LeopardPrints's Avatar
Level 30
Artisan Dragon

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    02/16/2014 7:13 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    YUS. The shaders mod is impressive! Well, but it's pretty hard for you PC to handle.
    02/16/2014 4:46 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    By the way I'd check out your YouTube channel and possibly subscribe BUT OF COURSE I DON'T HAVE A BLIMMING ACCOUNT!
    02/16/2014 1:20 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Teleporting, teleporting, teleporting, CAT SNAKES!
    02/16/2014 1:08 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Yep, sounds like you should maybe get rid of the ones you aren't using.
    You may want to de-craptify your PC. It makes things run better, but I can't promise you it will fix the main problem here. If you get rid of some of your unwanted or unused applications, that may just do the trick.
    02/16/2014 12:55 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Yes, like they all said
    Now time to choose your group:
    Server Owner
    Resource Pack Creator

    I am currently a blogger, although it seems I am a skinner. I ave recently changed due to lack of fun and popularity to my skins.
    I LOVE to write stories! Expect LOTS Team Crafted fan fictions!
    02/16/2014 12:37 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    I know some of that, but I get caught up in all this stuff. I usually think that the more popular your posts are, the better you are doing which I do believe is somewhat true and then when my stuff isn't popular I get disappointed and ashamed of myself.
    I guess I can try to have some fun, I know this sounds kind of stupid, but I've always wanted to be more on the popular side of stuff. I know, kind of immature and quite human-like but what else can you expect from a human being? Dunno, I think that story writing is going to be awesome! Much more fun that having so much pressure on you such as: "Oh no! I have to make today's skin! What do I do?! Oh I don't even feel like it. *sigh*"
    You're right.
    02/16/2014 12:20 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    I have the SAME exact problem! I see other skins that are SO simple and they get hundreds of views while mine get less than they should.
    Your skins are AMAZING! They should be getting the pop reel! I think that this is a terrible thing for skinners to come across, it encourages them to give up and leave PMC. I've been tempted to leave because I felt like I was worthless because my posts weren't getting much attention. I find that I like story writing so I'm not a skinner anymore. And that's how I got rid of that problem.
    I hope you don't end up how I did, still, your skins should be getting many more views, they're AMAZING! I see that others don't like them, well I see effort in it.
    02/16/2014 11:55 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Wow! That looks amazing!
    I'd suggest that you try a couple of these things:
    Fill in the holes with wood and a frame for a window possibly
    Maybe add a cool-looking doorway into the building and maybe some plants around the sides

    Try what you think is best!
    02/16/2014 11:52 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Honestly, my opinion is be careful about asking strangers to be a staff on your server. I'd pick out some of your closest friends to be a staff, ONLY if they're not pranksters.
    Just a heads-up, I hope no anger or yelling is on its way..
    02/16/2014 11:44 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    This might be a bit hard to believe, but some applications that you download to your PC can effect other things that you wouldn't expect it to. I have Paint Tool SAI and my log-in screen is completely different and my libraries folder is in a different setup, although my PC is not infected, it is perfectly fine.
    How many applications do you have?
    02/16/2014 11:41 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Good idea, but some of the moderators on this site already have that ability. Perhaps you can contact one of them, Paril made a forum post on it. I hope I spelled his username correctly.
    I as well would like a new username. I already tried to contact some of the moderators, I get the feeling that they ignored it. I prefer LeopardPrintz, what do you desire for your new username?
    02/16/2014 11:37 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Hm, interesting. Maybe it's the server, have you contacted the server owner? Are you the only one on the server that has came across this problem?
    Also, 4 GB isn't bad, it's not the best either. I don't think it would be your RAM though, it sounds like it's the server. Now you say your own worlds don't seem to work, perhaps you should re-download minecraft.
    I hope one of those helps!
    02/15/2014 8:55 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    I ALWAYS try to lucid dream! I usually end up not having all of my memories in my mind though, how can I have all my memories in my mind in my dream so I can decide on how I want to dream? This really irritates me.
    02/15/2014 8:54 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    That really somehow got me thinking, now I see that our dreams are of out imagination in our minds. Is it in anyway possible that we can access it? But then, oh my this is terribly hard to explain. The dream world is like, the impossible. We can think of something and it happens. Well, but if we access it, how can we think if you're in your own world IN YOUR MIND?!
    02/15/2014 12:31 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    I want to help, but of course I don't have skype.
    02/15/2014 12:27 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    My favorite HAS to be Modern Family! Somehow it amuses me, I can't find why.
    I also found out that my favorite actor, Troy Glass has been in it a couple times!
    02/15/2014 12:20 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Oooh, the second video art is super cool!
    02/15/2014 12:16 pm
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Woah! You seem awesome! You're a whovian AND you like dubstep! :O
    02/15/2014 11:59 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    Wooah, jeeze, tough question. I have a tie, of a lot.
    Team Crafted mod, morph, and biomes o' plenty, aand whatever mod puts tameable dragons that you can fly and turn into and have special elements aand yeah.
    02/15/2014 11:49 am
    Level 30 : Artisan Dragon
    LeopardPrints's Avatar
    I would kind of take advantage of the fact that my dream job is HIS job so yeah I'd take the chance, only if he's 120% sure that he wishes to leave the job. I'd probably try to act as much like Adam as possible, then start merging over to my personality so that people can give me a chance. I wouldn't make a HUGE change, but eventually when I settle in I might.
    Then, I would probably try my best not to flirt with some of the team... just because some of them are majorly cute, in my opinion. Then I would play some minecraft with my sister to make her become more popular so that she can be popular with me, then she can pass on the popularity to her boyfriend's channel. I hope that would work out though, because I'd be expecting that most of the fans would unsubscribe. Not only would I help my sister, but I'd help my best friend too. She won't admit it, but she wants the same job as me. She's afraid that I'll get mad at her because I usually get mad at the fact that she copies most of what I do.
    I was completely honest here, so I hope that no one yells at me for taking advantage of the fact that I took over ownership of a channel that's in the top 200 most subscribed of YouTube. Hey, it's my dream to be a minecraft YouTuber.

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