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    07/19/2014 11:11 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    IGN: monkeyTBO

    Age:[14+]: I turn 14 in less than a month. (August 7th)

    Skype: Benjamin.monkey3

    Experience with being staff: I have been staff on two smaller server Platinum PvP and mc_gMod

    Can you be online daily?:Yes I would be able to dedicate my time daily to the server!
    07/19/2014 10:05 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Admin Application:

    Are you above the age 13?: I turn 14 in less than a month (August 7th)
    How long will you help manage the server each day?: Minimum 3 hours and a maximum up to 6-7 hours.
    Will you abuse your powers?: I will not abuse any commands or powers I have as Admin because I have had past experience being a Moderator as well as an Admin.
    Will you help the server?: Yes I will dedicate my time to help out the server.
    Why you would help the server?: I would help the server because I enjoy helping others, also it is rewarding to see the results of a great server with pleasurable staff and a great concept and I believe I can bring this to your server.
    What will you do for the server with this kind of position?: I will dedicate much of my time to the server daily helping others who need it. I can refer you to certain plugins if you ever need that type of assistance and I would be willing to advertise for the server!
    07/18/2014 4:22 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Hello! Creeperslayer you impressed us with your application come onto the server so we can discuss your role on the staff team!
    07/18/2014 4:07 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar

    We are still looking for staff members!

    We need Admins

    and a few more Mods so make sure to apply!
    07/18/2014 3:53 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Hello! Elijah your application looks good for a moderator level but we would like to discuss this on the server please come on soon!
    07/18/2014 11:44 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    - IGN(In-game Name): monkeyTBO
    - Age: 13 turning 14 August 7th
    - Time Zone: Eastern Time (USA)
    - Country: USA
    - In game rank applying for Helper/Builder: Helper

    - Do you have any history of bans/mutes? if so, why?
    I haven't been banned on any server, I have been muted before though because I was having a debate/argument with a staff member and they did not find it appropriate but I didn't feel I was being rude I was just trying to make a point on how to fix a problem with a server.

    - Why do you think you should be a Helper?
    I believe that I should be helper here on this fine server because I can dedicate much of my time to the server and I enjoy helping others and the reaction they give when you have done something nice for them it really is a refreshing feeling after some hard work.

    - About yourself - Write a paragraph about yourself. It can contain anything from daily life to goals and aspirations. I am a freshmen in high-school who plays soccer as my main sport ( You can call Soccer whatever you want I don't mind). My life goal is to own a business a successful one at that. But if that aspiration isn't met I would love to be a teacher honestly most likely in middle school because I feel that was my favorite team in school so far ( Not a reasonable favorite since I haven't even started high-school yet ) The video games I play are FIFA and Minecraft and I enjoy watching basketball and American Football.

    - Experience - What type of experience do you have moderating servers/players?
    I was a moderator in training on a server called Betatude back in the old days of minecraft. I have been accepted as moderator on 2 other servers but the owners were not responsible and didn't want to do anything so the servers shortly failed to reach any of their expectations. I understand most commands and I can be a mature and fair person in any arguments that happen on the server. I will be responsible with whatever powers I have as helper and use them only to help people who genuinely need help.

    Thanks for reading! -Monkey
    07/17/2014 8:57 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    IGN: monkeyTBO (Applying for Mod)
    Age: 14
    Name: Benjamin
    Skype: benjamin.monkey3
    Maturity Level: If it is out of 10 a 9
    Past experience of staff on a server: I was a moderator in training on an old server Betatude. I have applied for moderator on other servers before and have gotten the job but the servers never made it off the ground and the owners quit.
    How active are you: I can be on as much as you need me to be on since it is the summer I only have 3 more planned vacation days where I wouldn't be able to play at all.
    How could you benefit the server: I would be able to play quite often also I know most plugins and am a trustworthy and honest individual.
    Will you ever advertise for us: If you ever ask me too I can make Social Media accounts or I can use my current personal accounts to advertise for your server.
    More info about yourself: I am a freshmen in high-school who loves to play soccer (futbol,football, etc..) I enjoy playing all types of video games with FIFA being one of my favorites along with Minecraft.
    Why do you want to be a staff: (The more the better) I want to be a staff member because I love to help people and this seems like a great opportunity to do that. Also I love being part of a good team ( since I play sports I work well with others ) and would love working with the Moderator team along with the Administration, Helpers and Owners.
    Timezone: EDT/EST
    07/17/2014 7:51 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    IGN: monkeyTBO (Applying for Mod)
    Age: 14
    Name: Benjamin
    Skype: benjamin.monkey3
    Maturity Level: If it is out of 10 a 9
    Past experience of staff on a server: I was a moderator in training on an old server Betatude. I have applied for moderator on other servers before and have gotten the job but the servers never made it off the ground and the owners quit.
    How active are you: I can be on as much as you need me to be on since it is the summer I only have 3 more planned vacation days where I wouldn't be able to play at all.
    How could you benefit the server: I would be able to play quite often also I know most plugins and am a trustworthy and honest individual.
    Will you ever advertise for us: If you ever ask me too I can make Social Media accounts or I can use my current personal accounts to advertise for your server.
    More info about yourself: I am a freshmen in high-school who loves to play soccer (futbol,football, etc..) I enjoy playing all types of video games with FIFA being one of my favorites along with Minecraft.
    Why do you want to be a staff: (The more the better) I want to be a staff member because I love to help people and this seems like a great opportunity to do that. Also I love being part of a good team ( since I play sports I work well with others ) and would love working with the Moderator team along with the Administration, Helpers and Owners.
    Timezone: EDT/EST
    01/04/2014 6:17 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    ^Age: 14
    ^Skype: benjamin.monkey3
    How mature are you?: On a scale of 1-10 9.5
    How can you benefit the server?: I can give up my time to help make things and talk with others as well as just building up my space on the server.
    How much time can you devote?: <This doesn't really affect the application I just wanna know what time I will be on!> I can spend 2-6 hours a day depending on the day.
    In Game Name(IGN): monkeyTBO
    Building/Redstoning from 1-10: 7.5 on building. Redstone lol 2. -_-
    Would you rather PVP or adventure?: adventure
    Do you record?: No Sorry.
    If so what is the channel called?:
    01/04/2014 5:44 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Why do you want to join?: I love Vanilla minecraft and a nice and friendly community and a huge fan of mindcrack,
    How old are you?: 14
    Can you act maturely?: Yes on a scale 9.5/10
    How long have you played MineCraft?: Since Beta 1.2
    What other games do you enjoy playing?: Assassins Creed 4, CoD: Ghosts, Injustice , and others.
    Country you currently live in?: USA
    IGN: monkeyTBO
    01/04/2014 11:22 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    IGN: monkeyTBO
    Skype: benjamin.monkey3
    Age: 14
    Do you have a mic?: Yes.
    Position wanted: T-Mod
    Why do you want this position: I believe I can help the server with my time and I really like the idea you have come up with.
    Why do you think you deserve this position? I think I deserve this position because I am able to give my up my time I have been a moderator before on a server which is now closed and I have been paying attention to bad staff so I can learn to become a better staff member I will also try my hardest to listen to the community.
    Maturity level: ? / 10 9/10
    How trust worthy are you: ? / 10: 10/10
    What are your building skills: I can build fairly well in almost any style.
    Extra infomation about you: I have been playing minecraft for a long time and I guess you could say I am a survival junkie.

    -Thanks For Reading!
    01/04/2014 9:09 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Aww man that sucks really enjoyed playing.
    01/04/2014 8:06 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Age: 14
    Maturity Level: 9-10
    Servers You Have Been Staff On: None but you have to start somewhere but I know the basics and how other players want to be treated by being one for so long and experiencing abusive as well as good staff.
    Are you fair: Yes very.
    Do you have Skype: Yeah it's benjamin.monkey3
    01/03/2014 9:18 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Good luck with it buer!
    01/03/2014 9:11 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    You could do a roleplay/rpg server where you have quests and such It could be in any time period but I think the future would be cool because there is so much medieval going on right now but i don't know that may be a bad idea..
    01/03/2014 9:00 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    In Game Name: monkeyTBO
    Skype name: (You may leave this blank and share it later on) benjamin.monkey3
    Age: 14. Yes I know this is below the age requirement but I really do believe I am mature enough to be "considered" 15. But its totally okay If I don't get in because of it.
    Location and timezone (time purposes): EST - USA/ GMT -5
    Will you be creating youtube videos?: (If so, please include your channel link) Sadly no.
    Why do you want to join the server? I love to be apart of a friendly equal community and I enjoy survival but single player is quite boring to me and I want to play with others that are all going to play legit.
    How active are you? (Schedule): I can play everyday for atleast 2 hours+ unless there's some sort of complication that day but I'd log in everyday for sure!
    A little more about you (optional): I have been playing minecraft since beta 1.2 and always have since then. I love them game and I think of myself as an adequate builder and a vanilla junkie. Also I suck at redstone so don't count on me for any of that haha

    -Thanks for considering or even reading , Monkey
    01/03/2014 7:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    IRL Name: Ben C.
    MC Name: monkeyTBO
    Age: 14 but mature
    Job Role Applying For: Builder
    Experiance?: I have been a builder on a past server which was a medieval style and we did it rather quickly. Also I am a fast learner in my mind and could learn any type of style which just a bit of demonstration!
    What makes you stand out from other applications: I can be on for long period of times and I am mature and friendly and a good builder at my very best.
    What could you bring to the server: I can bring my time skills and motivation because I feel I can be a leader for the team and help us get back on track if needed!
    01/03/2014 5:03 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar

    I believe I am able to be an admin because I know most commands, I can be on a lot especially on weekends, my skype is benjamin.monkey3 I will be very dedicated and enforce all the needed rules while still trying to be fun and humorous staff!

    -ign monkeyTBO

    01/03/2014 2:20 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
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    *Someone who can manage the server while Im not here
    *Someone who can help the new players and guide them

    I could be these two depending on what you need I'd be happy to help and I have quite a lot of time to help and contribute to what everr job you feel fit for me! Thanks for reading this if you have the time man.
    01/03/2014 2:10 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    MonkeyTBO's Avatar
    Why do you want to join? I love meeting new people and talking to others also I want be apart of a fair and equal community.
    How old are you? I am 14.
    Can you act maturely? Yes but I can joke around and such as well.
    How long have you played MineCraft? Since Beta 1.2
    What other games do you enjoy playing? COD: Ghost, Fifa, NBA 2k, Assassins Creed 4 and others I own a ps4.
    Country you currently live in? USA
    IGN: monkeyTBO

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