romowodajo's Avatar
Level 36
Artisan Architect

About me and my creations:

At the time of writing i am a 23 year old student in Business Administration in the Netherlands.

Ever since i learned how to walk i have been interested in history. No matter what period you're talking about, i have a great interest in it.
But non of the chapters in human history has captivated me as much as the Napoleonic era. The desperate 20 year Brittish struggle against a tiran who had conquered all of europe, the beautifull and sophisticated sailing vessels, The inherent romantic vibe the era gives of, i dont know what it is.

The things i make in Minecraft are not just ships that i like to replicate. Each ship that i recreate is a journey through time for me. Before i even lay down the keel i find out everything i can about the ship itself, the history, the shiptype, old plans, drawings and paintings. Then i try to recreate the ships in as much an accurate fashion as i can. And i try to combine this with a ship that is actualy properly scaled. This way each player who sets foot aboard will get a sense of the actual dimensions of the ships. The combination of properly scaled and historically accurate makes these ships unique. This was actually the reason i started making them. I wanted to explore these ships in minecraft, but could never find properly scaled ships with accurate interiors.

Since i cant walk the decks of those beautifull machines of war, i simply recreate them.

Most of my ships are from the books from CS Forester, some of which are seen in the Horatio Hornblower TV miniseries.

If you have any questions about me, the things i make, or would like me to build something, dont hesitate to send me a PM!
And as always, if you like my projects, please hit that Dia-Button! ;)

Here is a list f all the projects that i have completed and those that is still intend to make:

- 74 gun ship ( Renown) ---- Done!
- 20 gun sloop ( Hotspur) ---- Done!
- 36 gun frigate ( Lydia) ---- Done!
- 10 gun Cutter (Clam) ---- Done!
- first rate (Victory) ---- Done!
- brig (Jackdaw) ---- not yet begun
- bomb ketch ( Moth) ---- Done!
- brig ( Athropos) ---- not yet begun
- frigate (Indefatigable) ---- not yet begun
- 74 gun ship ( Sutherland) ---- not yet begun


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