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Level 77
Legendary Robot

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    09/03/2017 12:38 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    07/23/2017 6:03 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    A quick dump of stuff I've been doing (may have posted some of this before).

    Player sprites:

    Redone the run animation (thrusters need to be re-done and hands added, but I'm happy with the overall motion)

    Dashing, damage and jumping sprites (all playing really fast for some reason)


    A basic enemy mook. Still need to do walk cycles for this one.

    Complete with different death states depending on how you kill it.

    Projectiles/Misc effects

    A missile, pretty standard tbh

    Some explosion effects (conventional and antimatter)


    Couple of foreground elements for Mission 1

    Some more fiddling of that space station

    And finally, I wouldn't normally post anything this WIP, however it's a weird perspective that I've never tried before, and I would rather get it right first time round.

    Larry Niven called. He wants his ringworld back.

    Still not sure whether the landscape works (mostly the mid-ground is the problem, not used to drawing landscapes on a concave surface) and how to handle the sky. I've roughed out the atmosphere but I'm still not really sure where to go with it.
    07/01/2017 10:03 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    If you're going to use Flan's mod use 5.1 instead of 5.3. It's more stable.
    06/15/2017 7:04 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    ethernity4everBut if you have time to update 1.7 versions then you have time to upgrade to 1.10 or 1.12 even.

    I get what you're trying to say and it's not completely unreasonable for an outsider (apologies for the quasi ad-hominem) to think. However, the inner working of the game have changed so much in that time that some of the bigger mods would basically need to be re-done from scratch again (I know a few that have basically had to do this). Updating a stable 1.7 version takes a fraction of the time that such a re-work would take. I might get a few hours to tinker with the 1.7 build but I am not going to get the few weeks* I would need to actually carry out such a rework. I mean implying I'm even competent enough to do that in the first place.

    MC 1.0 is easier to texture as well, does this mean that texture pack artist should drop support for all newer versions because its hard?

    Textures packs are not mods. The complexities involved in porting the two are completely different and they are not exactly analogous. I get what you are trying to say here but it's not that simple.

    ethernity4everMy point is, having your mod 1.7 only is just bad,

    Long term I basically can't refute this. But everyone moves on at some point. Be it they leave it on 1.7.10 or 1.12.

    Also, bonus point, don't take it too seriously as it doesn't apply to all cases but it did apply to me:

    We actually moved past 1.7.10. Over a year later our core community remained on 1.7.10 and didn't take to the then far superior new version. Sure, the wider community wants 1.12, but the people who actually stuck with us and supported us stuck with 1.7.10 even after we moved past it. I guess I could put apathy towards the wider community as an alternative to laziness? Functionally the same but technically different.

    *("just do it in small bits over time", doesn't end well, tried that already. Technically possible but extremely messy, not to mention a new version would probably be out by the time you are done making the whole thing moot in the first place)
    06/13/2017 10:05 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    This I find rather self-centered, since they are refusing to "get with the times" because they don't want to do much recoding.

    Yes, we all have literally infinite amounts of time to dedicate to mods. We are just incredibly lazy and play host to incredible levels of spite towards the wider community.
    06/07/2017 7:43 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Totally original space station.

    06/04/2017 10:05 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Mother 3 is better.

    But then again that statement applies to most things.
    06/02/2017 8:10 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Don't need a discord server I already run three of them.
    06/02/2017 11:07 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Working on a new level theme.

    06/02/2017 11:03 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    I know I gave some of the tanks stupidly large texture sizes, so it's probably you're just running out of memory (a common bug).

    Are there any specific vehicles this happens with or is it literally all of them?

    If it is all of them, can you post the crash log that gets generated in the crash-reports folder, because I might be able to tell you whats going wrong.
    05/17/2017 6:30 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Almost to the point where functional level design can be done. Still quite a way to go though.
    05/16/2017 7:15 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Still working on attack animations.

    05/11/2017 12:12 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Started working on attack animations.

    Halfway implemented it in game, it doesn't deal any damage yet but it does deflect bullets.
    I may or may not have been making light saber noises with my mouth recording this:
    05/09/2017 9:00 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Death animation and death sequence implemented:

    And started some basic enemy design.

    05/08/2017 3:03 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Well, today's progress.

    Parallaxing got fixed:

    Damage and some HUD changes got implemented:

    Annnd I found my new favourite bug:
    05/07/2017 4:23 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    For some reason the parallax sucks this time and won't play nice with pixel perfect. But I'm sure there's a solution somewhere.

    05/07/2017 11:07 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Having to re-do the background in order to parallax it properly.

    05/03/2017 7:16 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    Woo boy 9 months old necropost here we go!

    Not dead. Re-working the engine, still stuck with the same old background from a year ago but the player sprites have been overhauled to make up for it.

    Oh and there's actually a run animation this time.

    There's a half baked title screen which will likely get dumped for something better

    And the animation states, camera and whatnot are a little better this time round.

    Mechanics and combat are currently being bootcamped so only basic movement and some fun backend stuff is being programmed right now, but I might have some more assets to dump here.

    Who knows. Maybe it might go somewhere this time.
    04/28/2017 8:05 pm
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    C++ is an older, lower level language than Java. Should run a bit faster as well.

    ZitzabisDevs would start making mods for both versions

    I'm honestly not convinced this will happen, at least not to the extent that one might think. If we were in the hypothetical timeline where both a Java version and C++ version co-exist I completely believe that the C++ version would receive comparatively little modding support from the community (see the divide caused by the changes made after 1.7.10). Unless of course, a modding API is implemented, but I'll just flat out say that this won't happen. I will gladly eat my hat if it does.

    Basically C++ will benefit vanilla, but I personally believe mainstream modding will likely stay on java for a very long time, assuming mods even become practical for the C++ version.
    04/04/2017 10:26 am
    Level 77 : Legendary Robot
    PrototypeTheta's Avatar
    I mean, I'm a writer/pixel artist myself, and it's a very unfortunately true statement that the programmer/modelers are vastly more sought after in the industry, and are far and few between (good ones, that is). Maybe once you move into AAA work it starts to even out, but amassing the portfolio to work on something where you're paid well, as an artist/writer, is a monumental task.

    In my opinion, OP is boned. Hopefully he finished high school or the EU equivalent.

    Yeah if you want to make it in the industry you kind of have to be able to do it all if you really want to succeed. Versatility is pretty much key here.

    You can't even start writing any code until some characters, a plot, and concept art come rolling out.

    Actually those can be added in later so long as you know what mechanics you want. Might not even be necessary depending on the game, a set of excellent mechanics may more than cover for a lack of art of writing, and likewise excellent writing or art may cover for a lack of mechanics.

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