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    12/28/2014 9:48 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Sorry, I was on vacation. I will be more active now though! ^-^ thanks for all of you that are entering. It's never too late to enter, except after January 25th.

    VentrilicaHow DL we enter?

    12/25/2014 9:01 am
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Sorry, it's been hectic for me with family coming to visit and vacations and such, so I've been inactive. I will give you more information!

    Check the original post

    IAmLikeSoCalledTTCongrats on 3 years! And yay for blogging contests - I don't know if I will have time to enter though; very hectic holiday!

    I would happily judge if you want.

    Sure, that would be AWESOME. Thanks!

    ZatharelCould you give us a bit more info?
    Theme? Deadline? Word count? I'll enter either way for the sake of embarrassing everyone else <3


    JamesBondage77I'll be a judge

    I would prefer bloggers being judges... not saying you couldn't do it, just would prefer to have more experienced judges, like TT.

    And for all you entering, awesome! I didn't really expect to many to enter, skin contests are much more popular. Send a link of your story to this thread once it's done, though.
    11/28/2013 6:54 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    ign: charman305

    just a santa hat on my skin
    11/18/2013 4:51 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    IGN: charman305

    Make me one like yours please, I love it!
    11/03/2013 8:28 am
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    The server's looking great
    11/02/2013 6:02 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Are you sure? Because I didn't receive anything. Check that you added char_g3 and not some other name.
    11/02/2013 5:14 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Thank you!

    Is there an IP address?
    11/02/2013 4:25 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    IGN: charman305

    Skype Username: char_g3

    How old are you?: 13

    How many hours a week could you offer?: About 10-15.

    Do you have previous mod/admin experience? Please go into detail: I've been staff on many different servers, including one that I was on for 14 months straight as Mod first and then the most respected admin, until I retired.. I've also owned a server for 3 months, co-owned one for a while, and moderated many others as I said before. I'm very mature for my age and one the other servers I have been moderator on I've been well respected.

    Please explain how you could help the server: I can help the server in tons of different ways. I have lots of experience with commands, and I can teach new, non experienced moderators the ropes. I can also help with, obviously, keeping the server in line. I never do anything that would hurt the server, especially not letting anyone bypass the rules, even if they are my friend. Since I've also ran a server, I have a good sense on who's a good candidate for staff and who isn't. And last, but not least, I have a good sense, usually right when they join, who's going to be a griefer and who isn't, so I can try to watch them.

    Thank you for reading!

    10/24/2013 6:50 am
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Hi there!

    First off these are my 2 blogs you requested. This group has always wondered me and I'm excited to see if I make it or not!

    Favorite blog:
    (Took a lot of debating..)

    Pen and Ink App: ... plication/

    Hi, my name is charman305! I love to write. A lot. I've been writing for almost my whole life, and PMC is definitely a part of that! Since I was a little kid, even in kindergarten, I've written stories for me and my family to see and read. My dream job, out of everything, would to be a journalist. Not an author. I write a lot of Planet Minecraft, I try to write 3 times a week and sometimes more. I am a semi-popular blogger, (with 12 pop reels I think I can say that) but unlike some people, I don't write for popularity. I write because I love to write, and no other reason. Reading is awesome, too. I'm a big fan of the Hunger Games, and the book Moneyball. A lot of my writing ideas start from a book I've read and then I change the idea up (A lot) to fit my form. That's about it, thanks for reading!
    10/04/2013 3:04 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    I'm excited!
    10/04/2013 6:44 am
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Wait, can this be a third person story, or does it have to be from the first person view?
    10/03/2013 5:38 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Joining woo
    10/01/2013 8:20 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    When do you plan to start the story contest, just so I have an idea?
    10/01/2013 8:02 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Oh okay, I'll do the story one.
    10/01/2013 7:39 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Joining! When can we start? And what topic can I do?
    10/01/2013 6:21 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Thanks Rusty, and I will try to make them longer and with better form. (Heading and stuff) Sorry about that!
    10/01/2013 6:10 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    Experienced blogger:
    -Why do you wanna be in this club? I think it would be a very cool experience for me, a PMC blogger since 2011, to be a part of a blogging group. I would also love to contribute blogs and ideas to a group that I think looks awesome! I have 3 blogs on the pop reel and I've had 2 at one time. I'm a pretty good blogger I think.

    -Link to your best blog?
    That is my most popular blog. Also it is my first blog on the pop reel.

    09/29/2013 6:38 am
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    k, I'll pm you.
    09/28/2013 4:57 pm
    Level 43 : Master Ranger
    charman305's Avatar
    It's about MC mostly, but you can choose whatever topic you want So just PM me if you want to do it.

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