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  • P.O.V. your hunting dream O_O

    Your hunting dream. He's doing many things do juke and slaughter you! watch out, this goblin is deceitful and will trick you into going through that cursed portal and impale you with a looting 3 golden sword or iron pickaxe etc. He's so powerful, he's wiped out notch, and gained his apple that he always drops when killed. Your aiming at him with crossbows but this speedrunner is so quick is easily dodges it. he finds a desert temple in the overworld collects the notch apple, saddle and TNT. he eventually finds a village that has sticks. he kills a spider than crafts a fishing rod. The village has a weaponsmith house so he loots that and gets 2 obsidian, a iron chestplate and iron boots. He slays the iron golem then gets some useful iron. The speedrunner runs but to your surprise there is a ruined portal that is nearly complete. He looks inside the chest and gets a looting 3 golden sword and some flint. Since he's a couple blocks ahead of you he crafts an iron pickaxe with the iron he got from slaying the iron golem. He finishes the portal with the two obsidian from the weaponsmith house. Dream uses his last piece of iron for a flint and steel and ignites the nether portal. You chase him into the portal, or should I say trap because he stabs you with the looting 3 golden sword and then the iron pickaxe for the finishing blow. You have died, but not failed to kill him. Since he's far you choose to start to get better tools, you had no armor and he had iron armor, so unfair right? You find a 9 vein of diamonds, rare right? You choose to make an axe, not a pickaxe because you need to slaughter him, not mine that speedy dude. You find a portal and he's there waiting for you, what did he get? well he found ender pearls from piglins, he teleports away to a soul sand valley but then you notice, he enchanted his boots with soul speed! Good luck getting to him now. you use an iron pickaxe (used to mine the diamonds) to break netherrack pretty quickly and now your both at the soul sand valley. unluckily for you he has found a nether fortress and gets the rods, and then crafts blaze powder. He has 12 eyes of ender and a little extra pearls. He runs for a while in the nether (to get closer to the stronghold) and then throws his first eye. His eye hasn't gone into the ground so he still has some places to go. You pass near a lava pit and decide to craft a bucket. pick up lava in that bucket and now you have completed ICE BUCKET CHALLENGE! You chase after this eye of ender throwing speedrunner but then.. HE'S FOUND THE STRONGHOLD! He starts mining down but places blocks above him. You both have iron pickaxes so this part doesn't let you get to him. He makes it to the stronghold and he's moments away from the end portal. there is two eyes in the portal and uses 10 of his eyes to finish the portal. He jumps in and so do you but you don't have ender pearls but he does so he teleports out of that obsidian platform above the void. You use some netherrack you mined to speedbridge to the main end island. The speedrunner gets blasted into the air, but he's holding a water bucket in his hand. He's going to take no fall damage because of the water bucket.. Or is he? you run to his location and you use your lava bucket over his location and he tries to do the water bucket trick BUT he makes obsidian because of the water and lava colliding! You have beaten dream and he well he's salty about it and he starts to drop swear words that you do not like. THE END
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