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Apprentice Explorer

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    09/28/2016 8:06 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    IGN: typicalrila
    Name: Robbie
    Position you'd like: Base Builder
    Skype: Rilakkuma321plays
    Factions Experience: I have played on many many factions servers before and I am pretty experienced
    Best Quality: I am very active and reliable
    What you can offer to the team: I can work fast and work well with other people and get the job done quickly :D
    How often can you be on: Pretty much every day around after 4:00 PM PST because of school :((((
    07/04/2016 2:50 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    ayeee same 11
    07/04/2016 2:47 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    IGN: typicalrila
    Age: 11 (ik ;/ but im ok)
    06/18/2016 8:42 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Skype name: Rilakkuma321plays
    Age: 11 ik :/
    Gender: Male
    How many years you have been playing Minecraft: 2 and 1/2
    How experienced you are with Minecraft: Pretty good at it
    Minecraft (in game name): typicalrila (changing it back to Rilakkuma321 soon)
    Info about yourself: I know I may seem young but I am mature for my age
    06/18/2016 7:30 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Age: 11
    Skype: Rilakkuma321plays
    Minecraft: typicalrila (changing it to Rilakkuma321 soon) and I play on a mac

    I am good at following directions even though it may seem in young :3
    06/18/2016 2:21 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Skype: Rilakkuma321plays
    IGN: typicalrila (changing it back to Rilakkuma321 soon)
    Hours you can play daily/what days: I can play pretty much daily I get out of school on the 21st of June so I will be able to play more.
    Previous experience (provide specific names or it doesn't count): I don't have any past experiences but I have had quite a few friends that have owned/helped many servers develop and a few are, GameTheDayAway's server, WolvesMC's server, DivineMedicus's old server, and StudfulGaming's old server
    Email (if applicable): I get lots of random emails so don't completely rely on this
    1st name (not required): Robbie
    Time zone: PTD (Pacific Daylight Time)
    Maturity 1-10: 10 but if we were counting humor/silliness then 8
    Experience with what plugins: I have had many attempts to start my own server but always failed or lost motivation but I feel I know the basics
    Abilities with worldguard?: This is one I worked with a LOT so I know my way around it.
    Are you currently staff on another server: No sadly ;(
    Why do you want this job: Honestly recently I have been getting really bored with Minecraft lately and need a new community to interact with and I feel this is perfect for me.
    What can you bring to the server: I feel I will bring good vibes and a positive energy and just be someone to rely on or to just talk to.
    What are your Minecraft talents: This may sound a little weird and not related to the topic of servers but I am good at farms in general, for example, like food farms, wood farms, and animal farms so yeah.
    Advertizement abilities: I have a youtube channel (not a big one at all) but I can post on there and hopefully bring some people on :D
    Youtube channel?: yes :) ... 3Qi87lJ5Xg (Rilakkuma321plays) I just do random vids :P
    Please take this into consideration I know I am young but I feel responsible enough to take this on
    06/11/2016 10:07 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Hey my skype is Rilakkuma321plays if u wanna talk or somethin
    06/11/2016 10:05 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Ayeeee Jason
    04/10/2016 11:58 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Voice Actor
    Name- Robbie
    Age- 11 (i sound 4 xD)
    Experience in voice acting?- Yeah I have done this before in some yandere rps
    Are you any good at changing the pitch and sound of your voice? (This is incase you have to Voice act more than one character!)- i guess i can try
    Do you have a YouTube channel? (So we can link your channel in the description of the videos!- i do it is "Rilakkuma321plays"
    Skype (So we can contact you and also do the videos)- Rilakkuma321plays
    02/27/2016 3:00 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    I have built since I started minecraft and I feel that I have improved
    I do not have pictures of my build unfortunately, my computer got ddossed and the only thing I could do was factory reset my computer.
    I do have skype, my skype is: Rilakkuma321plays
    02/27/2016 2:58 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    IGN: Rilakkuma321
    Skype name: Rilakkuma321plays
    Timezone: Pacific Time Zone
    When can you play?: I am on pretty much daily so just msg me on skype
    How long can you play for?: However long you want
    Do you understand the role of a tester?: Yes
    Experience with Factions, Servers, Movecraft?: Yes I have been an admin on a faction server
    How active will you be?: Very active
    Will you be active at least once every 3 days?: Defenitely
    (Being active means 1 to 2 hours each session)
    Name or nickname: Rila
    Age: 11 [premature]
    02/24/2016 11:01 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    IGN: Rilakkuma321
    Skype: Rilakkuma321plays
    Hi I would like to be a student I am fairly good at redstone and really good at command blocks!
    02/21/2016 5:34 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    IGN: Rilakkuma321
    Skype(If have): Rilakkuma321plays
    Age: 11 [premarture]
    Name: Robbie
    02/09/2016 9:30 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Name: Rila
    Age: 11 [premature]
    Country/Timezone: California, US
    Bio/Describe yourself:
    What are your strengths: Command blocks, redstone, pvp
    What are your weaknesses: im kinda bad at building
    Do you have skype/TS3: yes my skype is Rilakkuma321plays
    What servers do you play: pretty much anything YOU want
    02/09/2016 9:26 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    My Skype is: Rilakkuma321plays
    My IGN: Rilakkuma321
    The role I want to be is command block guy. I am male. :D
    01/18/2016 11:33 am
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    Hi my skype is Rilakkuma321plays and you can check out my page for some adventure maps :D
    12/12/2015 8:29 pm
    Level 2 : Apprentice Explorer
    Rilakkuma321's Avatar
    IGN: Rilakkuma321
    Age: 11 (premature)
    Skype: rilakkuma321plays
    Made maps in the past?: i haven't really made "maps" but i have made some minigames out of command blocks. I am good with command blocks. But a big reason i haven't been building stuff like that is because i have nobody to do it with. I would LOVE to be your partner. Thank you.

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