matthewisbeast22's Avatar
Level 47
Master Architect


I started playing Minecraft on January 28, 2012. I grew to dislike my ign as I got older, but by the time you could change it, I felt too attached to the name. I only really played singleplayer until July 2014, when I joined the server Muffinlands. I still consider that my first server.
I then moved on to city building servers when I became a builder on the Esterlon Community Server September 1, 2015. After my ugly application build (Scalendom), I learned about their build style inspired by the founder Yazur. This was the first time I was able to build well, and I still consider this my favorite server. The current server owner MancoMtz is planning a new map called Ambersyell, in addition to the current map Huntington.
I then joined Operation Realism. A few of my older posts are from there. The server then updated to a European map, which became corrupted, and finally updated to the server it is today. I might return there, but moved away from the server. The current map is probably the most realistic city to date. The server is currently run by stupidrainbows and nammerbom.
I also briefly played on the servers Newpolian, WoK, and Infinite Architect Society, and UTF.
I joined the server Greenfield after wanting to switch things up a bit. I have been building there quite a bit since I received the rank builder on December 12, 2015. I liked building in the 1:1 scale, it's a bit more relaxing to build in than 1:1.5 (the scale of most all the other build servers).
The final city project I've joined was Centennial. It is run by JacobKazias, a Greenfield veteran. We are open to applicants but have so far the two of us have been building the map by ourselves. The map has plans to expand, but so far has kept a small community size.

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Mar 24, 2013Joined PMC
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