Junior1012's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Miner

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    04/21/2016 3:20 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Junior1012's Avatar
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    ShadowHawk03271. First name Corbyn
    2. Age 16
    3. Skype (Required) Shnookumns or corbyn.bogart (avi is similar to my PMC avi)
    4. Youtube channel (Optional) Drshnookumns F.W.G
    5. Location (Country + Timezone) United States EST
    6. How active will you be? (On average) Ill try to get on at least 5 times a week
    7. Why do you want to join us? I've been looking for a community to join and play with. The last group I was in closed down.
    8. Why should we pick you? (Talents) I usually build alot. Im pretty good at redstone too.
    9. What is your playing style? (Building, mining, farming, redstone) I can work with anything, Building is my strongest though.
    10. About yourself. (School? Job?) I go to a Public School and I am currently looking for a Job
    11. Image of buildings you have made (Optional) All images of my builds are deleted after I had a HDD Failure. I think I have a project of a house I built on my profile
    12. Anything else you'd like to add? If im not on for a couple days its because I have family over, Ill make up for lost time!

    Hello, thank you for applying, i have added you on skype, we'll have a little chat before whitelisting you. This skype ( Shnookumns )
    04/08/2016 3:44 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Junior1012's Avatar
    1. First name : Alex
    2. Age : 16
    3. Skype (Required) : shift.wow
    4. Youtube channel (Optional)
    5. Location (Country + Timezone) : Romania Eastern European Time Zone UTC+02:00
    6. How active will you be? (On average) : 2-3 hours/day
    7. Why do you want to join us? : i've been lookin for a hermicraft server for a while and i bet this one is the one!
    8. Why should we pick you? (Talents) : team-play, friendly ,random jokes
    9. What is your playing style? (Building, mining, farming, redstone) : building ofc
    10. About yourself. (School? Job?) : Arts school/Arhitecture
    11. Image of buildings you have made (Optional):
    ^ Theese were made in survival.
    12. Anything else you'd like to add? : Potatoes
    04/04/2016 1:30 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Junior1012's Avatar
    IGN: Cameraway
    Timezone:Eastern European Time Zone UTC+02:00
    How often you play on average: everyday like a lot 1-2 hours
    Specialties (What are you good at): Building, team-play etc
    Why you want to play on our server: I have played on a hermit craft like server before, enjoyed it a lot, unfortunately the owner couldn't afford to host the server anymore, i could't help feelsbadman, and i wanna play again, that was a long time ago ( 1-2 years)
    Additional Information: Nah
    03/23/2016 9:41 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Junior1012's Avatar
    What is your IGN?: Cameraway
    Age?: 16
    Country (for the timezone so we can organize events better)?: Romania (Eastern European Time Zone UTC+02:00)
    Skype?: shift.wow ( photo with hipster gandalf cosplay)
    How active will you be?: daily 2+ hours
    Why do you want to join (as many details as possible)?: I have played on a hermit craft like server before, enjoyed it a lot, unfortunately the owner couldn't afford to host the server anymore, i could't help feelsbadman, and i wanna play again, that was a long time ago ( 1-2 years)
    What will you bring to server? :Friendship team-play, jokes ( bad and good ones) and buildings.

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