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    05/09/2017 5:25 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    To be honest, there used to be a time where a lot of the servers in Minecraft were either considered with PVP, building, or RPG. Back then, I really enjoyed going onto servers and Building till my hearts content, and then doing some role play, and defiantly using Towny and some sort of factions. I wasn't that big a fan of PVP but it was still there.

    I've stopped playing Minecraft and haven't really been around at all, but when I came back to see what it was like, I've been kind of let down. A huge majority of the big servers out there now just provide mini games. Which to me is a bit stupid. People implement already established games into Minecraft, which to me is a bit odd. Why implement all of these well known games into Minecraft, why not play the games themselves. The servers are hugely customised with plugins that make games possible that were never intended for Minecraft, and to me, they aren't really that fun. I also frown upon servers that sell packages that hugely increase a players power (I'm not saying that I frown upon donations for packages, because I don't), because I feel it makes it unfair to some users.

    I preferred when a huge amount of the Minecraft servers were for building, exploring, role playing and being part of faction. Which in my mind is what Minecraft does best. Donation was an option that you did to help the owner of the server and more than the perks that came with it. The perks were nice and still are though lol.
    04/30/2017 2:10 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    Downsides however would be, as others have mentioned, C++ is an older language which means that some aspects would be harder to do.

    C is 45 years old and is still being used by today in things like Android and stuff. Don't think the age of the language is a problem seen as C++ has stood pretty strong against time, especially with Game Developers. I think C++ would be more than capable of achieving what Minecraft offers.
    04/27/2017 11:25 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    Website looks pretty good. Love the floating CSS effect. For a first website, its awesome. Really like the logo too.

    If your looking for a good place to host the site, Digital Ocean offer Linux servers which I use, which would be perfect for this!
    04/27/2017 11:20 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    This is the first I have heard of it too lol. But I really welcome C++ with open arms. When I first played Minecraft, it blew my mind that the it was written in Java. Java is such a high level language, and it doesn't let you get down low with memory by using pointers and things. It has its uses and is an awesome language for a lot of things, but for a 3d game, I thought it was nuts.

    The first thing I noticed when playing the Xbox version of Minecraft was that it ran smoother in my eyes. It was written in C# for the Xbox. Java typically runs faster but C# wins on memory usage.

    A tonne of game engines are written in C++ and it is the go to language for a lot of game studios, (like Rockstar's RAGE engine and Valve's Source engine). They use it because it is really efficient when it comes to memory. You can dynamically assign memory at runtime and also access variables through pointers (accessing a value by going to its exact address in memory).

    So C++ will make Minecraft so much faster. Yea it might piss some people off because they may have to re write things, but if you are a good programmer with the right OO knowledge, it shouldn't be an issue.

    (However C++ is a great deal harder to learn then Java, but once you learn it, things get so much easier)

    My two cents anyway lol
    04/20/2017 11:00 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    Heres my question:

    Do you?
    04/12/2017 9:16 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    Learn Java and program it. Trust me, it so much cooler, a lot more rewarding, and you learn a skill that not a lot of people on here are willing to learn. Its also not as hard as you might think with some effort.
    04/12/2017 5:07 am
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    2023**ADD ME ON DISCORD: aedifica#0385**


    So I heard of something called Amazon AWS and that it apparently was like a computer in the cloud or something so I thought that sounded cool and I also saw it was free so I got one and I don't know what I got myself into.

    I have absolutely NO clue how to use it. I'm really scared bc I signed up using a $25 gift card and I don't know if it's gonna charge me randomly and I don't know how to deactivate and theres so many words and idk ;-;

    Like I did a thing and I got to a desktop but idk what I did to get to it lol

    Anyway, if you could explain it to me and help me with it because I'm dumb, that would be great. Thanks!


    I saw your question and I thought I'd give my bit on it. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is a product of Amazon and they provide cloud and hosting services "on demand" for anyone who wants to use them. Companies like Netflix use AWS for a lot of their hosting as Amazon can provide huge amounts of computing power for them, without Netflix having to invest hugely on data farms all around the globe.

    AWS works in a kind of neat way. You get a certain allowance per month, depending on what package you choose. For example, one of AWS's most notable products is EC2, which allows users to rent virtual servers on which you can run your own computer applications.

    Most of the EC2 packages are very reasonable in price. You can get a Linux server with half a gig of ram for around $0.0063 per hour. So to do the maths, that's about 0.1515c a day, working out at around $4.536 per month. Which is fairly reasonable. With this you are given a Linux server which is perfect for running Minecraft, or Apache, nGinx or anything like that. The cool thing about AWS is that they only charge for the amount you use, hence "on demand". You link your card online and they only bill you if you go over a certain limit. You of course can upgrade to more expensive servers, for example you can rent a 256gb of ram server for $3.80 per hour, which is a huge amount of money per month, in or around $2700! But if you need it (maybe your a huge server network), they've got it.

    From what I can see above, it looks like you have accessed a windows server through a VM software or through AWS themselves. It is exactly like the computer you are on right now, but it isn't stored where you are, it is in an Amazon data farm, and it always on. You can now go about installing programs on it, whether it be a Minecraft server, a Web Server, or whatever you want!

    For more information on how to use AWS to run a Minecraft server see here: ... mazon-ec2/

    FYI, Linux is the OS you should use for all this. It is built so well and is what the majority of servers around the globe use.

    Hope this helps!
    11/09/2015 12:38 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    Tell me if I am going off topic. However, when I started playing Minecraft, servers were a wondrous and curious place. Not many people knew how to properly run a Minecraft server, and that was just nice. You had a small list of servers which were full of nice people who just wanted to hang out. The servers had few rules, and were all fair, making exploration and building etc an easy thing to do. I loved it.

    Then servers became more common. Knowledge of how to run them was available, and what's more, people realised it didn't take a degree in Computer Science to manage them. People started making more servers, small and large with a lot of their ideas being basically the same. Now I myself won't be a hypocrite, I will put my hand up and say I did some if not all of the this too. I too had a couple of servers that mimicked some other servers, and did what everyone else was offering. This wasn't a bad thing don't get me wrong, everybody had a wide variety of choices of where they could go depending on who was where etc.

    Plugins then got more hi tech and could offer so much more. I remember a particular server created a Hunger Games plugin which was miles before its time in my opinion. No body even dreamed of anything close to this. The crazy in house Java developers with that server did an excellent job and it was loved by thousands. Me included. I feel like it started to diversify then. Different servers were offering different things, which gave everyone an option, and a virtual catalogue of servers that they could choose from.

    And as it progressed the community were till sound and nice.

    I took yet another break from Minecraft and came back to the community, and in my mind it's all changed. There are hundreds of servers practically duplicating what they offer, and expect people to join their server. I even saw some servers asking for $300+ for a certain rank. $300!!? I'm all for donation to the server don't get me wrong, and that debate can wait for another day, but seriously $300? GTA 5 doesn't even scratch anywhere close to that price tag and never did. That's an actual game built by a studio of Programmers and Engineers, that spent the bulk of 6 years on. And these servers want us to pay 5 times more than that for some measly ranks in a game that originally sold for $13. I know servers may have huge bills, but come on man seriously.

    Today the world of Minecraft servers is full of "Hub" servers offering countless Mini Games to users.
    The age demographic has shifted dramatically to a much younger audience
    I completely agree. Servers are finding it hard to make ends meet, and the few "kids" that can get access to a credit card or PayPal account are getting sucked dry of any income by these servers. Again, I am not dissing or disrespecting and servers in particular. They have found a niche in the world of Minecraft, and have analysed that this is what people want, and have filled that niche with something that I find quite fun. That my friends is business marketing. (Don't get me started on this)

    Back then, servers used to be all about exploring and playing Minecraft for what it really is, with your friends and laggy as shit 4 person server, but nobody cared? It was what we enjoyed. And even when the bigger servers came around it was still good.

    Again I'm not trying to raise any pulses or slate any servers, or anything in particular.

    I rarely go on Minecraft anymore which is upsetting, as it is full of people that are absolute heroes! That love the game for what it is, that submit some really cool shit on here and on other sites. I just feel it has changed, and isn't what it used to be. I can't find any good old fashioned servers for us crafters who have been onboard for the long haul.

    Anyway rant over.

    If you bothered reading to here then cheers I appreciate it!

    Have a good day,
    05/21/2015 1:12 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
    MCxJB's Avatar
    Thanks for the responses guys, it sounds like this idea will be quite promising.

    @kungfue I'll drop you a PM with my ideas!
    02/18/2014 1:06 pm
    Level 18 : Journeyman Engineer
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    We have recently added a new DJ to our Line Up:

    Saturday 3:00pm-4:00pm

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