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Level 11
Journeyman Princess

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    06/17/2016 10:57 am
    Level 11 : Journeyman Princess
    rabpan's Avatar
    What is god's name is a fandom? By the way all the cool kids these days are using it, it's JUST BEING A FAN OF A SOMETHING! Why do you all have to say you're part of a particular fandom? That's like saying "Oh, I'm 5% German, 13% Romanian, 23% Italian, and 0.000000000000000002% Native Amazonian Tribal Warrior Clan, but I'm mostly Canadian ". Don't see where I'm getting at? Let me give you a hint: THEY'RE BOTH ABSOLUTELY USELESS!

    Why can't people just say that they like this, this, this, this, and that? Saying "fandom" sounds like some nerdy-ass middle school book club, which isn't too far off from the truth on this site. If you're able to list all these fandoms you're in, it shows how little you like or seen. It's like being able to name out all the video games or television shows/anime you've seen. Being able to name them off the top of your head isn't impressive, in fact it does the opposite. That really isn't the issue here, though, just an observation of mine. The real problem here is how some of you fellows "switch fandoms every month."


    This is what I truly don't get. Are you living some sort of Fandom: the RPG where you only have limited party slots to adventure with? Do you suddenly just lose interest in that game, show, movie, sport, or whatever? Was that last month of obsessing over how great it was just a hollow echo chamber all your fandom buddies spouted before and with you? If you truly liked, or even loved it, then why switch and say "lol bye guys im leaving the fandom"? Why can't you say you like Attack on Dr. Who's Five Nights at the Legend of Zelda's Undertale and be done with it? If I had to type all these supposed fandoms I'd be in, I would be halfway through a novel. I probably couldn't name all of them. And why bother? I might not always think about Call of Furry Walking Dead: the Animation, but when someone brings up the topic I'll be like, "ok I know that I like that!". Constantly naming your fandoms is like sticking a piece of paper to the front of your shirt listing out all your interests, but instead of a paper you have a mini white board with an eraser and expo marker because you're so capricious.

    To answer the question, gee willakers, what do users of PLANETMINECRAFT have interests in? Minecraft! Ok, that's one down. Now, have a look at the blogs and you'll have the rest of your answer. Five Nights at Freddy's, Undertale, and the occasional anime like Attack on Titan, Tokyo Ghoul, the generic anime profile pictures you'd find by googling cool anime picture, and the mountains of why-even-post-this-if-you-called-it-trash fanart. Obviously there are other things that people like here, but they're not as big as the ones listed above.

    As it is now, the concept of what a fandom is really annoys and sickens me. I've never wanted to join the Down a Few Extra Pills to Finally Reach the Oblivion Fandom more badly than I do now.

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