davidlao's Avatar
time to be useful
Level 25
Expert uwu

Wall Posts

  • davidlao's Avatar
    September 18, 2022, 2:04 pm to Public
    Hello there!
    I'd like to announce that the in-development datapack, which if you're on my profile, can see on the right; is pretty much paused again.

    But that's not all.
    I'm focusing on another type of content (see my YouTube, i just updated all social links) which is basically animation instead of programming.

    And I haven't finished yet: next March I'm finally graduating from school and going to start another four years of study :D
    Though that study is *coding*, that does not mean I'll be able to be here, since its a whole different coding language environment.

    Having that said, you won't probably hear much more about me (at least on PlanetMinecraft) from now on, since I recently started school and have changed my aim to an easier, less time-taking one.

    If you see this: at the time of typing I'm focusing on my YouTube & Twitter and still have no ideas for Twitch (and probably never will). My Discord tag should work as of now and my GitHub hasn't changed in ages.

  • davidlao's Avatar
    August 30, 2022, 6:40 am to Public
    Accidentally didnt finish the last post:
    Having this said, I can finally properly continue the datapack.
  • davidlao's Avatar
    August 30, 2022, 6:39 am to Public
    Hello there! I got news for ya.
    Quick resume: UUID (tested on 1.19) and UUIDLeast + UUIDMost (1.14)

    I have finally found a way to link users to certain tools, meaning it can potentially make an anti-stealing system. How would this be applied on the current datapack may you ask?

    Linking fans!
    To avoid mismatching, the fan and controller have an identifier as TAGS.
    Here's how the internals would communicate:

    "Hey fan, do we have the same UUID" (controller)
    "Let me check" (all fans nearby)
    "Yes, we do! Let me do my job." (the matched fan)

    Essentially, linking is really good when it comes to moving ONLY selected things.

    But okay, you may ask, "why not use any other tag apart from UUID right since the beginning?". Well, as far as I know, the only way to differ furniture is the UUID tag.

    And then, this pops on your mind: "wouldnt then all interactable furniture OF THE SAME TYPE that you craft; trigger all at once?".

    You're correct, they would all trigger at once!
    All your fans, for example, would spin together.
    There's currently no workaround that I know of for that :(

    Anyways, having this said,
  • davidlao's Avatar
    August 12, 2022, 10:39 am to Public
    My gosh its been so long. A whole year without datapacks :(

    Many things have happened in the meantime but I'm still willing to finish that one datapack.
    I'm also thinking on ways to update older datapacks - be it improvements or additions.

    I'll be back with new updates ASAP
  • davidlao's Avatar
    March 1, 2022, 2:16 pm to Public
    Heeeeeello! I am once again back and apologize from that long 7 month development hiatus.

    Remember the furniture datapack I was making? I'm continuing it!
    Do not worry if you don't remember the datapack though :D

    The datapack currently has:
    - Tables of each (1.14 for compatibility) wood type!
    - Two TVs (one big and one small) and a square-sized old-school monitor
    - CEILING FANS: Yes, you heard correctly. (metal and 1.14 wood types)
    - A mobile phone (possibly to get furniture in creative mode) (opens chat menu)

    There are things i cannot fix (i suppose) though, like the furniture's rotation (dont think i can fix that)

    My ideas (what I'm gonna do) are:
    - Finish making wood-based ceiling fans
    - Add small and medium decoration trees
    - Work on the mobile phone menu (also craftable in survival but... why?)
    - Maybe add some furniture sounds?

    And that would be it for revision 1! I'd then release and make another datapack, then update this, then repeat (possibly).

    I'm also trying to keep the datapack's both resource and data folders as low in disk usage as possible, but don't worry, its just a few unoptimized stuff, not like I can lower Minecraft's quality any more-

    See you in the next announcement!
  • davidlao's Avatar
    January 19, 2022, 1:35 pm to Public
    Happy late 2022, just removed my github's davidlao27/PMCTDH repo, meaning you may no longer be able to see some old images I posted here.

    I'm rethinking about coming back to making datapacks, but for now I'm more of a web developer.

    Also, when I come back, I may be making a "datapack updater" to keep my datapacks up to date for you automatically.
    Thinking about it though, since Windows is a little serious about programs that just fetch a website and do visual actions in your computer (notifications), Windows thinks it's a virus
    Might just turn it into a console-like updater on startup so Windows has no issues :P

    It would essentially check all your worlds on your saves folder and, if the datapacks folder in it has a noupd file or some updater file, it won't update/download the datapack/s on that world. About telling the updater which datapacks to download, it'll probably be another program with checkboxes asking which datapacks you want to update when you first get the updater and anytime you launch it.

    Anyways, I'm going to go back to web developing for now :P
  • davidlao's Avatar
    August 23, 2021, 11:32 am to Public
    Well, I didn't expect to be back in here but... hello!
    I am back, with a brand new, way better laptop.

    Going to continue working on the datapack, and possibly others.
    Ah, last week... how I miss those days.
  • davidlao's Avatar
    August 11, 2021, 2:24 pm to Public
    To add up to the post below, it all began when I bought it, but I thought it was just a stupid error. AAAAAA-
  • davidlao's Avatar
    August 11, 2021, 2:23 pm to Public
    For those who have been wondering, I've been out for a while, so that's why it seems like I'm taking longer to finish the Furniture Datapack.

    I've stopped developing it when I was making the fans. Why? Well, sad news:
    -My laptop's GPU is probably not wanting to live after 2 years, ON ANY OS.
    For instance, Windows 10 gives bluescreens, Ubuntu freezes EVERYTHING permanently until restarted and messes up the drive making it read-only if you stay for too long (wow), and Windows 11 freezes but it's SOOO BORING since it doesn't let me use stuff due to graphics issues, such as Blender (not opening, GL missing), Blockbench (same as Blender), Discord (laggier than normal), ROBLOX (left) (long LONG lags), Minecraft (same as Blender on Windows, and freezes on Ubuntu for QUITE A W H I L E)

    So yeah, in resume, if it uses OpenGL, it's unusable. If it uses DirectX, it MAY work, but it's not assured.

    I might get a new PC, not a laptop, a desktop computer (finally), circa Friday :DDDD

    So if I get the PC, I'm coming back, if not, forced goodbye.
  • davidlao's Avatar
    July 16, 2021, 1:29 pm to Public
    Alright, I'm gonna begin the complex stuff. Next announcement is probably going to be the release.

    Polishing it a lot aswell :)
  • davidlao's Avatar
    July 13, 2021, 4:33 pm to Public
    Well, time to sleep now. I've done quite a lot of work.
    Talking visually, I've only done two things, a second monitor and a phone.
    I think both look cool, but that's up to you. :3

    The most work I did today was fixing the new monitor's screen image aspect ratio AND MOSTLY, making the phone... well, work.

    Eeeeeverything has a craft and is either placeable or usable. Monitors/TVs aren't usable though, just the phone for now. Tables are for decoration.

    I promise the next thing is going to be way more exciting, or at least in my opinion.
    If I manage to make it, I'm just gonna say that you will be able to configure its speed. :D

    Good night. And for those who have a different timezone, good morning or afternoon.

    Everything! As of now... >:)
  • davidlao's Avatar
    July 13, 2021, 6:39 am to Public
    I was bored, so I made a TV (and a monitor that is not in the image).
    I will make more monitors, because one isn't enough. About TVs, might make just another one.

    Of course, the next logical step is to make complex stuff. And that's what I'm going to do. I promise it won't be as bad as, lets say, this datapack I made a while ago, but it'll be something that will probably be a big upgrade from my recent datapack

    Anyways, here's the TV I was talking about. The monitors will all be shown next to each other on another image. And of course, the complex stuff. I think that will finish the datapack.

    Of course, even though it will look cool, expect limitations since this is all being made with only a datapack and a resource pack, in Vanilla, which limits me to do some specific stuff (although it makes some other stuff easier)

    Anyways, going to get back to work. If you're seeing this, have a great day :3

    Televisions and monitors. :3
  • davidlao's Avatar
    July 12, 2021, 1:42 pm to Public
    I've been doing a little background work, and well... Part one of the datapack is finished :)
    They work, they align, they're craftable and placeable. Did not have too much issues.
    I wonder what's next...
    Tables :3
  • davidlao's Avatar
    July 12, 2021, 4:04 am to Public
    Time to make a full datapack. Learning more execute first. :)
    Stay tuned...
  • davidlao's Avatar
    July 7, 2021, 8:58 am to Public
    I'm once again back, I guess I'll be experimenting ;)

    NOTE: This isn't a mod at all, this is just Vanilla Minecraft + Datapack + Resource Pack:
    Tables with a datapack in Vanilla Minecraft :3
  • davidlao's Avatar
    May 1, 2021, 2:03 pm to Public
    Hello everyone! Nobody responded to my last post's question so... I finished adding ammo to my gun datapack! It has a pretty cheap recipe, so you can get LOTS for almost nothing.

    The recipe for ammo (which is universal right now and I don't plan on changing that) is one iron nugget. Pretty cheap, right?

    So, before I continue working... the ammo looks like this:

    Ammo in hand

    Here are some other pictures of the ammo in my hand:
    Ammo in right hand, 3rd person


    And finally, me demonstrating how they run out by shooting:
    Look at the toolbar of the previous pictures, then this one.

    When your ammo runs out, it'll work like a dispenser, just making a click sound, except its an actual gun sound.

    Have a great day! ;)
    davidlao said 2021-05-01 14:23:26
    davidlao's Avatar
    Actually, after the ammo runs out, it will just do nothing. I tried lots of stuff and nothing worked. Sorry!
  • davidlao's Avatar
    May 1, 2021, 11:35 am to Public
    Hello! I'm back! I've been making a gun datapack, and am still on it! I'm pretty happy to see how my latest datapack has grown MASSIVELY on downloads compared to my old ones.

    Guess ill begin using custom model data now!
    I finished only the gun right now and made stuff such as if bullet hits tnt, explode, if hits cobweb, destroy, if hits grass, turn to dirt, if dirt, destroy... You all get the idea.

    I'm trying my best to finish it ASAP, it's VERY fun to fight with them either alone or with people! You could literally make a server with it and have some fun!

    Here are some pics of the gun datapack. The gun is enchanted due to the Sharpness enchantment, but I'm only doing that on close-range guns to melee people. Yes, there will also be knifes before you ask:

    [The scoreboard at the right is for debugging and won't be present in its release]
    [Also, yes, guns have crafts before you ask. Not cheap at all...]

    Holding the first gun I'm making:
    Holding the (first) gun

    Shooting TNT:
    Shooting TNT...

    Shooting cobweb:

    Shooting cobweb

    I could show more, but that'll be for other sneak-peeks.
    Goodbye, and have a great day!

    By the way, please comment if you'd like the guns to have bullets (that of course are craftable) or no bullets at all. I'd appreciate it!
  • davidlao's Avatar
    April 30, 2021, 9:44 am to Public
    Quick post, just wanted to say that i left PMC last year, left minecraft, then actually bought minecraft and then like yesterday or so I saw PMC and said... wait... didn't I do stuff here?

    Aaand here i am again. but forever this time. i'm not inactive, just making or testing datapacks :D

    As you can see in my last upload (right now) Storm Hammer, I've improved a little, and I am still researching to make COOLER stuff! Stay tuned for more datapacks and wall posts! I might post datapack stuff once in a short while here by the way.

    Thanks for tuning in! ;)
  • davidlao's Avatar
    April 30, 2021, 9:24 am to Public
    Hello, random people that are seeing this! :D
    Ender The Oneiros said 2021-04-30 09:37:31
    Ender The Oneiros's Avatar
    Hello, random person that posted this! :D
    _Astrolol_ said 2021-04-30 09:34:52
    _Astrolol_'s Avatar
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