Cold_Blood5's Avatar
Level 6
Apprentice Miner

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    03/15/2015 5:35 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Will there be a demo/chance to beta test for free?
    03/12/2015 5:37 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    I'd have a look into the law where you are see if there is some law about it
    03/12/2015 5:36 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    You left it in the hands of a teacher who AGREED to look after it, yes your phone is your responsibility However the teacher agreed to look after it so that responsibility was theres, i suggest you take further action toward getting the phone found and or getting another one also what was it. also have you told your parents they need to know because if they know they can try and retrieve the phone
    also what phone was it?
    03/12/2015 5:24 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    I just made a very long application and it didn't post because of DDos protection anyway i will sum it up
    IGN: ColdBlood5
    Maturity: 8.5 as i like to have a joke
    Experience: I'm an experienced co owner admin etc
    Plugin: I know lots of plugins like PEX,Worldedit etc
    Skype: I have Skype but i have no mic or camera
    I won't abuse my power and i will make sure other staff won't either
    I will had spreading the word and recruiting staff but i can not help with the costs
    I have Exams coming up but i will spend as much time as possible helping you run the server
    Thanks for taking your time to read my application and I hope you hub server does well and even if I don't get picked i will still be playing on it
    03/09/2015 5:17 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    I'll help you in the long term after the server is setup if you want ill throw together an application if you want one
    but i can help i used to co-own a server for a long time
    i can use PEX and i can learn group manager (quickly.)
    09/02/2014 3:37 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    id play but me got no mic :sad face:
    08/18/2014 6:28 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Nova skin when I first started making skins I looked for editors partner with pmc
    nova skin worked best for me
    08/16/2014 12:47 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    cyber ill do you a favour BUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUMP
    08/16/2014 12:36 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    08/16/2014 8:43 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Hey good point I wouldn't mined my xbox in the uk
    I also am on holiday in france
    08/15/2014 3:23 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Hard to choose
    if I could choose 8 however
    Chill blast PC Best Way you can customize it
    A Really good Set of Headphones with a really good mic
    Plants vs Zombies GW
    Xbox live Membership
    a capture card for the 3Ds
    Omega Ruby(not long to go)
    a Screen recorder
    an new av cable for my ps3
    all of this is for my YouTube channel with 2 subs
    tho I try weally weally hard
    I know its asking for a lot but maybe I could be a good youtuber
    08/15/2014 2:43 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    (Honeydew voice Activated) Congratulations!
    kind late but oh well
    08/15/2014 12:25 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    I had no knowledge of code and I looked up on utube how to make a plugin and with in 20 mins I had myself a working hub teleporter
    07/13/2014 4:32 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Ill select 3
    rainbow factory(doesnt sound scary but some wierd shizz goes down in there)
    and my first pikachu(maybe not there are better ones that deserve that place but it was the first one that came to my head)
    06/07/2014 12:49 pm
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    nice man like your vids
    06/07/2014 11:39 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Name: ill pm you if im accepted

    Minecraft Name:ColdBlood5


    Email (REQUIRED): again ill pm u if im accepted

    Previous Experience: mod admin co owner helper head super admin head admin employer( employs staff) admin employer super admin and more!

    What makes you interested in this position (make this longer than 5 sentences):
    Becuase i like to help i help keep people coming on. i like to help make the best playing expreince to all. sorting out all the hackers the griefers. dealing with many diffrent issues. Help make this server the best server around. ill help answer question and some times even help the other staff and general just help everyone

    How can you help (make this longer than 5 sentences): i can keep all the hackers griefers spammers at bay. enforcing the rules. making sure no one abuses powers. answering question the player may have.making sure that no one is exploiting glitchs and other things.

    Experience in plugins: i have expreince in many plugins including WE WG essentials crackshot and many many more

    Any other info: thanks for reading
    06/07/2014 11:12 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    also this is kinda inconviente but im on holiday for like 3 weeks from the 31st of july ill have my laptop but i might not have time to come on(though i should)
    06/07/2014 11:09 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Minecraft Name:ColdBlood5
    Position Wanted:any
    Maturity Level: 7.5 it depends i like to joke but make sure that it dont be unmature about things
    Previous Experience: Co-Owners HeadAdmin admin HeadModerator Moderator helper super admin head super adim admin employer(you employ staff) head admin employer and more
    Scenario 1-If a Griefer destroyed a house, what would you do?: as u said in the main post, No Griefing apart from on Ancient World, and it MUST be a war-attack for it to be counted as "roleplay griefing" which still will be repaired afterwards if it is not this then Ban
    Scenario 2-Someone uses Xray, is caught, and then promises to turn it off. What would you do?: Hacking is not aloud Ban/tempBan
    Secret Word:Ocelots
    06/07/2014 10:49 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Skype: i have no mic but if u accept ill pm you my skype
    COUNTRY England
    04/13/2014 7:13 am
    Level 6 : Apprentice Miner
    Cold_Blood5's Avatar
    Server you would like the rank on:Factions please.

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