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Level 51
Grandmaster Elf

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    12/14/2013 1:16 am
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Today was a great day! Nothing bad happened at all.
    10/10/2013 9:33 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    08/31/2013 1:04 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    If I'm on the computer for more than an hour a day my mom or dad says I'm on too much If you are playing more than four hours a day, I think that's too much. But under that is fine, I think.
    08/30/2013 3:48 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Anytime, especially right now!!
    08/10/2013 7:39 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Confusing. I don't get it :S
    08/07/2013 8:55 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Well, once in my sleep I walked to the front door, opened it, and leaned way out the door then slammed it shut and went back to bed. (my parents told me this) and another time I said something about sand and hair brushes.

    This is kind of off topic but related. Sometimes I get these weird hallucinations or whatever and half asleep, I go tell my mom to come see them but when I come back, they're gone. Once I thought I saw little people running around on the floor carrying things and another time I woke up and I thought I saw my cat behind the bed reading books. It was creepy.
    08/07/2013 12:20 am
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Gr. 10
    08/01/2013 11:09 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    I want massive castles with medieval mobs and stuff that randomly generate. I bet there's a mod for that but I sure wish it was in default minecraft :S
    07/31/2013 6:03 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Roblox is for little babies who can't play survival mode. Anyway, this site is PlanetMinecraft not PlanetRoblox (not that anyone would ever like that game enough to make a fan site) if people like roblox better, they shouldn't have made an account on here.
    07/30/2013 8:33 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    my cousin said that he knows a friend who knows all the minecraft updates waaaay before they come out. He told me that in the next update there's going to be flying villagers and crazy stuff like that, and guess what? It wasn't in the update.
    07/30/2013 2:23 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Well, a long time ago, me and my brother were sitting in the living room early in the morning, when we heard a whisper from a corner of the room. We wondered if it was dad, but he hadn't gotten up yet. Then another time, we heard it again. We were both in different rooms but I went to ask him if he heard a whisper and he said he did hear it.
    A different time, when we were living in a different house, me, my bro, my little sister, and my mom were all sitting around in the office (which was where we did gaming). We heard a sound like someone shuffling around in the other room. I went and looked out but I couldn't see anyone. Dad was at work and the rest of us were all together in a room, nobody else was there. We kept hearing sounds of someone moving around. Even Mom was worried and she's never afraid when we tell her of weird things that happened. She just says that it's our imagination.

    Okay, then another day, in that same house, my brother and I were alone at home. My dad, mom, and sister had to go somewhere so we were left at the house. it was a grey day, and cold. I was sitting in the office or the living room, when the garage door creaked. It always used to do that, but still, it freaked me out! So I asked my brother to come with me to lock it (i know, wimpy, scared me). so a bit after that, we went outside cuz we were weirded out. So, I looked in the garage door from outside and the door I had locked (i could see it from the window) was open and creaking. I told him and we didn't go back inside. We waited in the front yard for our parents to get home.
    07/30/2013 1:25 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    Once I had this dream where me and a couple other people were in a dark empty house at night. Then from outside, we heard scary sounds like dead things calling. Zombies came and swarmed all over the windows and around the house. They were banging on the doors and trying smash the windows. One of the things they used to try to get us to let them in, was they could perfectly imitate the voice of someone that you cared about. They would use that person's voice and call to you, making it sound like they were outside, and being hurt by the zombies. It almost was working, cuz it sounded just like some of our family members. It was really scary.
    06/07/2013 3:31 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    vetch- death by not waking up. ever.
    05/06/2013 1:39 pm
    Level 51 : Grandmaster Elf
    QueenJellyfish's Avatar
    creepy O.o

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