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Level 25 Expert Pixel Painter

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    Epic Panda Skins
    05/01/2014 8:25 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Epic Panda Skins
    05/01/2014 8:23 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Epic Panda Skins
    05/01/2014 10:03 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Epic Panda Skins
    05/01/2014 10:00 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Epic Panda Skins
    04/30/2014 12:13 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Hey I really wanna become a Gym Leader or Admin so if you could add me on skype tyler.i.ray

    Epic Panda Skins
    04/28/2014 11:12 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Age: 15
    Skype: tyler.i.ray
    How do you rollback a griefed house with CoreProtect: /co rollback t:(time amount since griefing occured and if unknown than to the time the person last was on) r:(how ever big the house is)
    How do you protect someones house with Worldguard: Select 2 area points. do //expand vert or just select the house and nothing under neath whichever you prefer. Then do /region claim (Region name: Username of player) (Owner of region and specified players to allow ownership of region)
    Favorite thing to do in Minecraft: Create statues of player's and build things to grow the server's spawn or just make cool things to see
    Give three examples where it is okay to ban someone: Spamming, Cussing continually after 3 kicks, and Fly hacking/X-raying.
    How many hours of the day can you play: 4-6 hours per day
    Is it okay to ban a staff member: Depends on the situation:
    1) Just because you don't like them: No
    2) They are breaking many rules or Oping random people: Yes
    Why should you be Admin: Well there is no just one reason. I enjoy helping people and being a person that people like talking to. I try to make everyone's experience the best instead of just being strict. I will enforce rules but not be a hard like... "YOU HAVE 3 DIAMONDS ARE YOU Xraying??" but say a guy has 19 diamonds and he joined 5 minutes ago then I'd say "Hey where did you get those?" and go from there. I enjoy being part of a server also and if you think I deserve moderator then so be it but I think I deserve a chance as Admin.
    Is it okay to mute a staff member: If they are spamming or cussing over and over: Yes.
    What do you do if a hacker comes on the server and you can't ban him, your the only Admin on the server and I am not on Skype: In this situation I'd have nothing else to do but /jail the hacker. Since in jail you cannot build they cannot use any hacks to get out so therefor I will keep him there until someone who can access the command prompt connects or joins Skype.
    What plugins do you have experience with: Essentials, Pex, Groupmanager, CreativeGates, Factions, HolographicDisplays, iDisguise, Worldedit, WorldGuard, DakadoHealth, Choptree 2, AutoBroadcaster, AutoRank, Pets, OpenInv, iConomy, MultiVerse, PlotMe, Tim the Enchanter, mcMMO, Citizens, iAuction, and Lottery.

    ~ Sincerely,
    Tyer Ray
    Epic Panda Skins
    04/27/2014 7:38 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Application format:
    IGN: YummyMuffinzz
    Age: 15
    List skillset: Managing Plugins, Checking up on players, Making a fun environment, and Obeying the rules at all costs
    Position that you are applying for: Whatever I deserve
    Experience in said area: I have owned a few servers now I just go around Helping other servers get high in ranks
    Hours you can provide per day: 2-5 Hours Per day
    Skype: tyler.i.ray
    Reason for choosing Galaxy Craft as your desired server: I was scrolling through the forums and the name just popped out.
    Epic Panda Skins
    04/27/2014 7:30 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    IGN: YummyMuffinzz
    Skype: tyler.i.ray
    (Real)Name: Tyler Ray
    Experience: 1-10: 10. I have ran a few servers but they have been stopped due to funds and I just go around helping other servers because I love seeing a server grow and grow. I have had much experience with plugins and I am still learning plugins but there is always room for improvement.
    Plugins you have developed(Dev): N/A (Manager)
    Plugins you know how to manage: Give me a plugin and I'll learn it. I know how to manage a strong list of plugins though:
    -Hunger Games
    -Creative Gates
    -Tim the Enchanter
    Why we should pick you: Although I am most likely not the top pick I'll explain to you what other's don't have. I know your looking for someone to just manage and setup your plugins right? Wrong. You are looking for someone to not only help your server run smoothly but also to setup those plugins. Now you may be saying to yourself "Why would I want that I only need a manager nothing more". Well let me just say although you don't know me and I don't know you. You will always want someone to interact with players to keep them coming on. You want someone who will create a great experience for all those who join. You don't want them actually... You need them. Although you may not pick me just keep in mind to give everyone a great time and make the most out of the server that you can.

    Epic Panda Skins
    04/21/2014 10:44 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    1. Minecraft IGN: YummyMuffinzz
    2. Age: 15
    3. Position: Graphic Designer
    4. Played Since: August 3rd 2011
    5. Play any modpacks?: FTB, Technic, and Voltz
    6. Average daily on time: 1-4 hours
    7. Previous experiences on other servers(If no skip to 10): I have currently been school abroad in spain and have not played since I left and I recently got back, 2 days ago, and I am no longer ranked on any servers besides one that I am Regular on.
    8. If so, names of these servers: NetherCraft
    9. What happened to these servers?: Currently up
    10. Are you currently staff of any other servers? (If no skip to 13): No
    11. If so, names of these servers: N/A
    12. Why are you applying for another server?: N/A
    13. Building skill (1-20): 17
    14. Plugin Knowledge (1-20): 20
    15. Coding Knowledge (1-20): 20
    16. Basic Command Knowledge (1-20): 20
    17. Fluent Languages: Not fluent but partly learned Spanish
    18. Why are you applying?: I need a past time and I enjoy creating art
    19. What do you hope to accomplish for the server?: Create an epic logo, Make a video for the server, and edit clips for any youtubers on the server
    20. What can you bring that others can't?: I can bring Charisma and Integrity that others can't. I am very Dedicated to finishing what I start.
    21. Anything else you may want to add?: At my current highschool every one of my friends comes to me for images edited, created, or format changed.
    22. Skype: tyler.i.ray

    ~ Thank you for this opportunity to apply and I hope you consider me for this position
    Epic Panda Skins
    04/21/2014 1:05 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Accepted Skype?
    Epic Panda Skins
    04/21/2014 12:45 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Epic Panda Skins
    04/21/2014 12:44 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
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    Epic Panda Skins
    04/20/2014 10:10 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    IGN: YummyMuffinzz
    Age: 15
    Gender: Female
    Why you should help?: I enjoy helping and I am pretty good at building
    Anything else?: I just got back from London so its been 2 months since my last minecraft session
    Epic Panda Skins
    12/18/2012 6:18 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Skype: tyler.i.ray
    Age: 14
    IGN: BigJellyRoll115 (Not mine its my lil bros but mine isnt premium so yeah but if the server alows non premium its Diode_
    Epic Panda Skins
    12/18/2012 12:36 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Name: Tyler
    Age: 14
    Do you have Skype (Yes or No): Yes
    Recording software: Camtasia Studio 8/Camer Studio Mod 1.4.5
    Comp ver. and GB: 64 bit, 581GB... 18GB used... Total right now 563GB

    Art designer:
    Name: Tyler
    Age: 14
    Do you have Skype (Yes or No): Yes
    Designing program: Photoshop CS6 Extended
    Skills: Skyrim looking text, 3D text, and Cartoons
    Epic Panda Skins
    12/18/2012 12:29 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Age: 16
    IGN: BigJellyRoll115 (Younge bothers not mine. Mines not full account but mine is Diode_)
    Name: Tyler Ray
    Youtube Experince: Intermediat
    Can you Record: Yes
    Are you good with art: Yes
    Epic Panda Skins
    12/18/2012 12:26 am
    Level 25 : Expert Pixel Painter
    Epic Panda Skins's Avatar
    Filmer or Graphic designer
    IGN: BigJellyRoll115 (<----- Brothers mine isnt a full account)
    Skype: tyler.i.ray
    How old are you?: 14
    where do u live (US UK Ect.) not state or anything: U.S.A
    what do you plan on doing in the a future: Travel the world to come back home and be a photographer

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