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    08/02/2016 11:47 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jswatj's Avatar
    I've also been looking for someone who plays minecraft and Is learning esperanto too, I mainly speak english but am learning esperanto at the moment on Duolingo because I think it is a cool language
    My skype is: Rip.pvp
    My gmail is: krhobeck@gmail.com
    Minecraft username is" _RipperPvP_
    07/09/2016 3:32 pm
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jswatj's Avatar
    What Staff Do You Want to Apply For?: Admin or Tech
    Why? And Proof of Screenshots:I want to work and be Administrator for Direwolf20 Because I think I can help out the server. I have tons of experience with Plugins and commands, (Example: GroupManager, PermissionsEx, WorldEdit, VoxelSniper) and have had tons of experience on other servers. If you have skype or email I can send you real Snapshots of me being Admin and Developer on other Servers. I have strong passions for working with new servers and I am very open minded and caring to others. I hope that you will accept my Application.
    Skype: rip.pvp(One with the White and Black picture)
    Email: krhobeck@gmail.com
    07/02/2016 11:21 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jswatj's Avatar
    PMC_ADM_6581 Skype: rip.pvp
    07/02/2016 11:00 am
    Level 1 : New Miner
    jswatj's Avatar
    Minecraft Username: _RipperPvP_
    Age: 15
    Experience Levels: I would say out of 10 my level would be a 7 Because On servers I have not been a helper or Moderator yet Only Admin, Developer, Co-Owner and Head-Admin So I would not know the Full experience of being complete Staff
    What Sets Me Apart: Unlike other applicants Instead of just helping because I need to I have a strong passion for being staff on servers, I love working with new people and am very open-minded. I love setting up servers [Especially New Ones that are Starting out] Because I have lots of experience with others.
    Do I agree Not to Abuse? Yes of course A Minecraft Server is no joke and should be taken seriously which means I will not disobey rules and or orders given to me as this rank.
    Why do you want this position? I want this because I think I can help out the server being an Admin because Developer and Admin are two of my strongest areas of being staff, While the rest are far in between.
    Steam? Yes My Username is _TrojanVirus_
    Computer Specification Not very sure what this question is asking But I will say 7 Because I don't want to leave it Blank
    Skype: rip.pvp [The one with the white and black picture]
    VOIP Yes I agree

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