OxyGen_XX's Avatar
Level 1
New Miner

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    01/04/2017 12:39 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    Youtube it
    01/03/2017 7:15 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    Name: Dylan (Oxy)
    IGN: OxyGen_XX
    Age: 15
    Maturity Level: (1-10) 8-9
    Skype: djawesome9
    Past Experience: Yes on many other servers but most of them got shut down due to funding
    How would you deal with an abusive staff member? Ask a higher up what they would like to do with said person then take necessary actions.
    What can you bring to the server: Im mature, Im a great leader, Im smart,loyal,and Fair
    Why should we choose you?
    I'm a good guy, i'm 15 years old, i'm very mature, never been banned before, All in all i'm just good with others. I also have a mic along with Skype/Discord. Plus Lots of experience
    How would you deal with Trollers, Hackers, and Griefers? I would use the appropriate punishments for the crimes commited
    Any other information? Better if you contact me on discord ( OxyGen_XX#8080)
    12/29/2016 10:52 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    First name: Dylan
    IGN: OxyGen_XX
    Age: 15
    Timezone: Eastern
    What you would like to be: Any staff position would be fine If possible mod
    Something about you: I am experienced with staff positions
    Any previous experience: Yes on many servers
    Anything else you want to share? Im on all the time day and night
    Skype: djawesome9 (preference of discord but will use skype)
    12/29/2016 8:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    First Name: Dylan
    IGN: OxyGen_XX
    Skype: djawesome9
    Do you have Discord and a functional Mic?: I do indeed

    How many servers have you moderated or acted as an admin?: i think like 10
    Were you ever banned from a server while being an admin? No
    Why should we accept you? What can you do for us that others can't? I have been admin/mod on many servers so i know most of the commands needed to be used and also mostly available. I'm also very fair with punishments. I'm mature
    12/29/2016 8:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    Name: Dylan
    Age: 15
    Skype: djawesome9
    Position: Any staff will do
    Why you would be good in the position: I have been admin on many different servers and many different games because well I'm just good at it.
    What kind of experience do you have: I have been admin/mod on many servers so i know most of the commands needed to be used and also mostly available ( i also have a mic)
    12/29/2016 7:56 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    what is this exactly
    12/11/2016 7:24 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Country: USA
    Timezone: Eastern
    Position Applying For: Mod/Admin
    Experience at this position: Lots
    How often do you play: Almost always
    Are you good with people: Very good with people
    Do you have a way of communicating?: Skype,Discord,Teamspeak,ETC
    Finally give me a brief description of yourself:
    My names Dylan, I am very expierienced with being mods/admins(yes i know the difference). All in all im a nice guy whos on all the time.
    12/03/2016 11:48 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    1: I am 15

    2: OxyGen_XX

    3: I have been admin on 3 other servers, but they sadly faded due to pricing of the hoster

    4: Im on all the time and like i said i have experience with being an admin


    6: I have a mic, im mature, i handle mostly any problem, i work well with teams, and i have past experience
    12/03/2016 11:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    OxyGen_XX Is my IGN
    12/03/2016 11:42 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    What are the requirements
    12/03/2016 9:16 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    Id like to join
    12/03/2016 9:05 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    OxyGen_XX's Avatar
    What mods do u have and do u have Teamspeak,Discord,or Skype?

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