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Level 17
Journeyman Taco

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    06/22/2015 12:18 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Me, me, me, pick me.
    I LUV DOCTOR WHO. I'VE LOVED IT SINCE I WAS 6 AND I'M STILL IN LOVE WITH IT. Matt Smith is my favourite doctor by far and my favourite episode was probably 'Blink' or 'Day of the Doctor'. Also I'm called Rory which is awesome . I also have loads of Doctor Who stuff including some cool t-shirts which I got shipped over from America from a website called TeeFury. Go check 'em out if you're a geek or a fan of nerdy things:
    06/04/2015 11:00 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Name: Rory
    Age: 15
    Skype: roryd673
    what your applying for: Builder/Staff
    what can you bring to the server / job: I'm mature, trustworthy and helpful. I'll always help people out when they need it and even if they don't I'll try and assist people. I'm really friendly and will make sure other members of the team are doing there work. I've been building since 2011 and have had Builder position on over 50 servers doing my work and helping create builds for new and old servers. I mostly build medieval and in that kind of style, I'm not really a big modern builder but I'd like to be. I've got loads of experience with staffing and building so I'd be ideal for either job or both.
    why you deserve the job: I quit Minecraft for a while and I'm trying to get back into it and start helping people out and help create spawns and other builds.
    hobbies and key attruibities: Already said
    any questions for me (optional) :None

    Added on skype already
    06/04/2015 10:42 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    06/04/2015 10:37 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    I wouldn't. Mostly because of the fact he capitalized everything in the first bit which really annoyed me because there is no need. It got really long and I'd be bored by about 2 paragraphs. He should just be precise instead of writing an essay that nobody cares about. Considering the fact that you, Hlggins, are probably looking to apply for small servers that may not be up for very long then you wouldn't need to write a huge essay, just a brief description of your skills and why you want to be staff which you've done already. I'd probably hire you if you had a server but the other guys app was way too long.
    06/02/2015 1:01 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    If you have a good idea, I'd be willing to help. I've had loads of staffing experience and owned my own server for a while. I quit for a while and I've just come back as well. I'm really loyal and helpful and will try my best to help you. I'd enjoy working with you and any ideas you may have but I am unable to help create a server for you.
    06/01/2015 11:34 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    I look forward to hearing from you
    06/01/2015 11:25 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Name: Rory
    Skype: roryd673 (I won't call but I can do a chat over Skype, hope this doesn't matter too much). I also have good grammar and I'm very mature.
    Experience: I've been staff on over 100 servers since 2011 when I first got Minecraft. I'm always looking to help people and I'm trying to get back into Minecraft and this will be a good step.
    06/01/2015 10:47 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    I haven't played Minecraft for a couple months now and wouldn't mind getting back into it. I have Skype but I don't call very often so don't worry about that. I'd love to have a server which is small and help you learn Minecraft again and to help me get my building skills back up to the right level. I'm 15 and I'm British (GMT) which may be a problem but it wouldn't matter that much I guess so I'd still play when you're not there. And like glimnock said, the summer is nearly here so I'd play quite a bit over the Summer holidays probably.
    04/08/2015 3:27 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    I'd run to my friend's house and grab him and then run to my school, it's 1 minute away from my house and because it's spring holidays, it's empty. We'd climb over the small wall and get in. I'd smash the glass in the door and open it and then run into the canteen and begin collecting and rationing food. I'd go to Design and Technology and collect and craft loads of crazy weapons that are like wood tools strapped together and stuff. Then, I'd go to the Nurse's office and get loads of first aid stuff and then grab some walkie talkies from the Site Office. I'd then grab the keys for our school minibus and drive to my other friends house and pick them up whilst running over zombies at the same time and then get back to the school because it's impossible for zombies to get in because the outside is all fenced off with railings so the zombies would be like 500m away from reception and the main building. We'd then fortify the place and do shifts to protect the place if anything gets in and then secure ourselves in certain rooms.
    04/07/2015 3:08 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Welcome to our beloved home, Planet Minecraft. I'd read the rules if I were you so go check em' out if you haven't already and enjoy your stay here
    04/07/2015 10:45 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    I belive AIDs is a disease we are unable to create a vaccine for because the virus is able to overcome all the stuff we give it to get rid of it (Sorry for no sciency words like 'antibodies' and stuff like that, I don't want to be extremely incorrect). Thus, we could raise money for it but we've pretty much given up on it. Cancer is a very big thing and comes in hundreds of different forms which happen to both male and female, it's dangerous and many people lose family and friends to it every year. It would be better if they did do something that is a disability or is something to do with the mind instead of cancer because everyone knows about cancer and there should be more awareness for other diseases and viruses. Correct me if I'm wrong about anything I just said, I don't mind
    04/07/2015 10:23 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    It sounds like a great game. I'm a sandbox guy and would love to test it. I've recently been considering creating a channel for doing game reviews so maybe by then my channel could be up with some subs and I could maybe review it and get you some publicity. The channel is not official yet but I'd still like to try out the game. Keep up the good work
    04/07/2015 10:19 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Welcome to PMC, our beloved home. I'd read the rules if I were you and I hope you enjoy your stay
    03/10/2015 12:29 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Bump. Anyone willing to give a server?
    03/03/2015 2:17 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    You like that song so much you got fired. WELL WORTH IT xD
    03/03/2015 10:38 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Sounds a great project. I've only got one problem. You said everybody meets on Friday and battles. However, some people may not be able to come online and may miss chances of the big loot which will cause players to lose the server because of rage (If you know what I mean). But apart from that I really like the idea of the server. Can't wait to see it up
    03/02/2015 1:08 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Oh my god.
    I haven't played Minecraft for 6 months but I'm willing to get playing again just for this
    My skype is roryd673
    and my ign is roryd04
    Can't wait to play!
    03/02/2015 1:05 pm
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Swearing. Yeah, I sound like I got torrets because it's just part of my language. School does that to you.
    01/05/2015 5:20 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    This person added me on Steam so as I normally add people, I accepted. I went to check out their profile and it said they were a female photographer from Russia. Later that day, I received messages when I was offline saying 'Hey, I took some cool screenshots of you playing TF2 earlier. If you want to download them click here: (link)'. I read this and clicked the link. It took me to a download with the screenshots which I clicked and began to download the files titled 'Screenshot 1' and 'Screenshot 2'. Instantly, AVG came up saying 'These files may be a virus' with the file name underneath saying something like '%667trojan&-4horse'. Thus, I clicked do not download and then opened up Steam and posted to them saying 'These files are viruses'. Later that day, they changed their name on Steam and decided to send me more files. As a joke, I decided to click them. It loaded up a Google page with some files. I clicked to download and the funniest thing happened. Google gave me a notice saying 'Only the owner can download virus files'. I laughed so hard and reported them to Steam and then deleted them. It was hilarious.
    01/01/2015 7:10 am
    Level 17 : Journeyman Taco
    roryd04's Avatar
    Guardians of the Galaxy and Captain America: The Winter Soldier
    <3 Marvel

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