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Master Technomancer

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    08/02/2013 5:48 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    looks good value for money, don't forget a fan
    07/23/2013 7:20 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    Thank you
    07/23/2013 7:13 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    If I was banned wouldn't is say I was when I log in rather than log me into the main page?
    07/23/2013 7:12 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    its a falling sand entity textured as wood which has the custom id of a chest with items in so when the entity becomes a block it is a chest rather than the "wood" which you saw falling. its a simple filter that has been around for a long time and what he has done here is your basic beginners mcedit.
    07/23/2013 7:10 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    Vanilla means that Minecraft in use isn't using any mods,plug-ins or anything that modify the game. MC-Edit filters DO NOT modify anything within the game files it doesn't change any of the physics or the game its self I don't know where you got this false information from but it is a load of bs.
    07/08/2013 8:01 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    even if you did find 3 coders who are willing to work for you for free(which is highly unlikely) you can't just make a video game like cod in a week with a team of 3 (who would all have to work in the same programming language), it would take you ... at least 2 years+ even if you were all working together 2 or more hours a day. Also by the way you were asking for "texture makers" I assume you saying the game is 2d rather than 3d otherwise you would need graphic designers and modelers, also you don't use software to make games, not proper ones anyway but in your case game maker studio 1.1 would be perfect as you can make animated characters who hold guns and fire bullets at enemy's who can die and you can easily make your own maps while your at it you can start to learn code your self and realize how complicated it really is to "just make a game".
    07/04/2013 2:25 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    I joined in alpha 1.2 (just after minecarts) and I remember when beds were added, before then you would have to afk in a cave for night to pass.
    07/02/2013 7:11 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar

    Sethbling did it 5 months before you and it is half the size.
    also Etho did it a couple of days before him.
    06/20/2013 2:18 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    No carpet is awesome for hidden things like chests, holes and redstone elevators

    rocky1921And another thing is the new texture pack system they are putting into the game. They are no longer called texture packs.... I don't know how this is going to work seeing how all these texture pack creators are going to have to recreate what they have done... That's all I see it as is trouble...

    from my knowledge they are renaming it but it is practically the same but you can add custom sounds and code
    06/20/2013 2:11 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    That sounds extremely overpriced, I have a i5-3570k (3.4gz),8gb ram and gtx 660 which is only marginally worse than that one and mine cost £1.1k (price included gaming mouse, keyboard speakers and 23.6' screen) and I could have got 16gb ram for 1.2 and overclocked it to 3.6gz for like £40 more,I also get 120 fps on minecraft any higher doesn't matter as the human eye cant see more than 70fps.
    06/06/2013 3:58 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    IGN: Look left
    Age: 15
    How Good Are You At Redstone: 2 redstone maps with a average of 10k views on each
    Can You Show Me Some Creations You Have Come Up With:
    http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... ---12w37a/
    http://www.planetminecraft.com/project/ ... --tranzit/
    Mature Level:69/100
    TimeZone: GMT+1
    What Do You Think You Would Call The Team/Group: Redstoning Around
    Why You Think You Should Be Chosen: because I just like doing redstone but am always having to make maps to put it in which takes most of my time. and I have a lot of free time coming up this summer with 10 weeks off :\
    05/27/2013 6:54 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar

    just download the server file double click the .jar, download any plugins and drop them in the plugin's folder and its ready to go.
    05/27/2013 6:32 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    you could just play your own server with all your favorite plugins on and you could still play it offline if you join "localhost" or ""
    05/19/2013 8:31 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    No john hurt is the forgotten 9th doctor who made everyone forget him that means all the regenerations shifting forward by 1
    so... matt smith is the 12th doctor.

    Forgotten 9th Doctor? Never heard that before. :S
    I only started watching near the end of Ecclestone's role as Doctor (not sure which number he is), so I may have missed something here...

    John Hurt was the Ninth doctor but he broke the promise (killed people etc) so Eccleston, Tennant and Smith don't count him as a doctor so Smith is in fact the 12th doctor but River died to give him her remaining regenerations (7 or 8 more?) so the show will go on!

    ps: they didn't actually make any episodes with john hurt its just what they are saying now so that they will do flash backs etc.
    05/11/2013 4:34 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    I think they mean C#
    05/11/2013 4:34 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    I take it from your post that you aren't use to diving into the details. How about comparing a Hash/Dictionary example. How do you import files. Namespaces. How do images get referenced in the code. Makefiles(yuck). header files and source files. Your post stinks of ignorance or worse... management.

    We haven't even gotten into pointers, references, and memory leaks in C++.

    Java, for all its suckyness, is very clean.

    Yes, Java was modeled after C++ to ease the learning curve for C++ devs back in the day, but they are nowhere near as interchangeable or compatible as you suggest.

    You forget that minecraft is not a high end super graphics game and reading and writing files isn't as crucial as it is in games such as skyrim. further there are java games out there with much bigger files and graphics which minecraft is nowhere near yet and they don't have any problems with game lag.
    05/11/2013 3:27 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    I take it from your post you are not an experienced programmer; the problem is that except the huge amount of time it would take, what you say wouldn't necessarily be true it wouldn't run "5000x faster" in fact it depends on what it is you are doing for example single player would be faster if it were "single player" however since 1.4.4 single player is in fact based on a multiplayer structure (Lan worlds etc.).
    So multiplayer (or actually "playing" the game). first off the differences between java and C++ (not worth using c) C++ is designed for "systems and applications programming" this in comparison to java which is designed for "network computing" so in fact java should theoretically work better in game play, however it is mainly based on the programmer and how well they can program not just what the code is capable of, Jeb the lead developer of minecraft currently has 12 years coding experience and hasn't coded C++ for around 6 years so it would take him around 2-4 years to get as good as he is at java at the moment. So what advantages of C++ are there? well it would be maybe 2x faster loading (which is currently around 2-3 second loading time) in the interfaces it would run smoother than java, for instance in the title screen I pick up around 36 fps and in settings and other menu's 125, you might not know but the average human eye cannot notice a difference past 30-35 fps so increasing it would be pointless.
    "better qaulity plugins and more regular updates. " the quality of plugins would be the same as it would be limited to the limit of imagination, and the updates would decrease as developers would have to learn a new code or new developers employed (a lot of hassle).Here is some sample code from a wiki that do the exact same thing:

    class Foo {
    int x;
    Foo(): x(0) {}
    int bar(int i) { // Member function bar()
    return 3*i + x;


    class Foo {
    public int x;
    public Foo() {
    public int bar(int i) {
    return 3*i + x;

    as you can see they both contain 8 lines, C++ however contains 23 letters/symbols and java 21, this might not seem like a lot but writing 230,000 over 210,000 would take quite a bit longer to make and C++ would take longer to code and therefore less updates.

    Thank you for taking your time to read this loooong post and I hope it will change your mind on changing to C++
    03/13/2013 1:01 pm
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar
    Time travel is possible we do it every day, so to speak, by the time you have finished reading this comment you will have traveled 10 seconds into the future if you were speaking from the past you 10 seconds ago.
    02/14/2013 11:33 am
    Level 48 : Master Technomancer
    EnchantedDiamond's Avatar

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