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Level 25 Expert Architect

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    02/14/2016 8:24 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    IGN: coolcolin35
    02/09/2016 6:08 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    tried to join and it was whitelisted
    02/08/2016 10:34 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    My skype is - coolcolin351
    I can be a builder if you look at my projects im good with modern builds and things such as side walks light posts roads cars etc
    I can also be a student and I have a youtube channel of my own
    07/04/2014 6:06 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    i can
    07/02/2014 10:40 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    i can make u some channel art...
    07/02/2014 10:19 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    IGN: coolcolin35
    Age: 13
    Skill Level (1-10): 9-10
    Snapshots (Fill In As Many Categories As You Can. Links To Other Projects Are Valid As Well)


    Mining Community/Underground:
    Ice (similar to the Disney movie Frozen):
    Desert Kingdom:

    (Also if u need a server i can set up one for u so all the builders can be building at the same time with plugins and a console that u can use)
    03/20/2013 11:51 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    what about me ? did you read my app?
    03/18/2013 12:27 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    Name: Call me colin
    Experience:i have lot of experience on being a staff member i am very good at being a staff member and very good at plugins
    Skype( optionsl but recromended): i might tell you it if i get accepted
    Make up 2 situations and tell me how you would handle them: if someone is spamming/bad launguage i will mute them for spamming and if they keep doing it then i will jail them and mute them and if they keep doing it i will ban them for 5 hours and keep doing ill ban for for ever
    What Plugins are you familiar/ good with:essentails towny fractions groupmanager hunger games Lots lots more!
    Do you know how to do perms:yes i am very good with permissions
    Building level:9/10
    03/05/2013 11:53 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    Experience:i have alot of experience doing plugins but not making them i am 9/10 at plugins and 4/10 at making them i am good at making website also
    Skype:Sorry brocken
    Why should i choose you.You should choose me because i would love to help out i will make a good website and help out alot im sorry i dont have skype we can use enjin to chat i would make a website and i will help you with poplaur plugins to make your server not fail
    03/05/2013 11:37 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    Ill help with the prison server i am really good
    Skype:it is brocken saidly
    How Experience are you?:i am very experience 9/10
    Which Style are you gonna do(Prison or Medieval):Prison i will do better with prison
    Show me your work/proof:
    heres a spawn i made :
    Heres a little house i made :
    How would you like to be rewarded:I do this for free but if you can can you help out my freind his server got shutdown because of funds ask me about him if you want to see if you can help
    What is your Time zone:i am east united states and i play 1-5 hours
    03/05/2013 9:37 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    TIME ZONE-i play about 1-7 hours and on on united states east
    HOURS PLAYED A DAY- 1-7 or less
    SKYPE- my skype brock we can still chat on minecraft or enjin ask me what enjin is if you don't know what it is
    POSITION- mod or jr.admin or admin
    WHY? (the more you write the better)- the reason i want to join your server staff is because i love helping people and servers become success i will help everyone i can and be mature and not troll any of the new people on your server i will also respect the owner co-owner and head-admin i can help build i am a very good builder and play on the server allot of i get choosen i have experience on being a staff member and i will make people feel welcomed and never ever grief/troll
    ANY EXTRA INFORMATION- i am mature i will always listen to you i might give you some good plugins if you want use/see them if you want any and i will be very nice to people and make them feel welcomed and not Gregg or never troll
    02/18/2013 1:10 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    when will you be online
    02/18/2013 1:02 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    02/18/2013 12:58 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    can we have 2 dev's ?
    02/18/2013 12:56 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    o derp you where talking to him
    02/18/2013 12:55 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    Sure i would love to
    02/18/2013 12:53 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    How Long You Been Coding:i have not been making my own plugins but i been really good at doing plugins like group manager essentials towny and allot more
    Can you Do Group Manager: Yes i am very good at group manager
    Can You Do Permissons: Yes
    Can You Do Plugins: Yes i can try to make the servers own plugins but i don't really think its possible for me to do but i have allot of good plugins that popular server have
    and i know how to use most of them !
    How good on a Scale 1_10 How Good can You Code?: coding a plugin 6-10 coding a plugin i dident make 8-10
    02/18/2013 12:44 am
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    Skype Or Email:Ill tell you my email if i get accepted
    Country:United States
    Timezone:i play about 1-5 hours a day
    How Much Experience Do you have With being a Staff Memeber?(Be Detailed):I have been staff member on many servers that have been shutdown the server that's still alive is cape craft allot of people give me good feed back on being a staff member
    Plugin Exp: I have lots of Experience of plugins like essentials towny world edit world guard core protection LWC and lots lots more
    How Mature Are you?: i am 8-10 mature
    Building Skill: i am 9-10 building skills
    A New player is Cursing Every One Out and Spamming What do you do?: if someone will be cursing and spamming i would jail and mute them if they keep doing it i will temp ban them for 4 hours if they still start spamming i will ban them
    Oh No, Some One as been Greifed And is very Upset How do you deal with it?:well if someone greifed i would use a anti-grief plugin if you guys have one if you diden't have one i would try to make the guy feel better and get him to think of something different
    Why Should we Pick you?: you should pick me because i am mature i have Experience on being a staff member i will be online for 1-5 hours a day if someones need help i will always help them i will help with all building that's needed and i will always listen to the owner and head-admin
    01/22/2013 6:40 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    Admin App

    Skype:Sorry Broken But we can still chat on minecraft

    Minecraft Name:coolcolin35

    What would you do to help the server? - i will help your server by always listening to the owners and head_Admin i will never ever abuse my powers or i will not Troll / grief / steal and i will make people fell welcomed to the server and i will always be mature and nice to staff and players i can also make you guys a website but i can't pay for it i can only get the free version

    How can you help the server? - i will help the server by watching griefers steal and make people fell welcome so they will like the server i can also make a server spawn because i am really good builder

    What commands do you know that can help out the server? - I know how to use worldedit essentails worldguard lwc towny almost all the popular minecraft plugins
    and if there one i don't know how to use i can found out how to use in it about 2 or 1 hour


    Have any other experiences? - yes i have lots of experiences of being a admin mod and even co-owner i get good feedback from people i helped

    Maturity 8-10:

    Building 9-10:
    How much time can you devote for the server a day? - about 1 or 2 hours it matters how much people are on

    Why should we trust you? - you should trust me because i am a mature trustworthy person who help lots of people out get good feedback and always listens

    Do you have a good personality? - yes i have lots of friends

    Why do you want to be Admin? - i want to be a admin because i love helping out new server and helping out people i also like to help build stuff for server lots of server i help are popular and lots of people play on the servers i am staff in

    Hope you like my app
    01/21/2013 5:29 pm
    Level 25 : Expert Architect
    coolcolin35's Avatar
    How old are you? - 13
    Can you donate?(not required but will help your chances) - sorry no im low on money
    What is your in-game name? - coolcolin35
    What is your Skype name? - broken because of updates
    What experience do you have being staff? - I been in staff on server but saidly most of them are down i have about 8-10 experience
    Why should I pick you? - Admin or mod
    What do you have to bring to the server? - i and a very helpful and mature person to new people i do not grief troll or steal i will not abuse my powers and always listen to the owner i will help everyone i can help and i will make people fell welcome
    How well do you work with others? - i world with others well lots of people on server i was staff on love how i help and make people fell welcomed
    How many servers have you been banned from? What for?(Be Honest) - about 1 but we where testing out a plugins so 0 times
    Are you good builder? - yes i am 9-10 building experience
    Anything else you want share? - yes if you need any help with building,plugins or anything eles i would be happy to help you

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