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Journeyman Network

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    04/23/2022 2:11 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    I am still taking applications for this project for anyone that is still interested. To apply simply message me through my discord, Qruet#3995
    06/24/2018 8:23 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    I would double check the information regarding your knowledge on what is and isn't a GPU.
    "A graphics card is NOT a GPU. NOR is it a dedicated GPU per se."

    Also I don't recall saying that integrated graphic chips are a GPU, however if you read it like so, let me clarify that a dedicated GPU designed purely for managing visual rendering etc. is a lot better than one existing in a processor, where the processor's entire sole purpose is to make calculations quickly necessary for the processes/algorithms etc. existing in applications instead of focusing on providing high frame rates in games.
    (See image of the Intel processor above where it is pointed out that it does have a GPU)
    Also I don't recall recommending a graphics card? I did recommend a 960m which is part of the laptop, however never recommended it separately. I'm well aware of his budget, therefore that's why I ask that he saves up for an upgrade.
    06/24/2018 9:11 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    I may have not have clearly stated it, but like Ivain cleared out, it is
    still highly recommended that you get a GPU if you plan on playing
    games such as Minecraft and expect an improved consistent FPS, however
    the statement is false where it is claimed that you absolutely need a
    GPU or else Miecraft will not run. I understand that your budget is very
    low, so I would rather just do the most that you can with what you have
    now. Clean it up, remove as many unnecessary apps etc. and if you have
    an HDD you should look into defragmenting your hard drives. You can
    easily do this by simply searching in the Windows menu, "Defragment and
    optimize drives". Select your hard drive and select optimize. It'll go
    through a lengthy process of analyzing the hardrive and then defraging
    which may help speed the hard drive up. Personally I think you should
    focus on optimizing what you have right now, and wait until you have the
    money to actually purchase a more up to date machine. Your computer is
    from 2011, and in my book that is too old for a computer, and it's about
    time you start upgrading before you begin experiencing a number of
    issues with components (I would already assume that you have noticed a
    few issues). Save up as much money as you can so that you may get a
    computer that will actually provide consistent performance instead of
    purchasing one part after another for an old outdated computer, which in
    the end you'll eventually be forced to purchase a new computer after
    certain components completely fail and repairs would be too expensive.
    06/24/2018 1:13 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Usually when the client crashes it provides a stacktrace error (a crash log). If you could paste that in for us, perhaps I (or someone else) can assist you with the issue. If you do not get one for some odd reason, try checking your logs in the %appdata%/.minecraft folder.
    06/24/2018 12:57 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    A dedicated graphics card is not at all necessary to be able to run
    games such as Minecraft since Intel already contains an integrated
    graphics core within the processor itself. I ran minecraft years ago
    without a GPU, and simply used the integrated graphics card that Intel
    provided. A dedicated graphics processing unit is used to be able to
    achieve higher frame rates since you dedicate the visual processing
    portion of applications to a completely dedicated graphics processing
    unit, instead of having all the load on the processor itself.

    Here's the inside of one of the Intel processors.

    In the end here's a few things you can do which @ItzzAlexx did mention.
    Updating your PC or really any application/operating system is always
    highly recommended due to security updates and performance improvements.
    Also resetting your computer to factory settings helps a ton to get a
    fresh start. Often unnecessary files and processes add up in the
    background overtime. Cleaning your PC entirely can provide a noticeable
    difference. There are also options to disable some windows features such
    as some of the animations to give your computer a little bit of a
    boost. Also go through and make sure you uninstall any software you do
    not need. But if you have the money, perhaps it's time you simply
    upgrade your PC.
    If you have the money, I would highly recommend getting the
    It's the computer I currently use and I've had it for over a year now. I
    take it everywhere I go and haven't gotten a scratch, nor has it needed
    a single repair. The retina 4k display is absolutely astonishing. The
    Nivida GeForce 960m card may not be the absolute best, however it's
    definitely a very good gpu for a laptop, and I can easily achieve
    anywhere between 150-350 fps on minecraft with 12 chunk render distance,
    and everything else maxed out, however I usually cap the fps to a
    constant value of 150. Great value, portable, fairly light weight,
    beautiful, powerful gaming machine. Note I did get a more expensive
    version with the intel i7 4k resolution etc. when it was on sale,
    however the i5 etc. should fit your needs, since getting a processor
    such as an i7 and 4k resolution is really only necessary if you have
    additional needs such as developing/visual graphics. For gaming the GPU
    is really your main concern.
    12/21/2017 12:34 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    I had a Linksys not too long ago actually, and perhaps a similar model
    type since the port forwarding setup looks very similar. Don't worry
    about firewall. Make sure you remove all of the port forwarding things
    as that shouldn't be your issue. I know you said you reset it a couple
    times but be absolutely sure you reset everything back to its default
    settings. Try connecting through via an Ethernet cord.
    12/20/2017 5:00 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Definitely sounds possible.
    12/20/2017 4:34 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
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    1st Client Discount is still available, get 50% off what I may normally would ask for! Take advantage of this large discount with my services now!
    12/19/2017 8:32 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Hmm, I've never connected using usb, and in theory there shouldn't be any issues, but just to be safe, I would connect to the router through either via Ethernet cord or assuming your PC has a wireless WiFi card built into the motherboard, try connecting wireless.
    12/19/2017 6:40 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Seems strange that by resetting the computer it wouldn't fix the issue, but considering that it is new and you are unable to join servers from the start guess would mean a reset wouldn't do the trick. A couple things you can try is check your router's settings. There's a firewall on that too, which shouldn't interfere however you never know. Also, be sure that your new computer is able to properly connect to the internet. I'd assume you've already used the internet on your new computer, but just double checking to be 100% sure. Also I'd make sure Java is installed, this shouldn't be the solution to your issue, but it's just a side note if you plan on running minecraft (Java Edition) on your new computer.
    12/19/2017 5:31 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Seems to me the server you're attempting to connect to is offline. If that is not the case, I'd check to make sure you have a stable internet connection. If none of these resolves your issue, it could be your firewall however that should only be an issue if you either
    A.) Accidentally played around with some settings on your Windows computer, more specifically your firewall settings before this error occurred
    B.) Installed something recently (anti-virus perhaps?) or something that may have also configured your firewall a bit, preventing you from being able to connect to a server.

    If none of these things work, the only thing I can suggest is either retrace your steps between the time you were able to last join a server, and when you were unable to join, or you can simply reset your computer if it comes down to it, however this is only if for some reason you are completely unable to resolve this issue, this should be your plan Z.

    11/26/2017 10:10 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    *Developer and Builder positions are still available.*
    12/12/2016 2:36 am
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    I loved making these programs, and I can tell you off the bat though that you should now take a step to step out of your comfort zone. You are thinking within the box, "Oh if I use an if statement to check for this string input then it'll respond with this, therefore I should just continue doing this and match up with as many statements as possible." That is a bad habit and you should always look for a shorter more efficient way of doing this. I'd recommend start by learning how to find key words within an input. This way if it detects the string "Hello" within the string "Hello friend", it knows automatically to reply by saying "Hi" back (kinda acts like how the short circuit evaluation works with (||) vs the "or" statement (|). Or even better have your "AI" generate a random number and use that number to choose the element that corresponds with that number in an array of possible responses (be sure that the random generator includes '0' as a possible number (computers count from '0' and not '1'. 0 would equal the first element within the array)). This is the first step of making your "AI" recognize strings. Perhaps sooner or later you'll create an algorithm that can recognize adjectives, verbs, pronouns, nouns, etc and it can figure out on its own what the user typed in and respond by generating a custom reply. That would be interesting to do. Anyways best of luck on your programming endeavors.

    I'm well aware you are trying to give it a personality first before continuing, but that is a long process. Try taking a few more steps now rather then spending a month working on as many possible questions as you can think up of. It's fun trying new things, and I recommend you try making your program recognize for keywords within a string and then go for more challenging challenges.

    Read more about short circuit evaluation here:
    12/06/2016 10:07 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    For a start, don't get an intel Pentium core. For one they are considered ancient (Came out in 1993) so I would highly recommend you purchase a quad core processor or I suppose dual core would do fine. Since I'm assuming you are only looking to build a desktop computer specifically for gaming and not like video editing etc... then you should focus on getting an intel i5 dual core processor. 8gb of RAM is fine but I don't see why you don't get Windows 10. Also don't worry about getting a fast processor. If you have a fast graphics card then you can play your games on the highest settings, even if you don't have a top notch processor. I'd recommend a graphics card like this one, EVGA GeForce GTX 1080 Founders Edition. I'd say that the graphics card should be the biggest buck for your computer. The one I provided is approximately 500 US dollars, and the remaining hardware that you're going to need shouldn't be too expensive, I'm pretty sure you can squeeze it all within 800 euros or under.
    11/23/2016 6:27 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Who's hosting your custom domain? I'd be more then happy to help you with GoDaddy. I can tell you right now that you should just go to your list of purchased domains. Click on your domain and head of to your DNS Zone Files and create a new A Host and SRV record.

    A very detailed explanation of how to do this can be found here, ... Daddy.html

    I'm sure if you're using some other company to host your domain I believe the layout should be very similar.

    11/17/2016 5:26 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    Nice choice of music, and font is alright. I don't have really any issues with the shaders or movement throughout the video but the blurriness in each video clip bothers me. I could hardly understand what I was looking at. To just simply top it off, I didn't really understand what I just saw. Was there creative? Survival? What was I even looking at ( know you applied text to the video). Everything was blurry and I get you trying to do that for visual effect but you don't make the entire background blurry throughout the entire video, especially if the key role of the video is to show the player the server and get them hyped about it. Like I said, I couldn't really tell what i was looking at. Also the formatting of the font was a bit weird. The top line of each group of words was always kind of off centered. This bothered me a lot (might just be me) but I prefer it to be centered or if you're going to have it off centered at least add a little animation to the text like having the top row slide over the bottom lines if that makes any sense. Also this is an easy fix but be sure if you know you're going to put the video up on youtube that you get the dimensions right.
    Good job though,
    11/16/2016 9:12 pm
    Level 14 : Journeyman Network
    Geekles's Avatar
    I'm going to be honest with you, you're not going to have much luck finding any developers. The ones that develop plugins for free usually work privately and not for servers. Those that do, are rare and only prefer to work with servers that they know will be successful or feel that the server is worth helping out. But in all reality, developers aren't usually free and plugins that you may think wouldn't take much work could actually take a developer a month or more to make. Developing isn't an easy job, and many of them require that you pay a good deal of money. I remember I once requested a plugin that didn't seem too complicated but then I found out it would cost about a hundred dollars. Developers are expensive, perhaps even more expensive then hiring a build team. I recommend you create a custom domain, make your posts more professional. Format it, explain what your goal is, the types of plugins you'd like, and a true good reason why you want a developer. Developers are nice to have, but if you don't have a well formulated plan or reason to have them, you're going to start losing any developers that do manage to join your server because they have nothing to do. Just be a bit more professional and make your recruitment post more appealing to a developer who may be interested in joining you. I personally don't see much professionalism, and you seemed to just simply toss a few words together in the forums and posted this hoping to get some applications. Put a bit more effort into your post. The more work you put into something, the better the outcome will turn out to be.

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