Guts N Pixels's Avatar
Level 56
Grandmaster Collective


I'm "Guts", I create a variety of horror skins for the PMC community mainly in HD for both Player and Mob models that usually come with an interesting backstory, I also create scary animations through Mineimator and even bring some of the skins I made come to life!

If you're not into the scary side of Guts N' Pixels, I also create humorous content such as Let's Play videos where I make terrible jokes (That I laugh at) while playing Horror Adventure Maps, and I've recently been making Dark Humor animations! (Not for those easily offended)

I'm not a professional in any of the criteria mentioned above, I'm self-taught and still continuing to learn, so I am open to any suggestions for content or improvement, feel free to say anything as long as it has some point of advice.

IF you don't have anything to suggest and would like to simply talk, I am also open to that. (As long as it is appropriate)

About Me...

I was brought into this world on September 11th in a small town called Oroville, in the state of California. I'm a Christian male despite the disturbing content I create, I'm also a father and husband. (Probably weird for an adult as myself to be associated with PMC) When I'm not creating content, I work as a correctional officer to pay the bills.


Why PMC?...
I was always fascinated with the world of Minecraft and the things you can create, especially skins. I wanted to find a way to release my creative side. As I began dabbling in skinning, I figured I had a talent for it, so I continued to hone it. Now, I'm expressing creativity through animations and other media content. I love everything that I do.


Why Horror?...
It's different, it's not Minecraft. When people think of Minecraft, they think cute, pixelated sprites. My imagination is dark and tormented, evil and sadistic. It is the perfect place to cultivate terror in a world of innocence. I love horror and what I do with it, fear is a natural response of human nature, and it comes in many forms...


And Humor?...
I think I'm funny. I laugh at my own jokes probably more than others would, but I manage to make co-workers, PMCers, and my own wife to laugh. So, I figured why not indulge in two different forms of content, one horror and the other humor. Some people like to be scared; others want to laugh. Both are strong emotions that produce different results, but also entertain those who seek it...


Member Statistics

42,247Profile views
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343Wall posts
Nov 10, 2021Joined PMC

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