:30
      ClayMan1077's Avatar
      Lol off to a great start
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      December 31, 2023, 6:45 pm to Public
      Oh man, it's almost 2025. See y'all next year. C:

      *edit: 2024
      Creative_Kylee replied to DiamondPlayz's comment below 2024-01-01 00:02:11
      Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      Oops, I have bad timeness
      DiamondPlayz replied to Usaki's comment below 2023-12-31 19:04:39
      DiamondPlayz's Avatar
      no im not ready for that yet
      Usaki replied to DiamondPlayz's comment below 2023-12-31 19:04:05
      Usaki's Avatar
      Its 2026
      DiamondPlayz said 2023-12-31 18:57:02
      DiamondPlayz's Avatar
      correction 2024
      Usaki said 2023-12-31 18:46:51
      Usaki's Avatar
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      Creative_Kylee shared mcrjellyfish's post
      December 31, 2023, 6:43 pm with Public
      I think I may have forgor to add "maps" to the word search
      mcrjellyfish's Avatar
      mcrjellyfish posted to guest book of Creative_Kylee's Avatar Creative_Kylee
      December 28, 2023, 11:53 am to Public
      i did your word search !!! ive been looking for "maps" for 20 minutes though so at this point im convinced its not there lmao 😭
      View original post
      YourFriendSalvacraft said 2023-12-31 22:55:36
      YourFriendSalvacraft's Avatar
      In the 6th vertical line at the right i found jax
      Rob333 said 2023-12-31 19:01:39
      Rob333's Avatar
      there's no maps :P
      MoonAstraea said 2023-12-31 18:46:40
      MoonAstraea's Avatar
      Gonna need a map to figure this one out
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      December 25, 2023, 4:03 pm to Public
      Happy Christtyumous 🎄🎅
      ZappyGru said 2023-12-25 16:20:28
      ZappyGru's Avatar
      merr chrimas
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      December 24, 2023, 2:39 pm to Public
      If I had a nickel for everytime somebody told me "You don't look like a CoD player," I'd have two nickels. I know it's not a lot, but it's weird it happened twice.
      CrownDeluxe replied to Creative_Kylee's comment below 2023-12-26 12:41:19
      CrownDeluxe's Avatar
      yeah hmm
      Creative_Kylee replied to CrownDeluxe's comment below 2023-12-25 16:03:04
      Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      I played it on a GameCube when I was like 6. Haven't touched it in about 11 years
      CrownDeluxe replied to Creative_Kylee's comment below 2023-12-24 22:00:35
      CrownDeluxe's Avatar
      have you played animal crossing?
      Creative_Kylee replied to CrownDeluxe's comment below 2023-12-24 17:03:16
      Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      They said I looked like an Animal Crossing player
      CrownDeluxe said 2023-12-24 14:53:13
      CrownDeluxe's Avatar
      has anyone told what kind of player you do look like?
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    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      December 12, 2023, 4:58 pm to Public
      Okay, so I don't know if anyone else has already done this, but I made a Planet Minecraft word search for funsies. The words are in every direction: Vertical, Horizontal, Upsidedown, Backwards, Diagonal, etc. Have fun!

      If anyone really can't find the words, or is struggling, either PM me or just ask and I'll send you the answer key :))

      (Sorry for the bad quality btw. I made this on a Google doc and screenshotted it)

      PMC Word Search
      Katfoo10 replied to anonpmc3215418's comment below 2023-12-12 19:26:15
      Katfoo10's Avatar
      I’ve always used that. It’s really convenient
      ObsidianFoxPlayz replied to anonpmc3215418's comment below 2023-12-12 18:58:47
      ObsidianFoxPlayz's Avatar
      I use that method too :0
      Angelonasher said 2023-12-12 17:02:48
      Angelonasher's Avatar
      im gonna print this out and do it
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    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      December 3, 2023, 3:45 pm to Public
      Finally got my YouTube music recap. I spent all year listening to Citizen Soldier just to be the top 0.1% of listeners. Was it worth it? Maybe it was a waste of time, but to me, it kinda feels like I unlocked a secret achievement I've been grinding out.

      Do ya'll think this was too much?
      BlueBoyBuilds said 2023-12-03 16:26:48
      BlueBoyBuilds's Avatar
      Side quest completed B)
      Creative_Kylee replied to MoonAstraea's comment below 2023-12-03 16:01:15
      Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      Thank u bro 🥺
      MoonAstraea said 2023-12-03 15:56:45
      MoonAstraea's Avatar
      Not at all. I think it's wonderful, and it's awesome to see what you've accomplished. :)
    • Planet Minecraft Interviews ZappyGru!
      Interview Blog
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      PMC's Avatar PMC 12/1/23 11:09
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      Creative_Kylee shared PMC Artist Community's post
      November 29, 2023, 12:52 pm with Public
      i do art
      PMC Artist Community's Avatar
      PMC Artist Community post by Creative_Kylee's Avatar Creative_Kylee
      November 29, 2023, 12:51 pm to Public
      "It's just a sketch" - me

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    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      November 25, 2023, 3:36 pm to Public
      Fruit > Vegetables
      Skwerps said 2023-11-26 09:35:56
      Skwerps's Avatar
      Yes indeed.
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      November 17, 2023, 9:03 pm to Public
      After 4 hours, I lost Monopoly to a ten year old. I don't know if I'll ever recover from this
      Saturn Marz said 2023-11-17 23:04:37
      Saturn Marz's Avatar
      The pain
      jellyfishh said 2023-11-17 22:12:23
      jellyfishh's Avatar
      i hate monopoly
      crowedd said 2023-11-17 22:07:47
      crowedd's Avatar
      scary creatures they are
      Autumn pastry said 2023-11-17 21:26:34
      Autumn pastry's Avatar
      After 2 hours of trying, No one will play Monopoly with me 😔
      TheGlitchedRobin said 2023-11-17 21:11:44
      TheGlitchedRobin's Avatar
      Kill the 10yro
    • Online Presence : Building Your Creative Brand Online
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      PMC's Avatar PMC 11/17/23 11:57
    • Creative_Kylee's Avatar
      November 15, 2023, 7:30 pm to Public
      Guys, maybe this is weird, but today I went into the unknown depths of the men's restroom.. and made an incredible discovery.

      There were so many girls in the bathroom at school, that I couldn't even go in without bumping somebody. So, I just decided to walk down the hall a little and go to the boy's bathroom instead (because I get mistaken for a dude more often than a girl, so no one actually says anything), and lo and behold, there were like two guys. The bathroom itself was... stunning. All the stall doors WORKED. Istg in the all women's bathrooms at school only ONE stall door locks properly in each. There was no writing on the walls, no insults. No large groups of girls talking loudly and screaming, no freshman fighting over something miniscule and unimportant. It was peaceful, quiet, serene.. It was comfortable.

      I don't know if I'll ever be the same. I saved time and awkwardness. It was truly an experience. I don't know if I can return to the old ways of the women's bathroom. The men's is superior, no doubt. Perhaps this is just a stupid rant, but to me, this is an incredible discovery.
      LegendarySi said 2023-11-15 20:22:27
      LegendarySi's Avatar
      funny, the men say the same about the women's bathroom
      (watch this get taken down for grouping men and women together lol)
    • The Golden Rule
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      PMC's Avatar PMC 11/10/23 6:00
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