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New Crafter

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    11/10/2013 12:05 am
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Hatesthisgame's Avatar
    Age:16, 17 in march some say my voice sounds deeper some say not.
    YouTube Channel (link): I don't have a channel i'd care to link seeing how i just quit my old one and the one im helping with is my friends.
    Maturity Level: Mature enough.
    Ideas for Us: Quality videos. Do things that aren't done to death. Seeing the yogscast's latest thing and making something like it usually accomplishes nothing and try other things besides minecraft because minecraft its self is done to death.
    Minecraft name is the same as this.

    One last thing.. Special talents include building and thinking outside the box. I;m also very good at sexually harassing people. I'd also love to hear about the other things you do.
    11/07/2013 4:37 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Hatesthisgame's Avatar
    Thanks guys keep em coming.
    11/07/2013 4:12 pm
    Level 1 : New Crafter
    Hatesthisgame's Avatar
    One of the cooler things i have done was make a Olympic village Christmas type thing... it had a lot of arena's and things with different objectives and parks and such. it was all centered around a giant Christmas tree. Around the Tree i built a town and stands for snacks then past that arenas for spleef, ctf. tdm and stuff like that.

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